The Hosu aftermath

Teleporting to a random alley I leaned onto the wall and sighed in relief, my back drenched in cold sweat.

I rested for a while recollecting my thoughts, thankfully FireFist and geriatric speedster weren't able to follow me. Standing up I prepared to teleport back home and sleep but unfortunately, fate liked to annoy me

"Who are you? It's dangerous to be alone in these alleyways! didn't you see the Nomu attacks?" A concerned voice came from across the street, looking over I saw Midoriya stare at me with a skeptical gaze. A heavy groan almost escaped my mouth.

"I'm fine, you can go" I used as few words as I could, my arms were twitching from frustration, If I tried teleporting right now Midoriya would quickly catch on I was Rimuru.

"Uhm, could you remove your mask? it's suspicious to hang around in a dark alleyway wearing a mask... Not trying to be rude or anything" Midoriya, however, was insistent.

"No." annoyance crept into my voice. I slowly walked deeper towards the alleyway to break his line of sight, on the edge of my vision I saw Todoroki and Iida come, their costume dirty and bloody. Todorki had Hero Killer tied up and dragged behind him.

"h-hey I might need to use force... Just show me you're not a villain" Midoriya's hand clenched and electricity started to spark all around his body.

Seeing Todorki and Iida approach closer I knew that I couldn't start a fight, I would be able to win a 3v1 and I was sure Endeavor and Gran Torino were looking for the two of them. Running out of options I went for the easiest choice, Run.

"oi! w-wait!" Surprised by my sudden sprint Midoriya hadn't reacted in time as I turned the corner of the alleyway, only after a moment was he able to catch up, but when turned the very same corner I was gone.


"Why did you suddenly run Midoriya?" Iida asked as he tried carrying the injured hero, but Iida himself was also Injured.

"I saw a suspicious person, he wore a mask..." I rubbed my chin while thinking. that person couldn't have had something to do with this Nomu attack... right?

"Could he have had something to do with the League of Villains?" Shoto asked me with narrowed eyes, I was thinking the same thing...

"We should worry about that later! we should get Hero Killer to the police and get the hero to the hospital!" I recollected our focus, the police should already be on the scene so we headed to find one nearby.

"SHOTO!!!" On our way to find help we heard a loud voice shout followed by a loud crash, In front of us landed Endeavor his face was serious as always... so cool...

"What do you want" Shoto answered his face souring.

"Where did you disappear to? Just now a villain somehow managed to escape my grasp, you could've caught him yourself!" Endeavor I continued while walking towards us, his eyes suddenly landed on the restrained Hero Killer his eyes suddenly shined.

"Hahaha! Looks like you weren't just running away" He continued approaching us until he suddenly stopped in front of Shoto, and his expression suddenly flipped.

"What were you thinking? Running away to fight a villain? you don't even have your license!" His anger was apparent as the flames on his back intensified 

"I was saving a friend!" Shoto however wasn't intimidated as he shouted at Endeavor, his fist clenched tightly.

"Friends? who? those stepping stones? do you think tha-"

"That's enough Endeavor, he's still a child" Behind Endeavor Gran Torino landed, he hit the ground with his cane with a dissatisfied expression 

"You don't see that injured hero? they saved a life, let's go and give them medical attention first" Gran Torino pointed towards a nearby hospital, Endeavor only clicked his tongue and led them, his gaze still locked on Shoto.


[Breaking news: Hosu City experiences an attack by mysterious monsters known as 'Nomu' the same kind that attacked USJ. What are the Heroes doing?]


["I saw them! they were gigantic and scary! One was inside the ---- mall and someone just en-]


Shoto kept flipping the channels on the TV with an annoyed expression until it landed on a certain channel, resting the remote next to the medical bed he exhaled a sigh.

[Endeavor takes care of Hero Killer 'Stain' and multiple Nomus! the Hosu Incident didn't shake him for even a bit!] 

"Tsk" He clicked his tongue seeing Endeavor take credit for his capture

"It's a shame... imagine the publicity we could've gotten" Midoriya's meek voice quietly muttered, but the silent hospital room allowed Shoto and IIda to hear.

"It's for the better, it was illegal for us to fight a villain on our own, our supervising agency would've taken the blame." Iida flipped his glasses, a glint appearing for a moment, even while bandaged up he still looked dignified.

[Unknown Villain 'steals' multiple Nomus. A new report says that some of the Nomus during the Hosu Incident weren't captured but stolen right from under Heroes's noses! This Unknown Villain is now graded as a rank B threat, nicknamed 'Shadow Thief' --]

"That!-" Midoriya's eyes suddenly widened, he stood up from his bed only to flinch from pain and fall back down.

"What happened Midoriya?" Shoto asked he was surprised by Midoriya's reaction, looking at the TV he saw the police sketch. Average high, unknown age, and no defining feature except a particular mask.

"I saw him yesterday I know it!" Midoriya exclaimed, his hands shaking. his face morphed from panic to worry.

"was that the suspicious person you saw yesterday? if that's true... we had a chance to capture him" Shoto looked back at the sketch his hands again clenched, but before they could say anything more the hospital door opened

"You couldn't have caught him." Endeavor said firmly and without introductions right after Gran Torino entered and then the chief of police.

"What do you mean?" Shoto asked

"Even I didn't manage to catch him, and I encountered him twice. He seems to have a tricky shadow-like quirk" Endeavor folded his arms, the chief of police then cleared his voice before sitting down on a stool.

"At least that's the speculation, the villain managed to capture 3 of the 4 Nomus with relative ease" This fact made the three teen's eyes widen, In the report, it was stated that the Nomus were incredibly hard to put down, much less capture.

"Anyway, that's not why I'm here, we're here to talk about what you did yesterday. To make it short, you were incredibly reckless" His blunt words made them lower their heads.

"But we have decided to lower the repercussions you will be getting. usually, you would have your hero license revoked, or the right to get one. But we have decided on something different-" The Chief of Police then started talking about what would happen... but I'm too lazy to write this part 😜.


[Unknown Villain 'steals' multiple Nomus. A new report says that some of the Nomus during the Hosu Incident weren't captured but stolen right from under Heroes's noses! This Unknown Villain is now graded as a rank B threat, nicknamed 'Shadow Thief' --]

"WOOO!" a loud howl sounded in one of the homes in the suburban parts of Musutafu

"Let's go! I didn't get a lame name!" I quickly turned off the TV before sprinting to my room, I better not make Mom angry by my yelling.

Entering my room and locking the door I took off my coat before putting it in the subspace. My mask which was cracked was already stored inside, I quickly undressed and looked at my wounds, luckily most of them were just small burns from endeavor or a few bruises. Switching to Pajamas I sank into my bed and melted straight into dreamland...


"Rimuru~ Rimuru~" A soft melodious voice echoed


"Rimuru.... WAKE THE HELL UP"


I was woken up by cold water hitting my face, jumping in panic I saw my mother standing while folding her arms, in her hand was a pot halfway filled with water

"What!?" I shouted in annoyance, I was having a good time in my dream... in more ways than one...

"Sleepyhead you have work studies today" My mother responded while tapping her watch, and looking at my alarm clock, which had multiple noticeable cracks


"Oh no... EdgeShot is going to kill me"


Needless to say, the way to EdgeShot's agency was hectic. Sprinting from the subway all the way to his office my back was drenched in sweat, the cold kind.

Arriving at the door I didn't even knock, turning the knob I entered. Seeing Edgeshot seated on the sofa sipping tea my danger sense was screaming at me.

"I'm so very sorry Mr.EdgeShot for being late" I bowed at a perfect 90 degrees, and my face was painted in panic.

"So why were you late" EdgeShot put down the teacup and asked in a 'calm' tone, i felt murderous intent behind his words.

"I trained very hard the whole day and overslept due to exhaustion" I lied through my teeth, and I closed my eyes preparing for a beating. Japanese people were very stingy about being late.

"Overslept it is then?" He filtered out all my words, just the word 'Overslept' could ruin a man's job! don't do this to me EdgeShot! please!

"I guess we'll have to train a bit harder today?" EdgeShot picked up a tea kettle and refilled his cup.

"Yes sir!" I saluted, yesterday I was a menacing villain but today I was a wimp. As they say, Strong to the weak, Weak to the strong.

"I ordered a few more Icepacks, looks like we'll be using them soon" EdgeShot raised his cup and drank again.

Several chills ran down my spine.


"huff- EdgeShot-Sensei! how much more do I need to run -Huff" I shouted while running, Edgeshot was running behind me barely breaking a sweat, we were running for 3 hours straight with no breaks. not even water! 

Gazes were landing on me from all around, it was rare to see EdgeShot work in public so naturally, people would be curious. Seeing my decrepit state I felt their pity hit me like rocks.

"It appears you can still talk, let's add another km," EdgeShot said as we both turned a corner, I felt despair again, ever since my reincarnation the world hasn't made it easy for me. Perhaps because of my past life being overly uninteresting, I am being punished...

"Kyaa! Help!" Suddenly we heard a scream, looking forward we say a purse thief snatching a young woman's purse. Seeing the opportunity to rest I deviously grinned

"Let me take care of it," I said to Edgeshot before sprinting full speed towards the purse snatcher. Like clockwork, I kicked the back of his knee and grabbed onto his shoulder, smashing the back of his head into the pavement. Taking the purse from the now unconscious man I slowly walked back to the woman, my knees feeling relief for the first time in hours.

"Oh my gosh thank you!" The woman took the purse and excitedly said, EdgeShot just observed from the side.

"I'm so thankful young lady, I am indebted to you!" the woman's eyes turned to crescents as she shook my hands.

'I regret everything' Looking towards EdgeShot I could see him try to hold his laugh, being mistaken for a girl is still my weakness.

Return to EdgeShot we both started to run again

"So how was it?" I asked, I wanted to know how good was my execution as a hero

"Sloppy, overkill, violet. You could've just stopped him, instead you decided to smash him into the pavement. Who is gonna pay for the repairs of the sidewalk? and don't think I didn't notice you taking your time resting. extra 5 km," EdgeShot drove facts into me like nails, every word felt like being shot, I can't fool that guy... DAMN SHINOBIS


"Sloppy defense, and your counter-attack was visible from a mile away" EdgeShot hit my jugular, As I fell to the floor he berated me... wasn't I doing good 2 days ago? what is this...

"Stand up, it's about time you actually learn technique, your attacks are too simple and based on intuition" He helped me stand up before taking a step back, my recently washed hero costume was now drenched in sweat and covered in dust.

"Learn technique? I learned martial arts from my mom..." I complained, ever since I awakened my quirk my mom taught me martial arts, We still sometimes use the backyard as a dojo...

"Your mother?... right her name was 'Tempa' I suppose she'd know a few things, she wasn't a physical fighter thought. It's time to learn how to fight specifically for close-quarters combat." EdgeShot took a stance, thinking we were about to fight I took a stance as well.

"Terrible stance, while it might look right your sides are still exposed" He suddenly did a horizontal kick, and quickly reacting I tried to block only for a jab to hit me on the other side...

"You have too many wasted movements, why are you extending your arms to block? it would've blocked my leg anyway" He pinched the bridge of his nose, I felt like my efforts these past years were for nothing...


"Alright Rimuru, listen carefully. Abandon everything you know about fighting or martial arts. let's start at the basic" EdgeShot stood in front of me, he didn't have any stance...hes just standing there... menacingly...

"Hit me"



A/N: Rimuru is suffering 😭

nobody cares anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapters fellas!