Battling shadows


"Just leave! I can't control it!" Right in the middle of the shadowy behemoth, Tokoyami was struggling for control, the trees ripped from their roots, and the ground shattered from impacts

"We can't just abandon you!" Yaomomo however was persistent in trying to help, but her flashlight seemed useless against Dark Shadow as it grew too large

"Didnd you hear me? LEAVE" With a bone-chilling crunch Dark Shadow swung its arms at the group, sending those who didn't dodge flying


"Ugh, maybe leaving isn't such a bad idea" Mina groaned trying to stand up, her usual cheerfulness was nowhere to be seen.

"How could you say that? It's unmanly to run away from a fight!" Kirishima's skin hardened, but before he could try to run at Dark Shadow Shoji grabbed him by the shoulder

"We better leave, If we can't defeat it then we'll be in danger. Dont make Tokoyami's struggle for nothing" Seeing the truth in Shoji's words Kirishima gritted his teeth before running to help Mina

"What do you suppose we do Yaomomo" Shoji asked Momo while silently distancing themselves from Dark Shadow so as not to alert it

"We better get the teachers, most likely Aizawa... he'll be able to help" As soon as the 4 of them got a distance away from Tokoyami they got to breathe a sigh of relief but they soon spotted something suspicious

"Hey, what is that thing up there?"


As soon as the orb got close to Dark Shadow I teleported and spread my wings, floating above Tokoyami.

"Holy sh*t this thing really is gigantic" I unconsciously exclaimed, 20 meters tall the Big Black Bird was truly menacing, Its shining red eyes were locked onto me.

"R-Rimuru" But before Tokoyami could talk Dark Shadow had already made its move, its arms extending forward trying to grab onto me. 

I narrowly dodged its arms as I had the advantage of quick flight speed. Still, Dark Shadow didn't seem to be bothered as it swung again this time bringing trees flying in my direction, but it seemed to be planning something else as Shadow continued to crawl onto Tokoyami's body.

"oh ho, it seems like you're trying to take over Fumi... What a bad dog" I used [Beelzbub] and swung smoke-like appendages ripping apart the trees that were still in the air, as well as trying to destroy Dark Shadow himself


Its roars got fiercer as [Beelzbub] began eating away at its 'flesh' It swung its arms in all directions shattering the ground into little rocks before collecting them. As soon as a RV-sized clump of boulders was in its hands It swung directly at me like a shotgun blast.

Not wasting any time I devoured all the boulders in front of me and dove forward, spinning around I created a gigantic hand out of the smoke and like a baseball pitch returned all the boulders it threw at me. Like a rain of meteors, it rained onto Dark Shadow who was shielding its face.

Dark Shadow's face seemed to morph into anger as its shadowy beak opened before it lunged at trying to take a bite. With quick reflexes, I teleported out of the way as a shockwave spread from the high-force impact Dark Shadow's jaws made. Seeing as Dark Shadow was in the air I shot [Beelzbub] at its face slowly devouring more and more pieces of it, however, I quickly noticed it didn't seem to work as Dark Shadow kept regenerating.

'Raphael, This doesn't seem to be working'

[Dark Shadow seems to be able to regenerate using darkness]

'Thats quite the cheat ability' My eyes narrowed as I noticed Dark Shadow was not only already fully healed but even stronger than before

[You can either destroy Dark Shadow faster than it can regenerate or blast it with light]

'Both of those options seem hard-' Before I could reply Dark Shadow swung its arm at me again forcing me to dodge, its speed now beginning to catch up to my flight speed

'So it grows in power too? great...' My expression turned grim as I started emitting more smoke before morphing it into spikes as they stabbed into Dark Shadow's hands, pinning them down.


Dark Shadow struggled fiercely as his hands kept annihilating and regenerating at the same rate, hitting his head into the ground and creating a mini-earthquake.

"I probably don't have much time... Fumi is in trouble" I felt how Dark Shadow was only growing in power, soon it might even take control of Tokoyami completely. I kept shooting [Beelzbub] bolts at it to keep it at bay as I though of a solution, however, it soon came to me like a flash of light.

'Raphael... does [Black lightning] and [Black flames] create light?'

[Yes, although much less than normal they're still fire and lightning. Just be careful not to fry yourself]

As soon as Raphael answered I extended my palms forward before a gigantic arc of lightning chained between my fingers, slowly increasing the voltage the lightning became more and more fierce lighting my face in a dim light.

I opened my arms and like a Jacob's ladder, the arc of lightning grew bigger in length now creating a very obvious white light. 

"How you don't mind if I ground you a bit" My smile grew menacing before shooting Lighting at Dark Shadow indirectly frying multiple trees that were in the way, instantly turning them to char as snakes of electricity ran around them.


An ear-drum popping screech came out of Dark Shadow as its body turned into a conductor in seemingly an instant, its whole body now covered in arcs of black lightning emitting light like Christmas Eve.

Unfortunately, I shared the same fate as my arms constantly spasmed from the arcing electricity. Gritting my teeth I kept [Black Lightning] active for as long as possible even as my arms turned black themselves

[You better stop, It's better if you won't need to regrow your entire arm]

Listening to Raphael's advice I stopped arcing lightning, and as soon as I did I was hit with a whiff of burnt flesh, looking at my smoking arms I was glad my nerves were most likely fried first.


"OH come on! It's not dead yet?" I watched as Dark Shadow began regrowing back its eyes emitting a murderous light as they locked with mine. I focused on regeneration, feeling my arms regain it feeling I prepared to go for another round.


I was caught off balance as the entire world seemed to shake, looking at Dark Shadow it began to stand... on 2 feet...

"This is definitely NOT canon" Now looking like a gigantic version of Tokoyami, Dark Shadow looked to be breathing heavily with its red eyes glowing like small suns.


"Y-Y-Yaomomo are you seeing this...?" A shadow spread over Mina's face as she stared at the gigantic Dark Shadow on the horizon, she didn't have time to complain about being carried like a sack of potatoes as they ran as soon as possible

"Mina we don't have time! Let's get Aizawa to help," Momo had cold sweat run down her forehead, they saw a flash of light and felt the ground shaking. They didn't know who was fighting Dark Shadow but if they were caught in the crossfire they were dead for sure

"Oui Mina hold on! you might slip!" Kirishima was sweating buckets, he had gotten over the embarrassment of carrying Mina but felt his arms starting to give up as Mina kept shaking around. 

"Don't worry we're almost there" Shoji who seemed to be too calm was running at the front with the GPS Momo gave him, seeing as the blinking dot was now much closer meant they were very close to the camp.

"Wait!" All of a sudden Shoji stopped, making the group stop too, looking forward they saw their worst nightmare. The entire forest in front of them was burning in a blue flame, and purple fog was spreading all around them.

"W-what do we do...?" Kirishima felt his blood run cold, behind them was a behemoth, and in front of them was the opening to hell. They had to choose and choose quickly...


"H-hey Dark Shadow-san... you want to call a truce I know I've been mean but I c-" I raised my hands in a show of surrender but Dark Shadow shot his arm forward in a jab, its speed now overwhelmingly faster than me forcing me to teleport.

"Hold your horses man!" I kept teleporting as more punches came at me, pushing the air around. Each and every punch was at All Might level, just the high pressure ripped trees from their roots

'Oui Raphael! Take control of [Beelzbub] I'm going all out'

[Just don't die...] 

'As they say twice the charm!' I switched over [Black Fire] as a fireball manifested in my hands, shooting it out it emitted enough light to push Dark Shadow slightly

"Why don't you just DIE ALREADY!" I compressed the black fire more and more creating a black hole in my hands, its center was completely black yet it emitted a fierce white light

"F*ck copyright! KAMEHAME---




A blinding flash of light and the ringing of my ears were the only things I felt, opening my eyes I felt extremely disoriented looking forward my jaws fell open...

As if someone brought a meteor down a gigantic circular trail followed through the forest with no trace of Dark Shadow anywhere...

"Sh*t TOKOYAMI!" Ignoring my pain I flew as fast as possible hoping I didn't destroy him in the process... 

Pushing my senses to my limit I spotted a dark Shilouette I dove down with water raining out my eyes, I landed roughly checking the body of Tokoyami, feeling his breath I collapsed onto my knees

"Don't go overboard! That was my first f*cking rule dammit" I cursed myself for using too much force, the MHA universe isn't ready for multiversal-level powers and I sure as hell wouldn't want to introduce it to them. Even what I showed today could fuck with their minds and if I somehow unlock [Turn/Null]... don't even think about it...

*cough cough*

"Fumi are you alright?" I stopped thinking about my potential and urgently turned to Tokoyami

"I'm fine..." Tokoyami kept coughing, his hand holding onto his chest, luckily he wasn't severely injured... Dark Shadow most likely took the brunt of the force...

"Do you remember anything?" I crossed my fingers hoping Plot Armor might help me keep my secrets

"Relax... I always knew you were stronger than you let on... Just be a little more gentle with me Onii-san~" Black lines appeared on my face, and I felt more cringe than I would've imagined.

"This isn't the damn time for jokes!" I grabbed him and slung him over my shoulder before heading in the direction the camp was supposed to be in.

"Couldn't you have 'Kamehame' those villains?" Tokoyami asked while being carried through the forest, his question quite genuine

"Well, your Dark Shadow 'Plus ultra'd' me into this kind of strength... I didn't even know I was that strong" I shamelessly blamed the 'power of friendship' but hey what works, works.

"Sure..." Tokoyami went silent as we continued, we seemed particularly far away from camp, and both of us were extremely exhausted. Luckily it seems like we didn't encounter any villains during the way.




I heard someone running through the bushes, preparing to strike I went into a stance, seeing the bush in front of me rustle around my eyes narrowed


In reflex I caught whoever it was that jumped at me, looking down I found Jiro hugging me with a strange blush on her face

"Sowwy~" She quickly stood back up with her hands behind her back, Unfortunately as they say, "A man is stupid when in love", so Rimuru didn't see anything wrong with our little Jiro

"Haha... Kyouka what a coincidence" I scratched my head in embarrassment, but Tokoyami just face-palmed 

"Yup! Real coincidence! I was sooo scared" Jiro smiled showing little fangs her uniform seemed a little rough around the corners

"Are you alright?" 

"I just encountered some villains... But I wasn't injured at all!" 

"Let's head back to camp quickly, there are still villains out there"

"Sure! Yhipeee let's go!" Jiro raised her hand in the air and turned around walking with us, I calmed my beating heart.. Not just from the scare but from Jiro suddenly popping up


"We're almost there! I can see the camp lights" I shouted in excitement, it seemed Jiro was too as she hurried along 

Finding a nearby path we walked along it instead of going through the forest, especially since there was a forest fire going around.

I breathed a sigh of relief as soon as we walked through the camp gate

"R-Rimuru! Are you alright" I suddenly heard Jiro's voice, looking forward I saw Jiro look at me with a concerned expression

But suddenly both of us froze

'Wait... why are there 2 Jiros??'
