Fighting with ALL our MIGHT



Walking down the test site I felt a bit of nostalgia as we went down the empty streets of the fake city

The test site was the same site as the entrance exam, however a lack of robots made the streets feel eerie

"Make sure not to hold be back! if you get in the way, ill blast both you and All Might" Bakugo kicked a rock on the sidewalk while complaining angrily

"Could say the same to you. You lost to me during the sports festival, what makes you think you can beat All Might" I replied while looking around me, the place seemed like a perfect place for All Might to go all out. Out in the open yet many obstacles to disturb line of sight

"What the hell are you looking around for?" Bakugo noticed my lack of interest in him...

"Scouting, unlike you I like preparing when I fight people"

"Preparing for what? getting punched in the face?" Bakugo retorted but instead of replying, I started diffusing [Beelzbub] so I could use it later, and teleport away if I needed to.

"Oi, Bastard are you listening to me? do you even have a plan? Dam--" 


"Speak of the devil, and he shall come with a creepy smile" I looked at the horizon of buildings as a huge dust cloud was approaching us.

"Not quite nice Temprest-Shounen, Calling me a devil" 

'fast!' no it was almost like teleporting, All Might's menacing face was already in front of me, I had to teleport now!

"ugh" Instead of sinking into my smoke I got punched in the stomach, a sonic boom followed behind me as I was thrown meters away. My organs were rearranged like a build a bear, and blood came out of my mouth

"You have a good body Tempest-Shounen, villains usually would pass out by that punch. I aimed for the liver by the wa-"

"DIE" Right as All Might began monologuing Bakugo shot towards him aiming his palms towards him, screaming like always.

"HOWITZER IMPACT!" And with a blinding flash of light the entire area was covered by a blast of fire, but All Might dodged it almost instantly. He grabbed onto Bakugo's leg and swung him tens of meters into the air

However Bakugo quickly course-corrected and began making his return

All Might, taking the chance to land another blow began preparing to jump at Bakugo again, of course, I couldn't let All Might land another hit because any hit could be an instant K.O. Controlling [Beelzbub] I swung at him. However to my surprise just a shake from his legs generated enough air pressure to blow the smoke away

'Dammit' Seeing no other choice I instead compressed the smoke again, making it much denser and harder to move, in addition I added [Isolation] to make the smoke almost unmoveable, swinging it again I hoped for the best

"Tempest-Shounen, trying the same move twice isn't smart. Hm?" 

All Might noticed when he tried to disperse the smoke this time, it didn't move. All Might's slime widened before directly kicking the smoke creating a dull sound

"Interesting, lets see how strong that ability of yours is" All Might sinisterly smiled as he turned towards me while clenching his fist

"Oh no, I'm screwed" As quickly as I could I covered myself in [Beelzbub] and focused on defence, in an instant a dull bang sounded again




Every time the impact sounded my heart jumped and my stomach turned, each punch was stronger than the last. This punch could pulverize steel into dust! Without thinking more I directly teleported to top of a rooftop and kept the dome for All Might to hit, taking a breather I prepared my next move

"Have you forgotten about me bastard?"

I. in fact, have forgotten

Bakugo swung his fist at All Might creating an explosion not any smaller than he last, unfortunately, All Might was speedy and directly dodged, he again tried to punch Bakugo, but he was noticeably holding back as his punch was actually visible this time.

'If this is him holding back.. then if he went all out' I suddenly got chills run down my spine, but before Bakugo could get hurt I concentrated smoke right in front of his fist, using it like a shield protecting Bakugo. 

All Might turned towards the building and looked up, his smile unwaved as swung his fist again, this time he hit Bakugo before I could protect him

"I forgot you could teleport Tempest-Shounen. as they say, get rid of the support before dealing with the damage dealers" And without skipping a beat he jumped right in front of me, swinging his arm

"SMASH" A huge air pressure blew the entire roof off the building, I was thrown with it causing me to land in jagged rubble

"Dammit, ever heard of hold back on petite femboys" I stood up slowly while holding onto my back, like an old man

"I am a villain! Holding back isn't what we do" All Might just stood on top of the rooftop while staring down at me, I narrowed my eyes a bit. his breathing got heavier... is his time running out soon?

"I surrender" I raised my hands in 'defeat', my action caused All Might to jump, his smile slightly lowered as he leaned forward


"He surrendered? why?" Meanwhile, inside the spectator platform, the class was shocked, but they quickly realized my decision

"If I had to face All Might I would surrender too" Sero rested his hand on his chin while looking at the screen

"It isn't manly to surrender from a fight" Kirishima however was annoyed, he banged his fist together, he looked at Bakugo slowly standing up and flying where All Might and Rimuru were.

"Even I'm not confident in winning against All Might," Shoto was staring at the match with a serious expression, Momo was seated next to him as she nodded hurriedly, he had recently gained a fangirl.

"Wait wait wait" Jiro, however, interrupted them while looking, skeptically at Rimuru's face, his expression exactly


"He isn't actually surrendering. He's about to do a 'Thing'" She recognized that face, he often made it while trolling. He would sometimes switch people's bags and waited for them to realize they weren't using their own notebooks, his sinister smile after they realized made him a bit scary

"Whats that supposed to mean?"

"He has a plan" Jiro insisted, meanwhile Midoriya quickly scribbled down on his notebook

'Rimuru doing a 'Thing' = Has a plan (Might be a good idea or not)'


"Are you surrendering?" All Might sounded upset, a shadow cast on his face. 

"Yes All Might-sensei" I saluted while sensing the handcuff inside my subspace, because of All Might's air pressure punch the smoke got so diffused that it was nearly invisible

"Do you think you get to surrender?" 

"Huh?---" My surprise was cut short as an intense pain hit my cheek, as well as the feeling of whiplash from being accelerated from 0/kph to a plenty 120


My body smashed right through the glass of a fake convenience store, like a cascade I broke through multiple shelves before smashing through the back wall and landing on the back of the alleyway, all in 5 seconds I could tell I was f*cked up. 

'yup that's multiple broken ribs, and my insides feel like outsides' I laid flat on the cracked ground while contemplating my stupidity, while I can outsmart a musclebrain a big enough muscle could tear me apart




In the distance I could tell Bakugo was fighting All Might, and by the sounds of his angered shouting, He was not winning.

"My delicate body" I groaned while standing up again, if not for my newly acquired regenerative factor I would've been stuck in pain until the exam ended.

'Its time I went all out' I stretched my arms while calming my heartrate, a near death experience it was for sure.

'are you ready Raphael-san?'

[Ready when you are, Activating overdrive]

'let's get the show started' And in an instant like a broken machine every single pore in my body emitted smoke, instead of releasing small amounts of controllable smoke I smothered the entire area turning into my domain.

In seemingly a moment the entire block was already covered in smoke, but fortunately for me, I could still see using the 'echolocation' ability I discovered.

"Ultimate move: Void Domain" I muttered for cool effect as I let Raphael take control of the smoke, In an instant I felt All Might's movement, like crystal clear I could tell he was looking around in strange amusement


All Might currently couldn't see anything, one moment he was fighting Bakugo, after throwing him to create distance he was suddenly submerged in a sea of smoke completely blocking his sight, All Might's smile only got bigger

"What an impressive move" All Might haughtily laughed as he waved his arm causing some of the smoke to disperse, but like tentacles they quickly filled the empty space

"Yeah It's pretty cool" All Might swung his fist behind him as soon as he heard Rimuru's voice, but when he touched Rimuru's silhouette it instantly dispersed into smoke

"Hoho, you merged yourself with your quirk? what an impressive application, unfortunately" All Might clapped his hands with huge force, sending a shockwave and pushing all smoke away from the area

"If only it was that easy" All Might's face changed as he heard Rimuru's voice from multiple locations

"[Predation]" That soft voice made a chill run down All Might's spine, he felt the smoke latch onto him, and a cold empty feeling filled his insides

He quickly tried to shake the smoke away but like... Slime? it clung to him as it kept spreading on his body, and soon he started feeling lethargic

'He's draining my energy!' In a panic, All Might used much more strength than normal, pushing away the smoke, causing it to disperse

"Did you forget about me BAKA" Bakugo jumped out of the smoke as he created an explosion in All Might's face, this time pushing the mighty giant back

"You think you can fight All Might alone? Don't try to steal credit!" Bakugo created more sparks while staring at the strange smoke formation

"isn't that exactly what you are doing?" The smoke compressed into Rimuru's body as seemingly no smoke was there in the first place

"Shut up! now give me the handcuffs-" 

"You are putting on a good fight... Perhaps it's time we raise the stakes" All Might's smile widened but his aura changed drastically

'This is really bad' My danger sense was screaming at me to run away, just staring at All Might is making me feel chills

"Let's educate you about REAL villains" All Might went into a fighting stance, the first time he did so in the entire fight. His muscles bulged before

"Yeah f*ck that, I'm not trying to die" Suddenly nearby smoke converged on All Might's hands and materialized handcuffs, not letting All Might even begin

"Ohhoh, what a shame, it appears I lost" In an instant All Might's aura disappeared as he scratched his head, the buzzer sounded as I collapsed on my butt, and cold sweat ran down my forehead

'This could've gotten way worse if I didn't stop the fight there' In all honestly I could've probably won in the first moment All Might showed up, but because it's a test I didn't want to win because of a gimmick. 

"Let's go Bakugo" I tried grabbing Bakugo's arm but it was slapped away

"Oi bastard, why did you stop the fight? I was THIS close to kicking All Might's a**"

"Quite literally no survival instinct huh?" My mouth twitched 


[Katsuki Bakugo and Rimuru Tempest have passed the test!]

"WOOOO" Like a wolf a howl emanated from the spectator platform

"Did you see that ultimate move? So cool! Void dimentah" Mina did a hand sign while muttering in a deep voice, but her strange smile made it hard to take seriously

"He could've won at any time, come on..." 

"Perhaps he did it to test his limits" Shoto continued to look at the empty screen while thinking, his eyes narrowed with a serious expression

"Something on your mind?" Momo being the dutiful fangirl was worried about him.

"That last attack was too cool" Jiro breathed out her nose, she completely forgot any competitive feeling as she already accepted the fact that she wasn't as strong as him, as they say, "if you can't slay the dragon, might as well lay it" - Me

As the class finished celebrating the 'super nerve-wracking' fight the door suddenly burst, Rimuru kicked the door open while wearing sunglasses he pulled out of who knows where

"Hey there losers! Look who beat All Might? it's me! Now then Mr.Kota, would you mind coming with me to 'Talk' about what you did during your test?" Yes, Rimuru has not forgotten Kota taking Jiro's princess-carry-virginity...

"uh- um- Y-yes" 
