Stop exploding in my face!

A/N: I wrote like 70% of the chapter together with a cool fighting scene but then I remembered Mirio doesn't have his quirk anymore 💀


The entire class went silent as the 4th wall began fixing itself, and as it did a vein pulsed on Bakugo's forehead. Pushing his classmates aside he shouted

"He's a damn villain why the hell aren't you attacking him!" Bakugo then clenched his and into a fist and swung it at Mirio, creating an explosion in his hand at the same time

Hearing Bakugo's proclamation everyone winced as they remembered the beating they took not too long ago. They stood no chance against one of the top 3!

"Haha, you're a funny one" Mirio laughed as he easily dodged the attack, even without his fist Mirio was an experienced fighter. Bakugo obviously didn't expect to hit as he prepared another attack however Mirio caught him by surprise as he dashed forward aiming to use his signature gut punch

"Take this fight seriously you quirkless BASTARD!" Bakugo dodged Mirio's dash as he sent a blast towards Mirio. At that time Midoriya finnaly regained his nerves as lightning crackled around him. Dashing forward he tried to enact a pincer move together with Bakugo

"Move Deku! He's mine!" However, Bakugo wasn't having it as he shoved Midoriya aside causing him to lose his balance. Mirio saw this as a perfect opportunity to strike back as he lunged forward again.

Bakugo tensed up preparing to counter attack however he hadn't expected Mirio to go for Midoriya who was still trying to regain his balance.

"Time for Powaah!" Mirio punched Midoriya's side causing him to fall straight to the floor, and with a strong kick Miro sent Midoriya's body toward Bakugo

"Stop using tricks!" Bakugo shouted as he didn't even try to catch Midoriya, letting him land on the floor roughly, however, the slight distraction was enough for Mirio to reposition himself

At the same time, the class realized that Mirio isn't as scary as he used to be, he didn't have his quirk after all! Shoto immediately waved his hand shooting out ice onto the floor, making it slippery.

Mirio gritted his teeth as he raised he didn't have much time and needed to finish this quickly. He gazed past the class and nodded slightly, a move that went unnoticed by class 1-A

"Icy-Hot! I said he's mine!" Bakugo shouted, still stubborn about needing to fight Mirio one on one. Unfortunately, the class did listen to his shouting as Kirishima hardened his body and dashed forward

"You are making it quite hard for me! Haha get it! It's a joke about--- YOUR QUIRK" Mirio began laughing as he dodged Kirishima's reckless charge, putting his foot forward he tripped Kirishima on the slippery floor, and with a grapple he held Kirishima by his neck, acting like a meat shield.

"Oi! Let me go! That's an unmanly move! And it's Hella embarrassing!" Kirishima struggled in Mirio's arms, while he may be more durable than Mirio right now, he wasn't stronger.

"What'd I tell you, Idiots!" Bakugo dashed forward absolutely furious and shot AP shots at Mirio's which only got deflected by Kirishima's skin with great difficulty

"Hey! It hurts Bakugo stop!" Kirishima shouted as he felt his skin pelted more and more, gritting his teeth he was forced to stare at Mirio's sly smile as his back endured Bakugo's backshots...

Shoto still determined to defeat Mirio while trying to not make Bakugo angry simply sighed as he waved his hand once again, this time sending an icicle at Mirio

"Tsk" Mirio clicked his tongue as he dodged forward, forcing himself into getting closed off by the ice walls. He was already exhausted but knew he was only there to save time. Hopefully, Nejire dealt with Rimuru in time. They had planned how to deal with each student, their plan couldn't fail.


"Mou~ stop dodging hoo hoo!" Nejire shouted as sweat built up on her face, her hands were already tired from sending surge after surge. If she stopped even for a moment Rimuru would exploit it like a gap in chainmail

"Then maybe aim better!" Rimuru shouted back while dodging another surge, slamming into the road it shot out a dust cloud and as it settled it revealed the damaged road around it

They were already fighting for 10 minutes straight, the road was getting more and more destroyed as asphalt turned to gravel, which caused Rimuru to lose his footing multiple times

"How are you not tired!" Rimuru shouted as he sent an orb of smoke towards Nejire, which got dispersed as soon as it was hit by an oncoming surge

"I want to ask you the same thing!" Nejire shouted while pouring, this was obviously going nowhere. She knew Rimuru most likely had more stamina as he was simply a beast when it came to power. Resorting to plan B she stopped firing surges

"Nyahaha! It's time for my ultimate move! Asta-la-BYEBYE!" Nejire shouted as a gigantic surge manifested in her hands, her face growing paler as the surge turned brighter. Rimuru who stood below stared at the surge with a very concerned expression

"Hey, you might want to calm down a bit! That's a bit excessive!" Rimuru said with a slight panic in his voice. Unknown to Nejire or the observers, Rimuru could very much tell how much energy that last shot had. And it was not pretty

"Nananan! I can't hear you" Nejire shouted as she let go of the surge in her hands. at the same time, the surges that kept her floating let go as she fell towards the ground

Rimuru on the other hand had to deal with a supersonic nuclear surge approaching his location.

'why is it always me getting blasted by excessively large super moves' was the thought running through his mind as his body sublimated into smoke. As the surge hit the ground the entire area around the exploded with a bright yellow light, every building in the vicinity turned to sand and every window in site BETA exploded


"Bakugo! Stop I can't handle more man!" Kirishima shouted as he felt his hardening slip, at some point the rest of the class decided to assist in fighting. Tokoyami sent Dark Shadow to try to attack Mirio however he simply used Kirishima as a meat shield yet again. Mina couldn't use her acid as she was afraid she might melt Mirio or Kirishima

Yaomomo expended multiple net launchers as they were simply dodged quickly, the same fate fell for Sero's tape, Asui's tongue, and Aoyama's lasers.

"I can still go on!" Midoriya shouted as he rushed at Mirio, his fist clenched aiming to strike Mirio's blind spot

Dashing to the side he narrowly avoided a kick as he managed to get past the Kirishima meat shield

"Take this!" Midoriya shouted however as his hand tried to launch forward into a punch his entire body flinched and froze in place, his hand emitting a strange black string that stuck to Mirio's torn shirt

Mirio had a confused expression as he stared at the black tentacle hugging his shirt tightly

"What the fu---"


All of a sudden a strong flashing light blinded half the class and they all quickly rubbed their eyes in pain. However, a moment later the ground shook violently as every window around them exploded into shards of glass.

Mirio had finnaly let go of Kirishima accidentally as he watched the shockwave pass by them, catching his footing quickly he took it as a sign and skedaddled away.

As everyone finnaly got their gears together they prepared to continue to fight only to see where Mirio had stood was an empty space

"Uh... What do we do now?" Toru asked as she saw Kirishima finnaly breathe a sigh of relief and Midoriya twitch on the ground

"Mwaaa... Im- I'm a villain... Please leave me alone" They all turned to see Amajiki cowering in the corner wearing a villain outfit, he stared at them with a shadow cast over his face

"I don't wanna die" Amajiki cried, sending mixed signals in the class's thought process

"Aren't you supposed to fight us?" Shoto asked with a serious expression, only broken by his labored breathing

"Ah-a- r-right" Amajiki said before his arms erupted into tentacles shooting at them, in just a second their feelings went from pity to panic


Hundreds of meters away from the blast radius a small clump of smoke waved around in the wind. All of a sudden however it began expanding in volume as it took a form, the form of two humans

"*Cough**cough* Dammit why did the explosion send all my smoke so far away" I coughed out loud while carrying Nejire in my hands, if I hadn't teleported her with me she would've quite literally disintegrated herself with her own attack

"Oi Nejire! What the hell were you thinking!" I finnaly finished complaining as I began shouting at Nejire, however, she seemed to be content with resting in my arms

"I'm sweepy~" Nejire yawned as she put her hands on her cheek to act as a pillow, her steady breathing telling me she was, in fact, sleeping.

"Whoops" I muttered as I instantly let go of Nejire, letting her fall onto the floor roughly, with a thud, Nejire's eyes opened wide

"OUCHY!" Nejire shouted as she massaged her hurting butt, turning her gaze at me she pouted before patting away any dust and standing up again, albeit with a slight wobble as she was exhausted

"Can't you let a poor maiden rest?" Nejire said with puppy dog eyes completely neglecting the fact that she still has the super evil mustache painted on her face

"Shut up airhead you almost killed us" I complained pulling her by the ear, looking around I realized I was significantly farther away than before. Getting back to the main group would be annoying

"Well, nobody died," Nejire said while showing her tongue with a 'teehee'

"Yeah, it's because I saved you!" But before we could continue our argument, like a comet in the night sky a tall figure landed right next to us

"Worry not, why? Cough... Because I AM HERE!" All Might shouted while puffing his chest out, completely ignoring the fact that he was coughing loudly

"Wow," Nejire said slightly amused expression while giving golf claps. I on the other hand had my eyes narrowed.

It's most likely that All Might is already on his last legs, so it's probably not a good idea to strain him anymore by forcing him to stay in his muscle form

"We've had quite the accident didn't we haha--- *cough* *cough*" All Might said while covering his mouth, Nejire averted her gaze like a guilty child

"Her fault" I directly pointed at her pinning all the blame on her, saved me the trouble

"Now now, let's not play the blaming game, we should move to the nursery and make sure you are all uninjured," All Might said with a radiant smile, but his cool line was stopped mid-track as Nejire fell face-first into the floor, unconscious

"Shame... She can't hear us anymore" I muttered while picking up Nejire and putting her on my back, turning my gaze back to All Might my face turned neutral

"So how long til your quirk stops working?" I asked nonchalantly, making All Might flinch. His gaze questioned wether he heard me right

"Y-you know?" All Might stuttered while staring at me, slight steam coming from his shoulders

"With Midoriya's loose lips mumbling all the time, it shouldn't be much of a surprise," I said while shrugging my shoulders, as soon as I finished All Might exploded into steam, revealing his scrawny skeletal form

"Wow... I didn't expect much, but this is somehow worse" I commented. All Might looks even worse in person...
