Humble Quirk Donors

A/N: it's 1 am and I completely blanked out and didn't write a single word... I am completely f*cked


As soon as NINE escaped the car crash he deemed continuing to his destination as a danger due to the heroes now watching for anyone in the area, going back to Tokyo Bay NINE discreetly stole a motorboat not before reuniting with his subordinates. Of course, because of that the heroes caught their trail and followed them fortunately, NINE managed to escape by sea and is now looking for a nearby island to get the heroes off his tail...

In addition, he has to solve his cell deterioration as soon as possible. Dying isn't a possibility. Unknowingly, his boat was being pulled by the string of fate as it slowly approached Nabu Island. Where class 1-A will be forced to deal with them, and where NINE's salvation conveniently lives.

Of course, that was


"Oui kid! Stop making me chase you and get back here!" I felt tired... This game of cat and mouse has been going for 3 hours now... Every time I caught this little gremlin I got scolded by his sister only for her to call us again to help 'rescue' him... At this point, I am willing to add 'child murderer' to my resume...

"Hahahaha! You're it!" The kid however continued running and laughing, as if his stanima didn't end... Well, that's because it probably did... That kid's quirk [cell activation] can make his cells use 200% of their true potential by just straight up making them pop and regenerate themselves.

I can now see why NINE wanted the quirk as it was really good... Though he was still a child, and children can be easily caught. With a swift dive, I caught the kid by surprise as I lifted him into the air. Now flying through the sky I could feel him freeze in my hands as his eyes shook while staring down.

My sadistic side is telling me to drop him for a second but I knew his sister would scold me yet again. And if I hurt her onii-chan then I might as well consider my reputation in my class ruined.

"Humph took you long enough! It was 5 minutes too late" As soon as I landed I could hear the scoff and sneer of that little bastard's sister, turning my gaze I could see her pointing at her phone but what I saw made my eyebrows twitch

"Oui, it says 20 minutes what do you mean 5 minutes late? I got there as soon as I could!" I felt my mouth twitch as she began talking about how All Might could do it quicker... Lady... I'm not All Might...

*Ring Ring ring*

Suddenly I heard my phone buzz, putting the phone onto my ear I completely ignored the sister who was still trying to scold me for no reason.

["Hey Rimuru! We need you for something real quick! Can you get here fast?"] Hearing Jiro's voice I unknowingly began smiling a bit, of course catching myself I began talking nonchalantly

"Yeah, I'll be right there Kyouka! Love ya"

["Love you too"]

As soon as I hung up my wings unfurled yet again before shooting me into the sky, spotting the 'UA agency' building I began to head in that direction... It shouldn't take long right?

But before I could focus on the nice scenery I felt my senses buzzing about. Having a bad feeling I turned towards the port where I could spot a small silhouette sneakily arriving at the port. While my vision could let me see from kilometers away it was still too far to get enough detail. Nevertheless, my senses told me exactly who that was

'kekek free quirks just for me? You shouldn't have!' My smile slowly turned ferocious but first I had to deal with whatever Kyouka needed. GF comes first... Sometimes


"Huh? Tf am I supposed to do about this?" I stared at what could only be described as a mechanical war crime in confusion. I could feel the expectant gaze of a random inhabitant as well as my classmates

"Well, you are our last option... Nobody really has any mechanical knowledge so we need someone who can fix this" Momo scratched the back of her head, she felt ashamed as she was supposed to know the most about machinery as she needed to in order to use he quirk.

"Tsk..." I clicked my tongue before getting into a squat... Whatever was their last attempt it truly f*cked whatever this thing was to an even worse degree.

"Let me guess... You let Bakugo have a round" I said while twirling a wrench I just pulled from my subspace. Luckily I don't need mechanical knowledge as I had an angel of one in my mind

'Raphael-san, help me fix this'

[Downloading schematic.... Auto adjustment]

[Here is how to fix this:.....]

'I love having a cheat ability... I could kiss you Raphael' I had a small smirk on my face however I soon felt a hand on my shoulder, and a chill up my spine... Unknowingly I had triggered Jiro's woman sense


"Well isn't this a sh*t show! Why did we even run away I could've just killed them" A rough-mouthed woman began complaining as soon as she made it to the shore, without missing a beat she kicked a stone away in frustration.

"Calm down, We couldn't afford to anger any pro hero. Especially Endeavor" NINE calmly said while. crawling out of the boat they were just in, unfortunately, their engine buster in the middle of the night, and had to go with the waves. Luckily they didn't steer off course of any island rather, they went directly into one... What luck!

"So does this Island have anything?" An apathetic voice asked, a man who was almost covered entirely in bandages climbed out of their boat next, true to his name Mummy looked like a mummy.

"If there's nobody strong then what's the point?" Another one questioned, climbing yet again from the boat was a man that looked like a tiger... And a lion... And a... Well he looked like a chimera

"I don't know if there are any strong heroes but I'm sure whatever I'm looking for is here... Scan told me," NINE said while surveying his surroundings. It didn't seem like they were spotted as there didn't seem to be many guards at the port, especially in the late evening.

"So we get whatever it is you want and then we can go slice up some heroes?" The short-tempered woman asked, her red crystal-like hair creating a creaking sound that could make a deaf man cry.

"We're looking for this kid... He has the quirk that I need" NINE said while pulling out a photo of a young boy. It was the same one. Of course, NINE needs that boy's quirk to regenerate his dying cells.

"So where did you find this kid? You got a random photo of a child in your pockets like a damn pedo" Chimera said while looking at the photo, his nose huffing steam. He felt a natural instinct to try to fight strong people however ever since he stepped onto the Island he felt opressed... Like a bigger predator has set his eyes on him...

"Steal that kid's quirk and be done with it... I don't care" the apathetic Mummy said while eyeing the faraway crowd, he was already searching for the kid. Methodical and all.

"Wait... First, we need a plan. If they find out about us and run away we're screwed. And probably won't have a second chance" NINE said stopping his subordinates from jumping down directly and assaulting the Island.

"Huh? I can fight anyone yet? Stingy" Chimera scratched his hand. He started feeling his hair rise and didn't like the feeling.

"First we should take control of the port so nobody can escape, then we'll need to take a couple of hostages... And if anyone tried to interfere Slice can take them apart" NINE said his last words emanating a murderous aura. Slice who looked delighted began laughing like a maniac.

"Alright..." Mummy simply nodded before jumping down, landing on the beach he began making his way towards the port using the forest as cover... Unfortunately when Chimera tried to follow his instincts began screaming at him...

"W-wait Mummy hold on!" Before Chimera could even react he saw Mummy... In 2 pieces, his head dropped to the floor only to disappear in a cloud of now-visible black smoke.

"Sorry for the intrusion... But I'll take your quirks... Thaaank you very much" The semi-feminine voice ran alarm bells in the beastman's mind instantly transforming into his full form his eyes darted all around. Unfortunately, even enhanced senses could prepare him for his legs to go missing.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" As soon as his scream rang out he too disappeared. However, he succeeded in alerting Slice and NINE, who both had their eyes wide open

"Didn't you say there's nobody strong?" Slice said with a slight stutter, while she might be sadistic and arrogant she was still very much afraid of death.

"I didn't say anything about that but..." NINE stared at where his two subordinates stood. Now empty spaces with no traces of where they even went.

"This is ridiculous" But before NINE could complain more he instinctivly raised an air wall in front of his only to see it get sliced like butter. If he didn't pull up the barrier it would've been his head.

'invisible wires' NINE and Slice quickly realized their enemy was dangerous. As soon as they did Slice's crystal-like hair began to extend like swords swinging all around trying to cut any invisible wires they might've missed. In their panic, they didn't notice how foggy the place had become...

"Not so scary now huh? Can't attack us when all your wires get cut!" Slice began provoking the air, thinking whoever it was couldn't attack her due to her hair 'cutting the wires' Unfortunately she was about to have a rude awakening.

NINE on the other hand was beginning to have a panic attack, he realized he didn't have anything to use against his enemy right now, even scanning didn't seem to show where he was and the air walls couldn't handle a single swipe...

But of course, his worries didn't need to be solved as the black fog around them began converging behind them.

"My what humble people! Willing to donate your quirks for the ones in need... How thankful am I" As soon as NINE heard those words he began feeling a tang of guilt. Those words were probably directed at him as he stole the quirks of multiple people without their consent..however, that guilt soon disappeared due to AFO's brainwashing... Well, he didn't wash his heart from what it seemed.

"!!!!!!" Before NINE could realize an arm had already pierced his back and was holding his heart in front of his face. The same could be said for Slice who was standing next to him. Both of them slowly turned back before going into complete shock at what they saw.

"Yo-your ju-just a kid" Before Slice could get an answer she fell onto the floor. Dead.

"Too bad, I stopped their monologue," Rimuru said with a complete lack of empathy. Right now he definitely looked like a villain but

"Hey, it isn't a crime if there are no witnesses." with a small smile Rimuru disappeared from the non-crime crime scene


"Argh I'm home!" I shouted no one in particular. The good thing about being at Nabu Island is the premium hotel rooms we were all provided. It was certainly better than the dorm rooms. It was soundproof as well... Not that I'd need it... Right?

Before I could even begin to regret that jinx I heard someone entering my hotel room. Of course it was obviously Jiro. Who had the habit of sleeping in my dorm room for no reason... She was partly at fault for why I don't get enough sleep.

"Hey Rimurum... So I was thinking" Jiro averted her gaze a bit, getting a bad feeling I followed her into my room however what happened next was more than suprising...

"It's Christmas soon right? And your birthday too... So I was thinking if we could celebrate in a special way" I didn't get to hear the last part of her sentence as my eyes laid upon her lingerie

'Awe hell no... I'm not going to jail... But....'


A/N: Now I actually need input this time but... Should I try writing 18+? I'm not very confident but I've got to at least try right?

Just comment yes or no. Of course you could just skip those chapter you don't like my decision....

Also power stones plz?