All For One, One For All

A/N: I'm tryna upload as soon as I can I swear 😭

Btw I didn't really enjoy season 5 or 6 so it's kinda hard to come up with something. Especially since almost every other fanfic gets dropped before season 5 💀

"No inspiration?" - Megamind


"I figured someone would've found out at some point" All Might now in his scrawny form sighed in resignation, his Iconic smile now nowhere to be seen as you couldn't even recognize him as All Might anymore. He's just Toshinori

"Though it's surprising finding out Midoriya was your son, it's really unexpected," Rimuru said, his serious face hiding the howling laughter in his mind. Rimuru's words caused All Might to cough out loud

"H-hes, not my son!" He waved his hands forward with panic in his voice

"Billie Jean is not my lover~" Rimuru replied with a grin, All Might felt like he had no choice but to explain everything to Rimuru. After all, he can trust Rimuru, right? Surely he wouldn't do something stupid with that information, right? (Clueless)

All Might looked around and noticed it wasn't a good spot to talk about his and Midoriya's secret, turning his gaze back to Rimuru he said

"Listen Rimuru, after class come meet me at the faculty room. It's time you learn of my secret"

"Huh..? Ah sure" Rimuru said while picking his ears, he forgot to listen however he got the gist of the things.

'To think All Might trusts me this much... I wonder why that is tho...' Rimuru thought to himself completely forgetting that one time he murdered a man in front of All Might...

'pfft pushovers'


Unfortunately, the emergency drill had to be postponed due to extensive damage done to site BETA, waiting right outside the entrance the class had a tense atmosphere.

"Do you think that explosion was Rimuru's?" Kaminari asked while leaning on the wall, suddenly a hand slammed right next to him, a subtle sparking sounded

"Huh? You think Rimuru can do that? Y'all are overestimating that BASTARD" Bakugo said with anger in his voice, not only was his one-on-one battle thwarted but that explosion was something even he couldn't do! He refused to believe Rimuru could do that! Explosions are his thing.

"I hope nobody was injured, it was so scary," Uraraka said with concern in her voice.

"It was so scary! It was like 'uwaaa!' and then *BOOM* and all the windows exploded!" Mina said with strange excitement as she jumped around.

"Didn't Rimuru say he encountered a villain? Maybe it was the villain" Yamomo commented making the entire class begin speculating

"Who could this much damage?" No matter how much they thought the only viable option is that-----

"Rimuru!" Jiro suddenly ran towards the entrance of the site, where Rimurb could be seen finnaly exiting

"Kyouka! Were you concerned for me---" Rimuru couldn't finish his sentence as he felt a harsh slap land on his cheeks

"Why are you carrying her like that!" Jiro said with a pout, pointing at Nejire who was sleeping in Rimuru's hands

"Listen I can explain! I saved her from the explosion and---"

"Hahah! Youth, make sure you enjoy it you two" All Might suddenly appeared behind Rimuru and placed his hand on his shoulder patting him.

Now in his muscular form, the entire class stared at him with amazement, they hadn't seen him in a few weeks!

"Ahem, I am sure you all clearly have many questions to ask me, but let's return to the classroom first" All Might coughed slightly feeling the gazes of the class. With everyone agreeing they began going back to class

"Midoriya-shounen" All Might got the attention of Midoriya, who stayed behind as he was in deep thought.

"Yes All Might-sensei?" Midoriya responded quickly

"Meet me in the faculty room at the end of class. I need to speak with you" All Might saw Midoriya nodding and sighed in relief, he had finished setting up the meeting

Coincidentally Midoriya also wanted to talk to All Might about something, so as he walked back to class he readied himself to ask more about One For All


Later after class was over Midoriya approached the teacher's faculty room nervously. Opening the sliding door he was surprised to see Rimuru sitting in front of All Might, his legs resting on the coffee table as All Might sipped on tea.

"R-Rimuru--? All Might, but-" Midoriya raised his hand in concern

"Calm down Midoriya-shounen, I have already told Rimuru about.. this" All Might said trying to calm down the boy, he turned his gaze to Rimuru who reluctantly gave some space for Midoriya to sit down

"S-so yo-you know?" Midoriya asked while stuttering, he was tense the whole year afraid someone might find out about his secret. Not to mention Rimuru is the biggest wild card, like ever

"Yeah, it's surprising that All Might has a son. Pretty neat too" Rimuru replied bluntly, the cup in All Night's hand shook violently


"Rimuru-shounen! I already told you he is not my son!" All Might shouted in a panic as Midoriya's face turned red.

"You think I could be All Might's son? Uwa~" Midoriya asked with stars shining in his eyes, his brain finally accepting his role as All Might's successor----

"That means he railed your mom" Unfortunately Rimuru brought him right back by using a word flashbang.

"Rimuru-Shounen! I brought you here to talk about... The history of me and my quirk" All Might said solemnly while putting a hand on his chest the serious atmosphere made the two stop bickering and calm down.

"I'm going to make this quick but, I had passed my quirk onto Midoriya-shounen," All Might said, expecting a surprised expression from Rimuru he instead surprised himself

"Hmm, that's cool... How did you pass your quirk onto him?" Rimuru said with curiosity completely disregarding the impossibleness that was such a quirk.

"Ah, All Might made me eat his hair" Midoriya replied in a quiet tone




"Pfft... Ahahahah!" Rimuru began laughing out loud making the room's atmosphere turn slightly awkward, All Might and Midoriya waited for him to finish.

"We are getting off track so I'll continue, I too was granted my quirk. This quirk, also known as One For All allows someone to pass on their quirk to another as well as stockpile power" All Might explained to Rimuru, not expecting him to already know this information. Midoriya waited patiently for All Might to finish

"Mhm" Rimuru simply nodded making All Might continue

"However this quirk didn't exist for no reason. It existed to resist its counterpart. All For One, I had thought I defeated him, however... I hadn't..." All Might dropped a bombshell and the both of them.

Midoriya was surprised as he truly believed that AFO was defeated and seeing All Might's frustrated expression made him frustrated as well. Rimuru on the other hand was surprised All Might figured out AFO still existed. In the anime, He had only found out about AFO right before their final battle

(A/N: I'm not completely sure if All Might really only found out about AFO before their final battle... Not fixing it tho)

"So what's this big bad guy's shtick?" Rimuru asked quite bluntly however All Might did comment on it and answered

"He can steal other people's quirks. He has existed for over a century and it's unknown how many quirks he truly has" All Might said solemnly, he stared at the two awaiting questions or reactions

"So why are you telling me this?" Rimuru asked, he was genuinely curious as he didn't really see himself as trustworthy. And All Might could've simply told him about OFA and be done with it

"Recently Nighteye discovered that AFO is still working in the shadows" stood up before standing in front of the window staring at the setting sun. Pretty cinematic I know

"Nighteye did?" Midoriya muttered, it makes sense why Nighteye would figure out about AFO considering his Future sight

"In case you didn't know. Nighteye's quirk awakened during the Shie Hassaikai raid, he was able to see the future more accurately and also passively see it at all times." All Might said what Nighteye examined to him. This made Rimuru's expression change slightly, he didn't really know what the forceful awakening did to Nighteye

"He recently saw the future. He saw a war. A war you Midoriya fought" All Might pointed at Midoriya, who was wide-eyed in surprise. He wasn't ready to take even more burdens

"No, everyone fought, class 1-A and 1-B, against All For One" He continued, turning back to the two he stared at them for a few seconds before asking

"Rimuru, I want to request something from you" All Might said with determination. Surprising Rimuru for a moment

"I want you to help us prepare to battle All For One. Your quirk is powerful, almost as powerful as One For All, I'll admit it" All Might said, making Midoriya flinch slightly. He always thought of OFA as 'the strongest quirk' however seeing his mentor admit that he felt slightly rejected, however, he still felt happy for Rimuru.

"Sure I'll do it" Rimuru replied blandly, he wasn't really excited about fighting AFO but he did want to obtain AFO itself... Though it'd be pretty useless now that he thinks about it...

"Ah- All Might I wanted to talk about something... I think there's something wrong with my... Our quirk" Midoriya said, getting the attention of All Might, he began explaining the strange occurrence during the fight against Mirio, how he felt strange power being emitted.

"Midoriya-shounen, do you remember how I described One For All?" All Might asked

"You pass on your quirk to others... But you were quirkless so---"

"Do you think it's past users were quirkless as well?" All Might asked rhetorically, he saw Midoriya's eyes going wide.

"Yes Midoriya-shounen, you still have 8 more quirks residing within you, you were only using the stockpiling quirk. If you can awaken the others. You could put up a fight against All For One" All Might said with a smile plastered on his face

'cool... I guess we're now preparing to fight AFO... I didn't watch the 6th season so I don't know how the war goes...' Rimuru thought to himself, he didn't particularly enjoy MHA anyway, however, he knew things began going to sh*t after season 5...


Isn't this the beginning of season 5?


The next day was relatively calm, with the first few periods going by quickly. The only person who seemed different was Midoriya, who had just had a strange dream yesterday

'It was most likely the vestiges' All Might said


'my master talked about them, they're a remnant of the past holders of OFA'

He realized that he had already seen those vestiges multiple times, like at the sports festival. But he didn't have time to think about it as class 1-A was ushered towards field Gamma, the factory zone

"Man, it seems everyone changed Their costumes huh?" Kirishima said as he wore his newly improved design, now with longer sleeves and a few support items

"Yeah, while the winter costumes were great we have to improve something right?" Sero commented as he flexed his arms. He took had added items to his costume

"Midoriya those gloves look so cool!" Toru said while staring at Midoriya's new support item, they were cool-looking gloves that allowed him to create air bullets! Pretty late on that through

"Hmm. Rimuru why don't you have support items" Jiro asked me, luckily the answer was quite simple

"I'm not weak enough to need crutches" I puffed my chest with pride, but I only got a disgusted look from her

"Ehhh... Narcissist"

"Alright everyone quieten down we joint class training so I expect you to be in your top shape," Aizawa said without wasting time, hearing 'joint training' made everyone groan as they prepared to hear---

"My My My~." speak of the devil and he shall appear, Monoma put a hand over his mouth while staring at class 1-A, his class standing right behind him as if they're his lackeys (they're not)

"Looks like class 1-A is--- uh... Doesn't matter! We're currently at an advantage here, let's settle this once and for all!" Monoma said while leaning back like a certain gay vampire

"Uh... Aizawa so this joint training is a battle between us?" Mina asked getting a nod from Aizawa but as he was about to explain---

"According to this survey I took during the festival people like US more! Take this class 1-A!" Monoma said while pulling out a paper showing a clearly biased survey taken during the festival. I guess they won?

However, Monoma's shouting came to a stop as he got hit in the nape by Itsuka's hand.

"You all look as energetic as ever. Eccentric even" Vlad finnaly showed up with his usual stoic expression. Without further ado, they began explaining how the joint training would go.

"Aizawa, I believe we require a handicap" Vlad suddenly proclaimed catching everyone by surprise, much to the fury of Monoma

"What handicap?" Aizawa asked

"Rimuru is too powerful, I believe it's fair if we limit his abilities" Vlad looked at his students and saw them all nodding, they took, were slightly scared of Rimuru

"I guess that's fair.. what handicap do you want" Aizawa quickly agreed before Rimuru could even react

"Make him blind and deaf... Or something, I don't know I don't have ideas," Vlad said

"Huh...? Why am I getting singled out man!"

Rimuru could only stand in disbelief as he got his right to see and hear from him.

Hellen Keller simulator be like


I have no idea where I was going with this