The quest for support items


A few weeks have already passed and class 1-A have done nothing but train constantly, strengthening their quirks and finding new uses for them.

"Die! AP SHOT!" Bakugo screamed furiously while aiming at a thick concrete block, instead of a gigantic explosion exiting his palms, instead a compressed shot of kaboom boom hit the block piercing it easily.

"Good job Bakugo" Tempa clapped twice however, Bakugo refused to stop there and began shooting AP shots in rapid fire, breaking down the block more and more until it turned into rubble.

However unfortunately for Bakugo some of the rubble decided to fall down, where All Might was standing reviewing Mina's progress, after giving a few pointers.

"Oi All Might! You better dodge bastard!" Bakugo shouted at All Might, because All Might hadn't retired yet due to the AFO fight being avoided he wasn't in any real danger.

However, that fact did not stop a certain green blur. Immediately jumping at the opportunity Midoriya jumped and kicked the block away turning it to dust.

Yes, you heard me right, Midoriya finally figured out how to use his legs. It only took his arms getting shattered multiple times, however now aware of the latent danger of overusing his arms Midoriya learned to use his legs instead.

In addition, Midoriya had upgraded his suit by getting a few support items, looking around it wasn't just him with new support items


"So you want a way to stop relying on your arms during fights?" Rimuru tilted his head Midoriya trembled under his gaze, and he massaged his scarred arm with apprehension.

"Um... Yes, and I thought you might have a good idea" Midoriya didn't like to admit it but Rimuru had much more battle IQ than he did. He seemed to see through a person's quirk just by a look and figure out how to use that same quirk more efficiently.

Heck, he taught Jiro to be able to send shockwaves through the ground without using any device. Jiro can now send vibrations through solid objects connected to her ear jacks.

"Well first of all you have legs... So just kick... Also if you need a more permanent solution go to the support department" Rimuru scratched his head as Midoriya was finally coming to the epiphany that he wasn't wheelchair bound and could kick his enemies.

"Wait support department?" Midoriya hadn't understood what Rimuru meant. Asking again Rimuru sighed in annoyance before beckoning him to follow.

"You can go the support department to ask for custom support items, like how All Might used to have those shoulder pad thingies" Rimuru pointed at his shoulders imitating the former support items All Might used to have, however, Midoriya being a fanboy immediately got annoyed.

"Hey, it's called the reinforcement might pads!" Midoriya analyzed those support items ever since he was young, it was supposed to help All Might create more consistent Air pressure waves however All Might discarded it after separating from Sir. Night eye.

"Midoriya! Rimuru wait up!" The pair turned around to the voice behind them, they soon spotted Uraraka and Iida rushing towards them quickly.

"You're going to get custom support items right? Let's go!" Iida pointed at a distant door before marching forward, Uraraka huffed heavily after sprinting towards them but soon recovered.

"Great now I'm stuck with the goodie-two-shoes team" Rimuru lowered his posture in annoyance, and he continued leading Midoriya even while his mood was rapidly deteriorating.

"Alright, it should be right here---" Right as Rimuru was about to open the door it was blasted open by itself as a gigantic explosion shot into Rimuru's face covering the surroundings with heavy black smoke.

"This day just keeps getting worse" As the smoke cleared a strange sight made its way to Midoriya Uraraka and Iida's eyes. Rimuru was lying on the floor as a pink-haired girl was straddling him, her breasts rubbing on his chest.

"Haha! Sorry, I was just in the middle of repairing my babies! It happens sometimes" The pink-haired girl soon stood up wiping her sweat from her forehead, she wore a black tank top giving a clear window to her massive jigglers.

"Anyway, my name is Mei Hatsune! Nice to meetcha!" The girl going by the name Hatsune reached her hand out helping Rimuru stand, a shadow casting over his face.

"So are you here to make babies with me?" Hatsune tilted her head as Rimuru gritted his teeth using all of his will to not make a dumb joke.

"M-m-make b-b-babies??!?" Midoriya who heard Hatsune loud and clear started blushing profusely, Uraraka who stood next to him had a cold glare directed at Hatsune.

"B*tch" Uraraka clicked her tongue before returning back to her smiley self.

"Yeah yeah babies just call them machines, Milky-Mei" Rimuru walked past Hatsune entering the support department studio, however, he was (unsuccessfully) stopped by Power Loader.

"Where do you think you're going boy" Power Loader asked while protecting his important inventions.

"I'm here to get some support items made" Rimuru replied, however, Power Loader wasn't very happy with that answer.

"So you just barge in like that? Didn't even knock on the door" Power Loader crossed his arms in annoyance.

"To be fair the door exploded in my face before I could so humbly knock on it" Hearing this Power Loader turned towards Hatsune, and seeing her disheveled appearance he figured out what happened instantly.

"Oui Hatsune! Why did I say about playing with gunpowder? There are perfectly good pistons here! You can make a robot move by exploding it!" Power Loader already had enough of Hatsune as she kept insisting on using unconventional ways to create her inventions.

"Sorry sensei! I kinda just wanted to explode some stuff! Hehe" Hatsune stuck out her tongue however she immediately regretted her decision as some soot entered her mouth.

"Don't 'hehe' me and go take a shower! You haven't cleaned yourself in 4 days!"


"Should we stop them?" Midoriya pulled Rimuru aside and asked, Hatsune and Power loader have been arguing for over 5 minutes about taking showers or something.

"Not a good idea... Just wait until that pinky hair is done and she'll make the best support items you've ever seen" Rimuru replied, perhaps hearing him, Hatsune seemingly teleported out of her argument with Power Loader.

"I'm glad you see my potential! Let's not waste any time! We're making babies!" Hatsune grabbed Rimuru by the collar, her scope-like eyes constantly rotating as they fixated on Rimuru's face.

"Unfortunately I am taken, if I want babies I'll ju-" Before Rimuru could make another strange comment he was slapped in the back of his head, recognizing the slap he turned around in a panic.

"Kyouka! What a coincidence seeing you here" Rimuru's forehead trickled with cold sweat as he stared at his angry girlfriend.

"You were about to say something stupid again weren't you?" It was Jiro's turn to grab Rimuru by the collar as she stared closely into his eyes.

"Definitely not! Are you here to order support items? Why don't I help you!"

"Don't try to change the subject! It won't work anymore!" Jiro grabbed Rimuru by the collar even more aggressively, her eyes radiated rage.

Rimuru however was not disturbed, choosing to use a forbidden technique he closed the distance between their faces and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"W-what was that for?!"



"So I was thinking of getting reverse headphones"

"What's a reverse headphones?" Hatsune asked while writing everything Jiro said onto a notebook as well as sketching a rough plan

"It's headphones but I can connect my ear-jacks to them and they blast that noise in all directions" Jiro pointed at her own headphones and Hatsune immediately understood what she meant.

"So instead of playing sounds to yourself you muff your own ears and deafen everyone else... Smart..." Hatsune quickly sketched a blueprint in the blink of an eye, showing her incredible talent for making random gadgets.

"And Rimuru wanted reusable smoke bombs that can compress his devouring smoke, isn't that right?" Jiro then described what Rimuru wanted, she turned around looking at Rimuru who was tied to the table.

"Y-yes ma'am"

"Good boy" Jiro patted Rimuru's head as he stared at her with a gaze of betrayal. Midoriya and Uraraka meanwhile were discussing what they wanted for their costume.

"So you want to start kicking more" Ururaka tilted her head in confusion as Midoriya tried explaining his support items idea.

"Yes... I can't use my hands too much or..." Midoriya clenched his hands feeling the slight numbness coming from the nerve damage.

"Ah, so you want cool kicky boots!" Uraraka kicked the air like a professional footballer would.

"Right, I also had an idea for your costume. You can change the ergonomics of your costume to reduce the nausea from your quirk" Midoriya pulled his notebook before flipping to the page where wrote about Uraraka's quirk. Meanwhile, her eyes shone as she saw many interesting descriptions and quirks that Midoriya wrote about.

"Ah here!" Midoriya pointed at a small sketch of Uraraka's costume however some clear changes have been made to them, including a helmet and a gyro-stabilizer, as well as weighted shoes to change her center of gravity.

"Your a genius Deku-kun!" Uraraka didn't understand anything Midoriya wrote about however she assumed Midoriya's ideas were good and immediately complimented him.

"Alright Midoriya, Uraraka. I'm done you can go ask Hatsune for your ideas" Jiro alerted Midoriya and Uraraka, meanwhile Iida was forgotten about...

"Hey... Kyouka!.... Can you untie me now!!!!" Rimuru shouted as he heard the door close, he felt despair creeping in as Jiro forgot about him....

Seems like Iida and Rimuru have been turned into background characters...


Haha just kidding Rimuru is the main character! How could he be forgotten!





Iida? Who's that?

Anyway, now that the support items were ordered Rimuru returned to the training ground where his classmates have improved by leaps and bounds.


Shoto was wearing a serious expression as his full concentration was on the ice in one hand and the fire in the other. Keeping both of them at completely opposite temperatures.

"Good job Todoroki. -12 and 904" Tempa smirked as Todoroki immediately lost his focus making the temperatures return to normal. As soon as he was done Shoto collapsed on his knees while breathing heavily.

"Alrighty now I'm going" Tempa seemingly disinterested left Shoto to stand back up and rest, sitting on a makeshift bench made of concrete he clenched his hands again and again.

"I'm getting stronger... And it's all thanks to her" Unknowingly Shoto developed a teacher-crush as his cheeks flushed slightly. Unfortunately for Shoto, he would never even get the chance... Poor simp.


"Ultimate move! Unbreakable!" Kirishima screamed out as his body began more and more jagged, he was so hard that comparing him to diamonds wouldn't be a far fetch.

"Humph, call yourself unbreakable only after you wistand this! DIE! AP BARRAGE" Bakugo aimed his finger before shooting multiple AP shots in rapid succession, each shot surprisingly hitting its mark as dust covered Kirishima's body.

However, as soon as the dust cleared Kirishima rushed out completely unharmed.

"Haha! I'm unbreakable!"


"Ultimate move! Prismatic spree!" Hagakure jumped at Mina as her skin reflected all the light around her into a single point, shooting mini lasers all over the place.

(A/N: I decided to give Hagakure an offensive skill.... Just because... And her quirk can curve light so she should be able to do that right?)

"Not so fast! Ultimate move! Melty stream go!" Mina, with complete disregard for her terrible naming sense, clapped her hands together before forcing acid through her palms, creating massive pressure she opened her hands slightly making the acid shoot out like a hose.

"Kya! It burns!" Hagakure was immediately hit with the acid, melting apart some of her gloves. Of course, Mina wasn't unharmed either as Hagakure's lasers burnt holes throughout her outfit as well as making small burns on her skin.


"They're real talented kids aren't they?" All Might stood and spectated the small spars here and there, making small talk with Tempa he hoped to get some insight on Rimuru.

"Eh? They're alright... Though slightly stupid" Julia didn't hold back her punches as she directly called out the meatheads in the crowd. All Might flinched at Julia's bluntness.

"But they'll learn right?"

"They will, but let's hope it won't be after they fail the provisional license exam" Julia commented. All Might's face went serious as he heard the exam mentioned.

He too hoped that none of them fail the exam.

However, they can only hope for the best.
