Wolfram's bad day 2 - I- Expo part 7


"I think we should follow All Might's instructions, it's too dangerous to act like heroes. There are hostage's lives on the line" Iida expressed his opinion while we were resting in the stairwell, and a look of apprehension appeared on the other's faces.

"I for one agree with Iida, we still don't have our hero license. We shouldn't endanger ourselves" Momo said nervously, she peeked at Shoto trying to see his reaction however seeing his silence she sighed silently.

"Hey.. so how about we run away? Let's alert the other heroes and just leave the Island, we should care about our safety and all that" Kaminari said while sweatdrops pooled down his forehead, he was clearly nervous about dealing with Villains.

"It won't be possible... I-Island is as secure as Tartarus... Getting past the security system would be almost impossible" Melissa said with a grim expression

"We can ditch the whole 'escape the Island plan' we would most likely have to deal with the villains ourselves" Rimuru's surprising words made the entire class's eyes turn towards him.

"If these villains can capture All Might and take hostages we might as well say no planes could leave the Island and I'm sure as hell wouldn't swim" Rimuru leaned on the handrails while looking dejected.

"But why would we need to deal with the villains ourselves? We can wait for help!" Kaminari's nervousness got to him as he stood up in a panic.

"If the villains have an explosive on the island then what's stopping them from blowing all of us to 9 heaven after they're done? As they say, no witnesses make it not a crime" Rimuru's concerned words made their morale lower however they couldn't refute his words. Midoriya who considered his words carefully stood up and exclaimed.

"He's right! We can't stay here and do nothing! We need to stop the villains" Midoriya clenched his fist with determination.

"Wait! But we don't have our hero license! We would be criminals ourselves!" Momo exclaimed in a panic trying to stop them from doing something stupid however Shoto thought otherwise.

"Since when did a license make you a hero or not? We need to prioritize helping rather than just acting like a bystander" Shoto looked at his hands as he realized he never actually used them to help others, he was too caught up in his hate for his father that he neglected the first thing that makes a hero.

"How are we going to stop the villains? You don't expect us to fight them right? They caught All Might!" Kaminari questioned, making Midoriya question himself as well.

"Melissa they took over the security system, right? If we were to deactivate it would All Might be released?" Midoriya asked, making Melissa nod before continuing.

"The main security office is on the top floor of the tower. If we can get there we might be able to rescue all the hostages as well as all might" Melissa added, furthering the plan they established.

After that the class went to the hallway, Midoriya went to telepathically talk with All Might before embarking on their adventure to the 200th floor.


(A/N: there was this whole scene where the villains force David to open the vault but I'm not gonna describe an entire scene and characters for a 20-second clip)

The usually quiet stairwell up the I-Island tower was currently filled with the noises of heavy breathing. While you might think an orgy just occurred inside it was actually the class 1-A trying to climb up the tower.

"How many more floors are there to go?" Midoriya asked while feeling his legs burning, he wasn't using OFA as he was saving it up when he encountered a villain.

"There are 200 floors" Melissa answered making Midoriya and the other's faces go grim.

"There has to be a quicker way to get up..." Midoriya muttered to himself before quickly turning around and spotting Rimuru just calmly walking up the stairs.

"Ah! Rimuru can you teleport us up there?" Midoriya thought her had a genius idea, but it was quickly shattered by Rimuru.

"While I can go up a mountain this is way too much, what if the stairwell is split? Or there are other stairwells?" Rimuru made excuses while taking his time going up, however, surprisingly his pace was almost as fast as Jiro who was fully sprinting up the stairs.

"Just teleport us up to the end of the stairwell" Midoriya put his hands together in a begging motion, sighing heavily Rimuru sat down on one of the stairs as the others stopped beside him.

Emitting smoke he sent it up the stairwell before closing his eyes and controlling it, feeling the hopeful emotions of his class he quickly shattered them.

"There's a problem... The path is blocked" Without a warning Rimuru covered them in smoke before teleporting them to the 50th floor, where a shutter door was blocking their way.

"Can't we just destroy it?" Shoto asked while pointing his palm at the door however he was stopped by Melissa

"If we break the door the security system will alert them" Melissa put a hand over his shoulder, making Shoto click his tongue before crossing his arms.

"So what do we do?"

"Hey Melissa? Are those doors airtight?" Rimuru asked a seemingly random question, to which Melissa answered negatively.

"They'd obviously be airtight."

"Then how do they get air into the stairwell?" Rimuru questioned back.

"Well of course using the ventilation system... Wait you're a genius!" Melissa suddenly had an epiphany looking at the vent above them pumping air into the room.

"Well of course, I was a genius for a long time" Rimuru waved his hair around in arrogance with a sh*t-eating grin.

"Didn't you fail science and have to take extracurriculars?" Jiro suddenly questioned hitting his weak spot...


Rimuru didn't refute, he simply sent his smoke through the vent and teleported them behind the door.

"Oi Krishima are you sure this is the right way? It's goddamn blocke--" Bakugo and Kirishima, who were late to the party due to getting lost finally reunited... Yay-

"Damn bastard! What are you doing here?" Bakugo who spotted Rimuru and Midoriya suddenly felt incredibly annoyed.

"Bakugo, there are villains that took over the tower. On the top floor" Shoto, who seemingly knew how to bait Bakugo successfully lured him to work with them.

"Villains, you say? Keke let's go!" Bakugo cleated sparks in his hands while smiling menacingly, Kirishima hardened his arms while banging them together.

"Don't mind if I do!"


While Rimuru was changing the future by making class 1-A reach the top floor both undetected and faster. The future was also changing itself.

"There, it's done. The vault is open" David Shield said while wiping his sweat off his forehead, he managed to open the vault after disabling some of the security's automatic locking feature during an emergency.

"He, good work." Wolfram smiled evilly, he had expected the vault to be opened much later but luckily it seemed like he had chosen the correct person to take hostages.

letting David and his assistant go towards the vault Wolfram prepared to interrupt him while stealing the mechanical quirk enhancer. Of course, maybe kidnap David to mass produce it too. Leaving the security office alone.

Which was a gigantic mistake as a certain blue-haired goblin had successfully teleported the entire class 1-A right behind the door to the very same security office.

"What are you waiting for Rimuru? Let's go in!" Kaminari complained as he saw Rimuru out his ear up to the door, however, he was quickly shut up by Rimuru.

"Shush shush. I'm about to do a sneaky sneaky" Rimuru smiled menacingly as he let a few wires extend from his fingers towards the gap in the doors.

Silently wrapping them around the villain's necks he quickly pulled on them, decapitating everyone in the room. Quickly cleaning up the corpses he made sure to make the security office as clean as possible to not arouse suspicion.

"Alright let's go in" Rimuru slowly opened the door, the classmates behind him prepared for a battle to erupt as soon as the villains noticed them, however seeing the completely empty room they were left flabbergasted.

"Huh? Rimuru you just wasted our time!" Kaminari complained while kicking an office chair back, looking at the security screen he grimaced as he didn't understand a single thing.

"It's strangely quiet... Why wouldn't the villains protect the security office? It's how they take control over I-Island" Shoto scratched his chin while thinking. Melissa next to him nodded as she didn't understand.

nevertheless, she sat down on the security terminal and began reversing all of Wofram's work, all the while he was completely ignorant of it.

(A/N: yes I just got rid of 90% of the action just by Rimuru making sure they weren't noticed)


"So where would the villains be anyway?" Kaminari leaned on a table while asking

"Probably in the vault... Villains are greedy little bastards" I smiled while making a money gesture with my hand, seeing my class grimace because of my foul mouth I decided to double down.

"What? Who cares about those villains they just want money, let's go kick their ass and show them why they deserve poverty" I heard Jiro sigh next to me before feeling her hand slap my nape roughly.

Hearing my ears ring and my consciousness waver I finally realized how dangerous some anime troupes are.

"While I f*cking hate you Rimuru you're probably right. Let's go kick villain a**" Bakugo created sparks on his hands, and due to peer pressure, the class decided to go with them.


"David we did it! We finally go this back" David's assistant smiled widely while holding onto the case containing the mechanical quirk enhancer.

"Yes... We did it... Now let's go get it to All Might" David smiled faintly but soon faded as he realized how he got the device back. He committed a crime... He wasn't sure how All Might would react.

"Then let's go" The assistant smiled as he began carrying the case however he was stopped in his tracks...by a bullet hitting his knee.

"Sorry to spoil the party, but don't mind if I do" David's gaze quickly turned to Woflram who was standing in the doorway and was slowly making his way towards him.

"W-whats the meaning of this! We p-paid you for-" David's assistant questioned through gritted teeth but Wolfram interrupted him.

"You hired a criminal, of course, I'll be taking a little piece of the prize. Also, no need to deposit the money. I can collect it off your inheritance!" Wolfram smiled evilly as he pulled the trigger as another bullet hit David's assistant's forehead.

"No Sam!" David screamed loudly seeing his assistant dead on the ground, he collapsed on his knees in despair.

"Subservient already? Say, will you be willing to mass produce this for me?" Wolfram picked up the case before whipping David with his pistol, picking him up as well.

"Wow, what a surprise, the villains were working for that nice guy. But the nice guy got betrayed!" Wolfram turned his head but his eyes went wide as he saw multiple teens standing in the doorway.

"How did you get past the people in the security room?" Wolfram questioned however seeing their confused expression he felt something strange.

"Doesn't matter get out of my way" Wolfram touched the ground making it bed and trapping the students in metal restraints.


"Rimuru do something! He's getting away!" Jiro shouted to me while were both attached to the wall.

"I can't. If I try anything he'll kill you all" I replied, I already knew how ruthless anyone associated with AFO is.

"Looks like he has a bit more brain cells than you, he seems to get it right" Wolfram suddenly criticized Jiro, making my blood boil.

"Oi the f*ck did you just say about her?" I emmited some smoke slowly melting at the restraints.

" I called stupid, what are you going to do about it?" Wolfram laughed loudly before making a sharp piece of railing point at Jiro. I felt inextinguishable rage burn in my mind.

"I will rip out your organs and feed them to pigeons"
