Dont touch me flakey skin!

"What the hell is this?" Tomura was currently annoyed, no he was enraged. The information broker said the recruits he found would be promising but this?

"Calm down Tomura, let them introduce themselves" Giran huffed his cigar while leaning on the doorframe, his arrogant attitude was completely opposite of how tense he actually way.

'If he kills them I'm screwed'

"Fine," Fortunately Tomura relented, The small teenage girl spoke first

"My name is Himiko! Himiko Toga! I like drinking blood! I want to drink stainy's blood hehe" She flipped her knife around her fingers with considerable dexterity

"I just go by Dabi, I heard you had something to do with Stain. You better not disappoint" The young man talked next. His dark hair was the least noticeable feature as his skin looked dead and grafted onto himself, like a chimera

"Great, A little brat and a rude guy. Kurogiri are you sure they're worth it?" Tomura scratched his neck while staring daggers into the two of them, Giran was sweating as he watched Tomura's free hand twitch

"Ugh, whatever, As long as you work for us I'll consider it..." Tomura at the beginning was planning to just get rid of the two of them, but then he remembered those UA kids and their tricky quirks.

"Yippie! Let's bleed heroes for forever and ever!" Himiko spun around while swinging her knife in the air, her crazy smile was still somewhat cute. The man named Dabi just sat down on one of the stools and rested his chin on his hand

"Don't make me regret it" Tomura walked off passing by Giran causing him to jump back, luckily Tomura wasn't as angry as he expected.


"Damn Heroes, making me have to work with brats" Tomura scratched his neck as he walked through the streets, his hood raised hiding his features. He wasn't happy with the compromises he had to take, thus he is going to 'Relive stress' (That means kill someone/ take a minor hostage for no reason)


"Dammit it's a filler episode" I muttered in annoyance, we were currently heading towards the mall, the staple angsty teen meeting location

"Don't talk like that, People might think you're a weeb" Jiro made a disgusted expression, the MHA world has a severe lack of good animes. it's like 2012 all over again...

"What are we even going to do at the mall?" I groaned, just trying to keep up with the class as they half-ran and half-walked was tiring

"I dunno, shopping? You can stock up on songs again or something" 

"I already went this morning, and I'd rather save my money" Just like any responsible 'adult' I was very greedy, Money runs the world so ill run after it

"You? Save money? I'm surprised you aren't pampered by the allowance your mum gives you, millions of yen. You're crazy" It appears Jiro is misunderstanding where I got that money, but I won't complain. Free disguise ig

Looking down at Jiro I got an idea, now that I am somewhat taller than her I wanted to do the best thing to a petite girl, head pats!

"Calm down little kid, I'm sure you'll earn your own money at some point" I rubbed her purple-blackish hair back and forth savoring the feeling, No shame, no regret

"You don't earn your own money either! And 'little kid?' were the same age" Jiro blocked her head while pouting, mission successful

"Wrong! I am 5 months older than you!" I put my hands into an X while making a buzzer sound, due to my birth month I am quite literally the oldest in class

"4 months older? so December? Damn born in Christmas month, must feel bad"

"No, I was born ON Christmas. And I didn't get both a Christmas present and a birthday one" I still felt salty about being robbed of my 2 presents per year.

(A/N: sorry for having to reveal stuff about Rimuru so late, past me was a dumbass)

"December huh?" Jiro muttered while 'sneakily' opening her calendar app, she hurriedly typed away while I very much 'didn't notice'

"Whoopsies were here!" I snapped her out of her phone as we stood right in front of the mall, its entrance filled to the brim with 'Human beings' ew.

"Everyone! We will be entering in an orderly fashion, go by your seat number in a line!" Iida pointed at the entrance as he overly complicated the process of 'enter the damn mall already'


"So... what now?" That's the only thing I could ask, there was a reason I didn't spend much time outside other than for school. I hated being outside

"I dunno shop?" Jiro was basically the same, except she actually has healthy hobbies like playing music and listening to it. My music obsession is way beyond for it to be called a hobby

"where's Tokoyami anyway?" He for some reason was gone, is he playing wingman by not showing up? Oh never mind there he is. I stared at the store Tokoyami gravitated towards before instantly losing interest.

"He went to that Emo shop, probably to buy another sword"


"We don't talk about that," 

Looking around I saw that our classmates were also clumping together, probably too awkward to just leave the class alone...

"Everyone, let's agree to group back at 3 pm, we will have plenty of hours to shop around!" Momo took the lead as she designated a meeting spot and with no objection it was quickly agreed upon.

"Yo are they from UA?" A strange voice announced as all eyes suddenly landed on us, and like a cascade, a crowd formed around us from all sides shouting for pictures or autographs.

Needless to say, escaping the mob wasn't very easy especially when we had to make sure we didn't lose anyone.

"Phew at least they calmed down a bit" breathing a sigh of relief, we now had freedom to do whatever we wanted!

Looking to the side I noticed Uraraka and Midoriya talking, seeing Urarakas face turn red I knew she was about to sprint off. Catching her by the collar I whisperd into her ear

"Are you really running away? What if Midoriya thinks you give up easily" my words made Uraraka stand stiffly, her expression then turned serious as she slapped her cheeks twice

"Your right! I shouldn't leave him just because I'm embarrassed, that's Rimuru!"

And that's one problem solved, now Mr flakey skin wouldnt target Midoriya. It's suprising how this exact encounter changed the whole direction if the series, don't believe me? When Tomura talked to Midoriya he finnaly gained a real motive, which is his hate for the heroes. Basically Midoriya was directly involved in making Tomura less of a man child!


"What were you talking to Uraraka about?" Jiro looked at me skeptically after I casually altered fate.

"Jealous?" I grinned cheekiliy

"Humph let's go shopping already dummy" Jiro pouted while crossing her arms, she started getting used to my teasing, it appears I need a new strategy

"So where are we heading to?" I asked as she climbed onto an esclater, Which I followed closely behind

"Shopping for clothes, seriously you only wear a black tee and long pants. You should learn some styles" Jiro stared at what basically was my only outfit, Black being my favorite color other than blue or purple.

(A/N: purple is an S tier color and you can't prove me wrong)

"Fine fine, I'll buy some clothes. I need better character design anyway" I reluctantly agreed to join her as we walked past multiple other clothing store, as we passed more and more clothing store I began feeling annoyed

"Didn't we just pass 4 clothing stores? Where are we heading to?"

"They aren't as good as this one"... Women 🗿

As we finnaly made it into the store she was referring to I realized that finding clothes might be harder than expected. I looked at the mannequins with multiple limbs and body parts each wearing different clothes. Damn inclusivity and complicating random things....

"So what're we buying?" I wanted a quick in and out adventure, I could already see some sick T-shirt designs and hoodies.

"Dunno haven't decided" hold on.... She's a woman! It's gonna take hours! I suddenly got chills run down my spine.

[Multiple hours later]

"I'm gonna die" I was waiting on a nearby bench as Jiro was trying on her 15th set of clothes

"Whaddya think of this one?" Jiro peeked out of the changing room wearing a long sleeved black shirt with a band name on it, she was wearing bike shorts.. slurp... Ahem, and a pair of navy sneakers

"10/10" I raised my thumbs while taking a sneak peek at her petite frame... I'm sure the FBI won't mind

"Alright then let's go and pay!" Are we done? Finnaly! I jumped up in excitement, but after scanning and looking at the price I felt my soul leave my body

"Why are women's clothes so expensive?" I pulled out my card while Jiro cheekily chuckled

"You don't have to pay yaknow? I can pay for myself"

"My pride won't allow me!" I retorted before scanning, seeing the amount deduct from my account a tear fell from my eye

"Alright! We've got another shop to go to!" Jiro cheered me on as she also forced me to carry the bags, damn super strength...

"Wait another one?"


"Let's stop by the Musical instrument store!" Jiro suddenly stopped causing me to bump into her, she just keeps on shopping man...


"Woah look at they gitaur!" Jiro pointed at a weird gitaur, every part of it was covered in spikes

"And that drum set!" Jiro's eyes shined like stars as she went around the selection, my eyes however drifted towards the acustic gitaurs, I always wanted to learn how to play those... Might as well, I reached onto the shelf to grab one.

"You know how to play?" Jiro appeared behind me like a stand, Star Jirou za wurdu!

"Jeez you scared me... I want to learn tho" I played with the strings as I held onto it

"I can teach you!" Jiro said in delight... Excuse to spend time with me huh? Cliche counter = 1

"You sure?" I asked retorically, I already knew she could teach better than some teachers even, I still remember the School festival arc. 10/10 song

"Sure just come to my house and I'll teach ya!"

"Alrighty" Spending the evening at Jiro's house ☺️.... 🤨


"And now the last store for today!" Jiro announced to my excitement, I couldn't wait to leave. I didn't even care what store It was

"Alright what're you buying this time..." I impatiently asked

"Lingerie" Jiro smiled as she pointed at the scantly clad manequinne

"Uh huh" My face went deadpan

'Author-san, please don't delete this section because it's cringe' I played with all my might I don't get Offscreen-jutsu'd

"Just stay here and wait" Jiro hurried inside while I was left taking care of the bags... Dammit

I sat down while waiting for Jiro to do the 'thing'.

"Oh your from UA right? So cool!" I narrowed my eyes as I heard a man sit next to me... Deja Vu huh?

"Tomura shigaraki" I muttered out loud, there's no point denying it, I was screwed...

"Hu... At least I don't have to pretend" Tomuras voice changed from quippy to grim, a hand rested on my neck... You know the drill

"Flaky-skin-san, please don't touch me" I raised my hands high but my voice was devoid of fear

"Don't try anything funny, or I'll kill you. Or the people here" Tomura smiled as he stared at Rimuru waiting for his frightened expression to surface

"Is that so" however a flat tone answer came instead

"Tsk your no fun" Tomura tapped on Rimuru's neck while making his 5th finger hover right above his skin, a millimeter closer and he'd turn to dust

"So whaddya wanna talk about? I doubt you just came here to feel my smooth milky skin, though I don't blame you" Tomura's mouth twitched hearing Rimuru's words, his finger almost making contact

"I just hate heroes basically, but I really hate that hero killer" Tomura began his monologue or something... I wasn't really listening

"I release Nomus on Huso city and all the media is covering is all about stain stain stain... I hate it" Tomura began scratching his skin

"That sounds like a skill issue" Rimuru responded flatly

"Don't try to provoke me, it won't end well"

"Fine fine... Continue talking" Rimuru decided to act like a therapist for our Flaky-skin-hand-man

"What I'm saying is that nobody is looking at me, I released Numos both at Hosu and USJ and they still don't care... Why is that Rimuru what is the difference between me and stain?" Tomura clenched his palm putting pressure on Rimuru's neck, but like a steel pipe it didn't stop him from breathing

"If I'm being honest, you weren't flashy or something.. you just sent c tier villains at us, and the Nomus at Hosu, those mindless birds got stolen by that thief guy... Stain did stuff by himself"

I tried to be vague about what is the real difference, but let's hope Tomura doesn't stop being a man child.

"Don't talk about that damn shadow thief, if I find him, I'll kill that bastard"




Boy do I have a story for you...
