Hosu Incident (robbery) II

fI at the ledge of the rooftop while swinging my legs, my mask hiding my handsome face, I continued to wait until the Nomus arrive

"Dammit it's so hot in here" I felt sweat build up in the mask, wearing a coat in spring was almost like hell, but it was all in the name of protection

Looking down I felt a chill run down my spine, sitting 10 stories high made the people below look like ants, looking at the center square I saw a hero patrol. Squinting my eyes I saw a recognizable white armour speed by

"That's Iida..." I stood up and continued observing, unfortunately, I couldn't get much information other than him being there

"Are they coming here?" One of the sidekicks of the hero pointed towards the street I was above, and soon enough an entourage of sidekicks began sweeping down the street, completely forgetting I was standing on the rooftop I continued observing 

[You were spotted] I was snapped out of my stupor by Raphael as I looked at one of the sidekicks look at me

"Damnit" I stepped back as one of the heroes tried to get onto the rooftop, but before the hero could jump a loud boom sounded, I turned my head to the city center only to see a big black--- portal with a Nomus already on the scene flipping cars and hitting buildings

'Jackpot' I grinned before sinking into the subspace, quickly teleporting forward I found myself right above the battle. 2 Nomus were wreaking havoc on the place, one of them was black with half his face missing throwing cars around causing explosions.

The other Nomu was skin colored with a gas mask covering his face, but the most discerning feature was the large wings on his back as he flew around. Suddenly the flying Nomu turned around and emitted a low growl

[You were spotted]

'yeah no sh*t' I got into a stance as the Nomu dived picking up speed before flapping his wings and changing his trajectory to be in a direct collision course with me.

"Quite a speedy one ain't ya?" I chuckled and emitted [Beelzbub] covering myself in smoke, controlling it I created a wall in front of myself, the Nomu who was speeding towards me didn't change directions and hit the wall, but instead of dispersing the smoke he just disappeared

"That was easier than expected... Anyway, Raphael start analyzing!" I grinned before eyeing the other Nomu with greed.

my grin suddenly disappeared as I saw other heroes already on the scene, the Nomu was putting on a fight with the heroes while others tried to extinguish the fires brought by the thrown cars. Glancing around I saw Iida being ordered by Manual as he put out fires with water he created.

But Iida instead of doing what he was supposed to do suddenly ran into one of the alleys! what a shocker! I would've never expected that! anyway looking back to the fight I knew I couldn't steal the Nomu in front of the Heroes without being attacked myself so I tried my luck with other Nomus

I followed the sounds of chaos and screams and found myself close to a park, in front of a large mall stood a white Nomu with a hunched back. The Nomu had his mouth open as he released saliva everywhere 


It groaned and suddenly leaped into the mall breaking the windows as sounds of screams followed

"Tsk" I clicked my tongue as I leaped off the rooftop and entered my smoke directly teleporting to the ground, no hurt ankles. I stared into the entrance of the mall but the lights were cut off by the cables being ripped apart. With a sigh, I decided to enter, but I interrupted by someone

"Are you crazy? didn't you just see the monster enter the building?" A man grabbed me by the shoulder, he stared at my mask. I didn't reply for a few seconds, the tension in the air got stronger.

"I am entering" I shook off his hand with a surprising strength (For him) 

"Wait are you a hero? go right ahead!"


"I never thought about it, but malls need maps" I walked through the dark shopping mall in complete silence only interrupted by booming sounds only getting closer.

As I turned the corner I was assaulted by light, covering my eyes I felt the heat even through the thick coat covering, my only thought was


"PROMINENCE BURN!" a scream rang out as the whole mall was lit up

With fire covering the walls I could finally see clearly, looking forward Endeavor stood over the so-called Nomu, Surprisingly the Nomu was barely hurt as it kept struggling under the foot of Endevor. Its tongue was stretched and elongated, its ending covered by rubble.

"I've got one of those monsters under control! get the reinforcement to help capture the others" Endeavor's voice echoed through the quiet mall, his hand on his earpiece

"What do you mean spotted 4? I've dealt with the white one, the black one is still one center square, and the green one is in the shopping district right?.... what do you mean by a flying one? I would've spotted a fleshy bird!"

"Damn this guy is just letting everyone eavesdrop" I muttered under my breath 

"Who was that?" Endeavor quickly turned around spotting a dark figure lurking behind a pillar, without missing a beat Endeavor shot a fireball at it

"Ever heard of 'Holding back?'" I dodged to the side letting the fireball pass by me

"You don't hold back against villains!" Endveaor shot more fireballs at the talkative villain, but he was forced to stop as the Nomu began to struggle more and more

'I can't win face to face against the family neglecter' I tried a different approach and let the dark smoke cover the floor, masking it with the real smoke

controlling the dark smoke I made it slowly wrap around the Nomu as Endeavor kept his eyes on finding me instead of the Nomu

"YOINK" In one fell swoop I covered the entire Nomu and shoved it into the Subspace, much to the surprise of Endeavor

"Get back here villain!" His roars shouted behind me as I began sprinting away


In one of the alleys in Hosu city

"You! You were the one who hurt my brother!" Iida stared at the Hero Killer, his sword pointed at an injured hero about to finish him off

"Me? Tsk, why does my work have to get interrupted" Hero Killer kicked away the injured as he turned towards Iida, his gaze showed no interest in him

"You bastard I'll kill you for what you did!" Iida immediately rushed at Hero Killer with bloodshot eyes, but when he looked again Hero Killer was gone! suddenly a sharp pain hit him as he collapsed to the ground

"Kill me? you must be kidding" Hero Killer embedded the knife deeper into Iida causing him to scream loudly

"You're weak" Hero Killer began to berate Iida at his convictions of a hero, tears started welling in Iida's eyes as he clenched his hands, but that didn't stop the sword from pointing at Iida's nape

"Now die" Hero Killer swung his sword intent on severing IIda's spine, suddenly his sword stopped, and Hero Killer's eyes moved to the other side of the alleyway as a green blur zipped right in front of him

"SMASH!" Midoriya's fist hit Hero Killer in the jaw sending him flying, Midoriya turned to Iida as arcs moved around his body showing the power flowing through Midoriya

"Are you alright Iida?" Midoriya shouted in worry, Iida was in a pool of his own blood

"C-Cant move"



"huh?" Midoriya heard a voice behind him, quickly turning around he saw the empty alleyway, was he hearing things?

"Focus on the fight, kid" Hero Killer took the chance and lunged at Midoriya while his back was turned, unfortunately, Midoriya had plot armour so he dodged at the last second only getting a nick.

"Tsk, you've got good instinct" Hero Killer clicked his tongue while looking at his blade, its tip dyed red. seeing thing a small grin formed on his face as he extended his tongue and licked the small blood stain.

"Argh" All of a sudden Midoriya felt as if his muscles no longer listened to him, stuck standing and staring at Hero Killer.

'His quirk... its blood! he can paralyze but licking blood!' coming to a quick conclusion he figured out Hero Killer's Quirk. Unfortunately, that didn't stop Hero Killer from aiming his blade at his throat

"You're fun to fight, but I'll have to kill you anyway" Hero Killer swung his sword, but he struck the air... but he struck fire.

On the other side of the alley, Shoto Todoroki stood staring at Midoriya, a phone in his hand.

"I saw your message, looks like trouble" He narrowed his eyes at Hero Killer, gazing at the injured hero at the side.


"Well, it seems not much changed" Looking at the fight I sighed in relief, I should keep the timeline as stable as possible because it gives me an advantage, knowing the future is one of my biggest boons.

standing up I looked to the other side of the city, destruction visible from hundreds of meters, yup that's a Nomu. Jumping into action I leaped towards the site to hopefully 'burrow' that Nomu.

Teleporting from building to building I was like a shadowy blur getting

[Warning! noxious gas! don't breathe if you don't want to die]

"Toxic gas? that's quite a wrench in my plans... I wonder what I'd get if I stole this one" 

I was thinking of the potential benefits when I remembered the whole 'can't breathe' part, I quickly created a bubble around my face using [Beelzbub] and erased any air entering. But now I was confronted with another issue

'There's a vacuum around my face... while I'm not getting toxic gas in my lungs, I don't get air either' Facepalming at my own stupidity I decided to make use of my little slav- I mean helper

'Raphael filter Toxic gas out, and let air in' 


Modern problems require Modern solutions, getting a fresh breath of air I continued towards the point of destruction, hoping to get a little Nomu added to my collection.


Making it into the center of chaos I found myself confronted with a disgusting-looking Nomu, its green flesh pulsating and holes all around it shooting out yellow-green gas. just a look at it made my stomach turn.

currently, It was fighting with 3 heroes donning gas masks. one of them, which I could only assume has a strength quirk was grappling the Nomu while the rest of the heroes tried to hold it down with ranged quirks, unluckily for them, the Nomu clearly overpowered the strength hero, throwing him onto a car bending it like clay. 


Just like the other Nomus it growled like a wild dog

"What are those things made out of?" One of the heroes complained, his nail shooter quirk not even scratching the Nomu's skin, however, the Hero couldn't continue to complain as a green fist hit him in the chest

"PileDrive!" one female hero cried out as the hero was launched into a building creating an indentation in the concrete.

"*clap**clap* Alrighty there ladies and gentlemen" A sudden silence engulfed the area as both the heroes and the Nomu stared at the figure interrupting them

"Who are you? Identify yourself!" The strength-type hero demanded while climbing out of the wrangled car.

"Me? hmmmm... you can just say I'm someone looking for a profit!" The figure rubbed its chin and suddenly uttered, as it emerged from the fog its shape got clearer. A short- ahem a menacing figure, wearing a dark coat, its mask looking as if made from shadows.

"you? looking for a profit? you dare try to steal property during this time!" The muscle-headed hero misunderstood and immediately got angered by the man's words

"Property? mayhap'snt," The masked man said in a grammatical riddle

"Well anyway, I'll be taking this off your hands!" The man started to emit shadowy smoke making the heroes get ready to fight, completely forgetting the green Nomu

Suddenly the smoke that the man created lashed out making the hero flinch, but looking back they saw the smoke covering the green Nomu like tentacles spreading all over its body. The green Nomu sensing the danger started lashing himself.

"Calm down big boy, I'm about to send you to the shadow realm" The figure took a pose as the smoke attacked more aggressively. In the end, the figure won as the Nomu was completely covered in the smoke, with half its body seemingly annihilated.


"Well then Heroes, it's about time I lea-" Before I could finish my cool monologue a nail was shot at me, quickly moving my head to my side it passed by my ear

"don't think about leaving villain!" The nailgun hero screamed out, his face bleeding but his eyes burned with determination

"Pile drive!" The extr- I mean female hero exclaimed with a smile, the team now filled to the brim with his 'motivation' prepared to face the villain, but he was already gone.


'What was that all about?' I wondered while traveling from rooftop to rooftop. It was obvious they were about to 'power of friendship' me, and I wasn't looking to die.

"Alright last stop, city center! big black Nomu get ready to come inside me!... wait no" I was relieved nobody was here to hear me.

Reaching the city center I was greeted by a completely different scene, multiple buildings already flattened and no Nomu in sight. Looking closer there were already a bunch of police cars and vans, inside one I saw the Nomu, already restrained.

"damn" I muttered, it appears Endeavor and Gran Torino already made their way here. It appears I only get to have 3/4 of the potential profits

"there you are" I suddenly heard a menacing voice next to me, looking I saw Endeavor standing next to me on the rooftop

"Fast" I accidentally exclaimed

"I get that sometimes, now take this villain!" A firey fist was swung at me at superhuman speeds, but I barely dodged it. If I hadn't gotten training from Edgeshot I would've become toast right here and there.

"Calm down there big boy, I have no malice against you!" I said in a panic while dodging more fire fists trying to fist me.

"Any villain gets my malice villain!" However, Endeavor didn't relent

"You shouldn't say 'Villain' twice in a sentence! it's grammatically confusing!" 

"Shut up grammar police" 

I quickly dodged another fist, this time however the lingering flames made my coat catch fire... a leather coat...

"Welp it's time for plan B" I prepared to leave this place immediately, luckily I remembered some places I had 'misplaced' some smoke to use as a waypoint

"And what's this plan B of yours?" An elderly voice asked next to me, turning my head I had a foot planted neatly into my face, my mask taking most of the force cracked.

"It's called getting the hell outta here!" I sunk into my subspace as fast as possible. Gran Torino and Endeavor stood in silence on the rooftop


"Who was that?" Gran Torino turned to Endeavor

"He managed to steal one of the Nomu under my nose" Endeavor muttered

"So that's why there are Nomu's reported missing... strange fellow"

"And short"



A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Our Rimuru-san is getting a power boost! again...

Might as well give me a 'Power stone' hehehehe, ill see myself out.