Beach episode, clichès galore- Nabu Island part 1

A/N: This mini-arc is supposed to be all about the second movie... But I'm not watching it again.

I hope it won't drag on too much


The wind brushed past my hair sending chills all over my body. Even though it was now winter I didn't actually feel too cold... Why is that?

"We're at the motherf*cking beach! Wooo!" Running along the sand I shouted out loud with my arms way above my head. Now because we were at the beach I of course had to wear my best.

With typical tropical swimming trunks and a button-up shirt which of course was open revealing my lean abs. Unfortunately, the confidence in my body instantly vanished seeing Midoriya, Bakugo, Kirishima... Kaminari...? Why are they all so jacked?

"Stop getting depressed were at the beach" I felt someone's arm go over my head, and soon enough I found sunglasses being shoved into my face.

"Why sunglasses? It's winter" I grabbed the shades putting them on more securely before turning to face Jiro

"The sun is still the sun... I don't want your ruby eyes to burn up" Jiro smiled slightly making me freeze in place. I didn't expect her to wear a thin bikini because I was cold yet I've had my expectations shattered... Not that it's something bad.

"My eyes are up here~" Jiro chuckled pulling on my cheek

"I am well aware" Even though I was my eyes did not move from where they were staring at. Calling it a generic black bikini would be an insult to women's fashion... If only she had a bit more sideboobs

I wiped away my imaginary tears before taking her hand and slowly getting closer to the waters. Because the beach was... Well, on the beach so there were many people around. So of course we attracted attention especially because we're foreigners.

Ah right, we currently weren't at the Japan mainland. But rather at Nabu Island, last month we got a recommendation project from the Public Safety Commission telling us to help civilians at the Island. Of course, with the MHA verse, nothing isn't without a bit of drama. But for me... It's going to be a potential profit spot... Hoho shadow thief, it's time to shine

"Rimuru stop grinning like a dumb*ss and come swim" I heard Jiro's voice, snapping out of my deep thoughts I took a step into the waters...

"Jeez it's cold" I felt my leg jitter as the waters sucked every last bit of heat out of my body. I now remember why going to the beach is a summer thing...

"Kyouka the water is cold as hell!" I shouted out but was frozen in place seeing her already neck-deep in the waters

"You'll get used to it! Hurry up there's a coral reef nearby! I wanna take a selfie or something" I stared deadpan at Jiro as she began swimming further and further away. Taking a deep breath or perhaps a sigh I began to walk slowly praying deeply I didn't catch a cold or something


But before I could even go in knee deep I heard the sound of a whistle blasting in my direction. Turning around I saw Iida stare at me with an angered expression

"Is there something you need?" I tilted my head in confusion. Most of the time I got warned by Iida it was completely knowingly yet he seemed upset about something

"Rimuru! Are you planning to swim with a shirt on?" Iida asked me. And looking down I realized I was still wearing my shirt...

"Is that really a problem? It's kinda cold out" I rubbed my shoulder like I was freezing, however Iida's eyebrows shot down as he sprinted at me with a newspaper rolled up in his hand


"You are wearing an expensive linen shirt! And you want to get it wet by the dirty seawater? Shame on you!"

"And yet you sprint into the water with glasses on" I commented on his now, wet glasses. Soon his eyes turned to panic

"How foolish of me!"


"When you say there's a coral reef I didn't expect this" I muttered in amazement while standing on an above-water coral. The scene in front of me looked as if it came straight from a Disney movie. The colors as saturated as an LSD trip

"Pretty neat right? I read about it before we went here... Now I kinda want to explore" Jiro said with a curious look on her face. And to be honest I was kinda curious too, in my past life I didn't really do anything noteworthy, the best sight I've seen was probably during road trips... Like dystopian cityscapes and roadjams...

"Maybe we'll be able to find Nemo," I said jokingly before preparing to dive right in. Of course, being the showoff that I was decided to go all out.

Sprouting wings out my back I jumped into the air before hovering for a few seconds. With another flap of my wings, I began accelerating down dividing the water as if it were the Red Sea.

"Watch out! Cannonball!"


With a cullum of water reaching the sky I was in the middle of the coral reef, staring at the dazed fish that didn't expect a supersonic blue-haired non-hedgehog to blast the water around

"Blub blub blub(cool fishes)" I began swimming a bit upward however before I could go for another breath I saw a shadow loom over me

"Cannonball" hearing the voice, and before I could even react I felt Jiro's feet impact my nose with inhuman accuracy.


"Hey Todoroki! Can you make some more ice? There isn't enough for the slushy machine" Kirishima shouted out loud while transporting boxes, while could have fun on the beach they were still there to help the inhabitants of the island

"Sure..." Todoroki waved his hand as a human-sized icicle rose up, however, he soon realized his mistake...

'I made it too cold' Shoto saw the air condensing around the glacier, scratching the back of his head he tried again. This time he tried to make it a little hotter... Make ice hotter... Kinda ironic

"I hate the beach... It dirties my feathers" Tokoyami muttered while staying under an umbrella

(A/N: do normal and beach umbrellas have different names? Idk English is complicated)

"Nobody likes sand... It gets everywhere" Hagakure said while wiping away sand that stuck to her arms. Unfortunately, she didn't seem to notice the pile of sand covering her mounds making them visible...

"Hagakure-uh how do I tell you this" Ojiro being the gentleman he was tried to explain it to her unfortunately he didn't get anywhere and had to get Mina's help

"Oo! Oo! Let's have a barbecue!" Mina jumped up in excitement, she already brought a grill and meats... She was already planning to..

"We cannot! It's too early, we can only have a barbeque in the evening" Iida shut her idea down, to her dismay.

"Deku-kun! Let's make a sandcastle" Uraraka said while carrying a small plastic shovel like a kid, though her tight bikini showed her more 'matureness'

"Uh-uh s-s-sure" Midoriya, not sure where to look sat down and focused his only thought on making a sandcastle... Making a sandcastle... Milking a san-- dammit

But while class 1-A was having fun on Nabu island's beaches. The mainland situation wasn't very good...

Near the ports of Tokoyo Bay, a rapid car chase was happening. The heroes have recently found clues on the League of Villains, and they went right for it due to the contents of the information.

"Go go go! Go faster dammit!" Spinner shouted at Jin as he saw the hero's car getting closer to their truck. Speeding through the road

"Hey stop being so mean... I only did 2 jobs for you... Damn Lizard I'll kill- what a cute Lizard"

"Focus!" Spinner shouted as he felt the truck suddenly bump, sending tools and vials crashing into the ground shattering in the process.

However the compartment inside the truck seemed to be completely quiet, the outside looking like a metal prison however the inside was like a mad scientist's lab. With a sleeping person resting inside a capsule in the middle of the room.

Of course. That person is NINE, Rimuru's free quirk-in-a-box. Sleeping like a dead rock he continued to rest as if the chaos outside was nonexistent. However, after a sudden crash, NINE opened his eyes and sat up. Looking like a vampire NINE's skin was as pale as a sheet of paper and his hair being white as well might make him invisible in a white room. Unfortunately, his purple eyes and cybernetics ruined the camo.

"I wasn't supposed to wake up yet" NINE muttered staring at his hands. He could feel it yet again, his cells degenerating due to the unstable quirk he had... Or quirks

That's right NINE has as you had guessed 7 quirks he can use.

Weather manipulation (original)

AFO(just a small piece)

Bullet lasers

Air walls

Cell activation



Each of those quirks he stole to become stronger however his body could not handle the burden of 7 quirks. Thus he was put inside a capsule to preserve his vitality.

He was told he was being transferred away from Tokyo as AFO had a plan that required him...

"What a bother" NINE waited a moment before quickly holding onto the wall as the truck flipped upside down


"Did we get them?" Endeavor shouted to his earpiece as he stared at the burning vehicle that had just crashed.

"Tsk... They were clones... What cowards" Miruko answered back as she kicked the detached wheel of the truck, unintentionally sending it into a tree, and felling it.

"Does matter, did you check what's in the cargo?" Endeavor climbed down from the car's roof getting closer. Miruko who just pushed aside the nearly hanging on door stared at the inside of the cargo hold.

"It's empty... But whoever was here must've been one hell of a scientist" Miruko commented, the inside of the truck was now completely empty. After a thorough investigation, they didn't find anything noteworthy in whatever that lab had.

"So all of this for nothing... Next time call All Might for this... And set up between me and him preferably" Miruko clicked her tongue in annoyance before walking away, Endeavor hearing this clenched his hands in annoyance...

"If only All Might retires..." Endeavor muttered before realizing what he just said...

Unfortunately for you Mr. Endeavor, even if All Might retires, your life would still be hell

Trust me


"Hello welcome to the UA agency how can I help you?" Uraraka answered the phone with an enthusiastic voice. Listening for a bit she leaned her head into the lounge spotting who she needed.

"Rimuru-kun! Ms.Obasse needs help getting home! Her back hurts... Oh right, there's trash that needs disposal at-----"


"Aren't you going to help them?" Uraraka stared at me with puppy dog eyes, clicking my tongue I stood up.

"Sure sure... Just make sure to not give me all the lame ones" Getting close to the door I already had my wings unfurled

"I'll try" Uraraka chuckled, watching me leave she returned back to operating the phones

"Ah right!" Uraraka then leaned again towards the lounge this time staring at Bakugo

"Some kids are saying their fireworks don't work---"

"Shut the hell up! I not helping some snot-nosed kid play with fire! I'll kill them!"

Bakugo has been reduced to a mere portable firework....


A/N: chapter 69? nice