Wolfram's worse day - I-Expo part 8

A/N: got caught in the rain without an umbrella and now my laptop is wet. Hoping for a quick recovery 🙏


As soon as Wolfram turned his back to leave I immediately compressed some smoke before in a split second covering all of my classmate's restraints. As soon as they broke apart I screamed.

"Go Bakugo! I choose you" I pointed at Wolfram who unfortunately didn't react in time.

"You don't have to tell me Bastard!" Bakugo immediately lunged at Wolfram blasting him into the hallway's wall.

"Deku! You better punch him hard!" Bakugo screamed at Midoriya, who had just jumped into the hallway following after Wolfram to deliver another hit.

"Ach! K-kacchan!" All of a sudden Midoriya was flung back by a pillar of metal, sending him at Bakugo, fortunately, Bakugo caught Midoriya by the ankle before letting him land on his feet.

"Damn, you guys got good teamwork... You should be like... Actual friends" I commented however I earned a glare from Bakugo as he screamed at me

"I'm going to be the 1# hero like hell I'd need a sidekick!" Bakugo barked, his fists creating explosions.

"Didn't All Might have a sidekick?" I retorted, making Bakugo freeze in his place. However, he stayed firm in his belief.

"You should get distracted kid" I turned my gaze as Wolfram sent a pillar of metal in my direction, however, I quickly erased it by shooting [Beelzbub] at it.

"Oui! Why are you using your smoke like a wuss? Shoot more!" Bakugo screamed at me realizing that I was heavily holding back.

"Who gonna pay for the repairs? Or his medical bills? Just go already Bakugan use Dragonoid or something (very obscure reference)" I replied, Bakugo simply clicked his tongue before jumping towards Wolfram, giving me time to breathe.

Turning around I noticed my class standing behind us, unable to contribute due to their... Combat insufficiency...

To save time I wrapped them in my smoke and teleported them to my suite, just in case Wolfram decides to be a little b*tch and take hostages... He already has David Shield on him...


"Did he just teleport us away? No fair" Kaminari pouted before his eyes widened looking at the luxurious suite

"Who's room is this? So lucky!" His eyes shined like stars staring at all the high-quality items, marble floors giant TVs, and all.

"Huh, Rimuru teleported us to his room..." Jiro massaged her chin not realizing she made the entire class's eyes widen

"Rimuru got this suite while we got a boring hotel room?" Mina jumped onto the couch while complaining however she quickly turned around towards Jiro with a strange expression.

"How did you know Jiro?" Mina asked, a cheeky smile adorning her lips.

"I've slept here," Jiro answered back, nonchalantly however Kaminari decided to ruin the moment.

"You've slept with Rimuru? No fair!" As soon as Kaminari uttered those words Jiro's face darkened.

"Stop. Phrasing. It. Like. That." With multiple kicks to his crotch, it's safe to say Kaminari's bloodline is ruined. the already stiff Iida stiffened even further seeing the mutilation Kaminari went through.

"Wait wait wait shouldn't we go back there? They're fighting there alone!" Momo soon snapped out of her stupor realizing they basically abandoned their friends.

"Why? I doubt we'll help, Rimuru only teleported those who couldn't fight. Bakugo Midoriya and Rimuru could probably take him on" Jiro shrugged her shoulder.

"Wait what about Todoroki?" Momo asked before hearing a slurping sound coming from the kitchen, turning her head she saw Shoto slurping on soba he pulled out of the fridge...

"Aren't you going to help them?" Momo asked, Shoto's eyes narrowed he finished swallowing before opening his mouth.

"If you want to return you can go, I'll probably go with you..." Shoto turned his gaze while in thought, ever since he realized his motivation was only fueled by the hatred for his father he began feeling more and more empty... Maybe being a hero to help instead could be a good change of pace...

"Now that I think about it let me come too!" Jiro surprisingly changed her mind about staying, because Tokoyami wasn't here and Rimuru was busy fighting she didn't really have anything to do.. and Momo was basically her 3rd only friend... Heck, Momo helped her pick her dress.

"Why'd you change your mind?" Momo asked

"I want to support my boyfriend!" Jiro raised her hand in the air with pride, before realizing she just said it out loud. Feeling embarrassed she went silent before following Momo out in an awkward silence.


Inside the party venue, All Might was in deep thought, he turned his gaze to the glass ceiling remembering Midoriya's gaze of determination. He knew Midoriya went to deal with the villain but he wasn't sure if he would be able to beat them and that fact worried him sick.

However, his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the feeling of his restraint loosening, connecting the dots All Might realized Midoriya was successful, smiling widely in the blink of the eye he dealt with the villains inside the room and restrained them as well as releasing the other heroes.

"Thank you All Might! I owe you my life" One of the heroes expressed his thanks, however, some screwed businessmen wanted to take advantage of their rescue as a means to talk to All Might, but as soon as they tried getting closer All Might cleared his throat.

"Ahem, even if I've dealt with the villains here there are still more at the top of the tower. I hope you can help the others get rescued while I deal with the rest" All Might turned towards the heroes who quickly nodded, seeing his business done here he immediately jumped out of the window before climbing up the tower at surprising speeds.

However, he was forced to stop after hearing a loud sound


His gaze turned solemn as he looked at the top of the tower warping and twisting, his gaze soon landed on Bakugo Midoriya and Rimuru trying to deal with the villain attack.

"I can't waste time California SMASH!" Jumping harder than before he directly made it to the top of the tower before landing a shot onto the gigantic metal formation, twisting it back like a blooming flower.


"Die!" Bakugo created an explosion blowing back another pillar of metal. Giving time for Midoriya to dash into Wolfram's Blindspot sending a punch toward him unexpectedly.

unfortunately, Wolfram had more than one quirk, muscle enhancement making him able to resist Midoriya's attacks.

"You little brat" Wolfram's eyes went bloodshot seeing as his plan was going to be ruined just because of a few kids, ditching his initial plan Wolfram opened the case David was carrying and put the mechanical quirk enhancer.

"Don't forget about me! I'm the least forgettable here!" I suddenly appeared in front of Wolfram trying to grab the MQE (too long of a name to write every time.)

"Don't push your luck kid!" Wolfram screamed out, making one of the walls try to wrap around me, unfortunately, a single [Beelzbub] infused punch annihilated the wall making his metal manipulating quirk useless as he can't reform the metal I destroy.

"Too bad for you! I'm a natural counter to you Wolfram! Give up!" I toyed with Wolfram's feelings acting like a police officer... I jumped around a pillar however what I saw made me quite annoyed

"Too late kid! Die!" Wolfram had already put the MQE on his head, now with his quirk semi-awakened he didn't need to touch the metals to shoot them at me. Quickly sprouting wings from my back I dodged the small shrapnel shooting at me.

"Move girly face! die!" Bakugo circled around me before exploding all the flying shrapnel out of the way, flying closer, Bakugo went for a close-range explosion however he was stopped in his tracks as the entire hallway warped around him.

"I will kill you painfully kiddo! You made me angry!" Wolfram smiled sadistically as he manipulated the entire top floor of the tower, surrounding him and the unconscious David in a ball of metal.

at the same time, he made gigantic compressed pieces of metal fly at us at high speeds, with quirk reaction the three of us managed to dodge the flying blocks, Midoriya even used them as footings getting closer to the gigantic amalgam of metal.

However, my danger sense soon flared, jumping back. Just at that moment, I heard a distant shout

"California SMASH!" Followed by a gigantic bang, Wolfram's ball of metals was blown away, stretching like a popping popcorn.

"Fear not! Why? Because I am here!" All Might raised his thumbs looking at us before sending another punch at the Wolfram construct. However, this time the punch was absorbed by a pillar of metal Wolfram shot at All Might.

With a quirk reaction, All Might dove down and held onto the pillar, landing on the ground All Might pulled on the pillar swinging it back like a gigantic whip.

"All Might-sensei!" Midoriya who finally had time to breathe shouted out. His expression showed relief however his smile slightly faded as he saw All Might's slightly strained smile.

'oh, so All Might is tired right?' I thought to myself while looking at All Might and Midoriya communicate using glances.

"Don't kid yourself!" Wolfram's voice sounded loudly resonating with the metals as they began forming spikes and shooting at us, using [Beelzbub] I devoured most of them.

Now that I can hold back much less I didn't intend to drag the battle for too long, by devouring his metals he'll soon run out of material to use.

"I'll kill you!" Wolfram again shouted out, however his anger seemed to be directed at me. Sending a gigantic pillar with smaller ones at my flank, basically a pincer attack. Unfortunately, he didn't consider that I could teleport and turn to smoke.

And that's exactly what I did. Turning into smoke I diffused it as the pillars slammed onto themselves getting themselves devoured in the process. unfortunately, there's a big weakness to turning myself to smoke.

That weakness is having no eyes to see or ears to hear. Basically, I had Mirio's problem of not knowing where the hell am I. On the bright side, I can just teleport away if things get bad anyway. Returning back to my fleshling form, I got a first-class seat to Bakugo and Midoriya double teaming on Wolfram.

Bakugo exploded every metal pillar in his way as Midoriya followed destroying any that got away. All Might followed by the side Throwing one or two devastating punches from time to time.

"Well, I can't have them flexing without showing off a bit myself!" A small grin formed on my face, using both [Beelzbub] and [Universal wire] I swung my smoke at the metals and wrapped the wires around them, dragging them into the subspace, at the same time I launched them back Wolfram.

While sending metal back to Wolfram might seem stupid, I wrapped the wires around the metal so they couldn't be controlled by him. As soon as Wolfram noticed some metals being out of his control he began to panic, trying to destroy those metal chunks in the air he was supposed to find the pillars he sent being sliced like clay.

"Something is cutting them! I can't see it" Wolfram turned his head to where the blue-haired kid was, he couldn't understand his quirk which made him the most dangerous.

"Huh?" Looking at where he was just fighting him he saw an empty field with only broken chunks of metal and smoke.

"Did you pray today?" Wolfram instantly reacted to the voice coming from behind him. Unfortunately, Rimuru already came in his behind (🤨). Rimuru carved right through his metal armor like it wasn't even there, meeting eye to eye with the blue-haired boy Wolfram felt fear for the first time.

"I asked... Did you pray today?" His menacing smile and glowing ruby eyes made his display of strength even more terrifying.
