what? I can't hear you!

A/N: another team battles episode... Yay...


Needless to say, I was quite upset about having to give a handicap to class 1-B, I mean can't they just get their a** kicked and be done with it?

"Here's your blindfold and earplugs" I grabbed the two from Aizawa's and reluctantly, fortunately, both couldn't completely block out my senses, especially my special awareness. So no need to worry about bumping into walls like a d*mb*as

"Alright I'm going to explain this simply, each class will split into teams of 4 and compete against each other, whichever captures the other team first wins," Aizawa said without wasting time, and without further ado we were split into teams

1- Koda, Kaminari, Asui, Kirishima Vs Shishida, Rin, Tsuburaba, Shiozaki

2- Aoyama, Yaoyorozu, Hagakure, Tokoyami Vs Kendo, Fukidashi, Komori, Kuroiro

3- Iida, Shoto, Ojiro, Shoji Vs Honenuki, TetsuTetsu, Tsunotori, Kaibara

4- Bakugo, Sero, Jiro, Sat Vs Kamakiri, Tokage, Bondo, Awase

5- Midoriya, Yours truly, Ashido, Uraraka Vs Yanagi, Shoda, Monoma, Kodai

Hearing the teams being announced I felt something missing, looking around I squinted my eyes staring at her teams closely

"Rimuru, why are you staring at everyone?" I felt a tap on my shoulder, Jiro Sat down next to me with a confused expression staring at the teams.

"I feel like something is missing" I rubbed my chin in thought, I still have a whole lot before my match begins so I had time to think

"Really? I don't see anything strange" Jiro too squinted her eyes and began trying to stop something. Turning my gaze I smiled slightly

'damn she's cute' I wanted to pinch her cheeks but I held myself back

"I can tell you'rw looking at me..."

"Oops sorry"

Only then did I realize what was missing. It was Shinso, unlike the canon Shinso didn't get far in the sports festival thus changing his fate permanently as he doesn't get a chance to join either class 1-A or 1-B... It's really a shame...


The first match started soon later, unfortunately, the matchup was quite against class 1-A. Shishida rushed as soon as the buzzer sounded in his beast form, with Rin on his back. They quickly made their way to class 1-A base as Ibara supported them from the back.

"I need a little help here!" Kirishima shouted as he tried holding his ground. He was currently exchanging blows with Shishida each blow blowing dust into the air. Rin started on Shishida's back taking potshots at him and trying to make him let go of his hardening

"T-try and take care of Rin please!" Koda shouted requesting from the birds. Without missing a beat a flock of pigeons began diving down distracting Rin from fighting. However, as Koda tried to command more birds to support him he noticed he couldn't hear his voice anymore

"Kekek, have fun in there!" Tsuburaba said while standing on solidified air. Walking down as if they were stairs soon he reached Kirishima who was fighting Shishida but as he was trying to trap him he was suddenly hit in the back by a long tongue

"I got him rabbit!" Asui shouted as she wrapped her tongue around his body, Tsuburaba tried resisting however his quirk wasn't very combat-based

"Oi! Asui watch out" Listening Asui quickly jumped back as the ground burst with vines. However, the rough movement allowed Tsuburaba to get released

"I hate frogs!" He shouted but before he could try and trap her he felt his entire body spasm, Kaminari continuously zapped him.

"Asui! I can't fight Ibara, So I'm going to put him in the cell" Kaminari said while scratching his cheek before running away. He got traumatized by the sports festival

"How am I supposed to fight her either? Rabbit" Asui muttered before jumping yet again dodging another swinging vine.

Her gaze shifted to Shishida and Rin, she squinted before hopping there quickly.


The fight continued for a while, however at some point, team 1-A got the upper hand allowing them to capture Shishida and Rin, only Ibara put up a fight as she fortified herself inside a vine cacoon.

But after a few doses of Kirishima bulldozing through the vineyards, she was finnaly caught

The next battle was a tough one. As class 1-B had undoubtedly a huge advantage over class 1-A, Kendo managed to stall Yaoyorozu eventually exhausting her and capturing her.

Toru and Aoyama didn't last well either as Komori tormented them with mushrooms sprouting out of their skin

Though surprisingly Aoyama managed to contribute as he fought Fukidashi, closing the distance Fukidashi couldn't use his quirk against Aoyama leading him to lose against his lasers.

But the most interesting fight had to be Tokoyami Vs Kuroiro.

"We similar quirks don't we?" Tokoyami turned around quickly as he heard a voice come from behind him. He had realized that Kuroiro could travel between shadows

"Yeah, you could say so" Tokoyami took a fighting stance while replying, Dark Shadow protected his rear.

"I'm kinda jealous, yours can actually fight for you... Mine isn't even flashy at all" Tokoyami heard the rejected voice coming from the dark corners of the buildings

"Every quirk has a use you know" Tokoyami tried cheering him up however he wasn't really a people person.

"Yeah like this one" Tokoyami froze in place as he felt a hand on his shoulder, quickly turning around he tried hitting whoever it was but he found himself all alone

"Huh? What"

"Keke, it's kinda fun teasing you ya know?" Tokoyami again felt something brush against his shoulder but this time he finally spotted where Kuroiro was.

"You were-" Tokoyami couldn't finish his sentence as he felt a hook hit his jaw sending him back. His back now slamming into the wall he looked at Dark Shadow, no rather the hand reaching out of it

"You can go assimilate with shadows" Tokoyami realized how broad the word 'shadow' was. His Dark Shadow was also a shadow

"I know? It's kinda cool... Wanna be a hero duo in the future? I bet we could do some really cool combos" Kuroiro said calmly but Tokoyami's heart was pounding in his chest.

Taking a deep breath he retracted Dark Shadow causing a dark-skinned (as in his skin is literally black) student to fall to the floor. Not letting him snap out of his daze Tokoyami immediately went for a punch

Landing a fierce strike on Kuroiro he was sent into the air for a moment however Tokoyami's eyes widened as he suddenly assimilated with the shadows on Tokoyami's hands

Soon a hand emerged from Tokoyami's shoulder and began strangling him.

"*Cough* *cough* I give up---"

But before Tokoyami could truly surrender he suddenly spotted a floating orb of smoke... It was Rimuru's smoke... Out of it, a sword fell to the floor(blunt btw). On it an inscription reading (Emergency, In case of dumb birds)

"What else is he keeping in that subspace" Tokoyami muttered before grabbing the sword and hitting Kuroiro's hand.

"Touch that hurt... Where did you even get that?" Kuroiro retreats while asking. Tokoyami simply took a stance and smirked

"It appeared out of a puff of smoke" he replied

"Fine then keep your secrets..."


"*Cough* *cough* Rimuru, you shouldn't have cheated" Tokoyami coughed roughly, although he had one the fight against Kuroiro he lost against Komori as she sprouted shrooms directly inside his lungs

"Hey every man needs a sword, if Ectoplasm hadn't denied you using one you would've won" I crossed my arms while stating

"I've never got that... Snipe uses a gun but I can't use a sword? I've even studied Kendo"

"Did someone call for me?" A certain ginger girl asked as she perked by us

"Uh... No"


And so the next battle began, however, this one was quite uneventful as it was a draw with 2-2, Shoji and Iida both were captured as Honenuki countered Iida's respiro burst and Tsunotori outmaneuvered Shoji with her controllable horns. Needless to say, Shoto was disappointed with the two of them as he had dealt with both TetsuTetsu and Honenuki by Freezing them both

What was interesting however was the next fight, as Bakugo immediately went forward with a scowl on his face

"You better not hold me back, extras" Bakugo immediately flew towards class 1-B's base, seconds later and huge explosions shook the earth, and an announcement on the intercom

[Katsuki Bakugo has been captured]

"Are you kidding me" Jiro felt a headache come in as she turned to Sero and Sato, needless to say, they were already at a disadvantage

"How the hell did he manage to get caught that fast" Sero commented, however he quickly had to stop. Dodging back he avoided a flying disembodied hand trying to grab him.

"Kekeke, prepare for trouble and make it 50!" Tokage shouted with a huge grin on her face, as soon as she did her disassembled body shot at the three launching attacks left and right

"There's too many of these!" Sato shouted as he shoveled fist fulls of sugar into his mouth, trying to keep his stamina up

"You don't say," Jiro said sarcastically as she dodged with surprising agility, her eyes darted quickly before she spotted Tokage's head floating in the air. Bending down she made a quick sprint towards her

"Kekek, how are you going to reach me if I'm wayyyy above you!" Tokage laughed while floating just an arm's length away from Jiro's face, her smug grin giving Jiro an ick

"Like this," Jiro said as her ear-jacks shot forward stabbing into Tokage's ears and blasting tremors, dazing her

"This was... A lot easier than I had expected" Jiro sighed in relief but as she tried turning towards Sero and Sato she felt her shoe stuck

Looking down she saw her whole surroundings covered in glue...

"Uh oh"


"Ugh I hate glue, it's so sticky" Jiro rubbed her now clean hands, she had spent ten minutes trying to wash her hands off the substance

"Strange... You usually like being covered in sticky white stuff" I rubbed my chin with a cheeky grin, I saw Jiro's ears turn red as she hid her face


"Yes?" I leaned forward keeping my teasing tone, I caught a whiff of her sweet scent and I had a sudden urge to kiss her

"A-after class... M-meet me in the bathroom"


(A/N: is this a potential 18+ scene coming up? Find out in the next episode of Dragon these balls!)


Standing in the middle of field gamma our group prepared a plan for action.... At least I think... I can't hear them well

"is this alright with you Rimuru?" I heard Midoriya's muffled voice so I nodded, I could somewhat make what the plan was, I should take care of Shoda and Yanagi as their quirks are based around other objects which I can erase.

"Wow Rimuru you with a blindfold looks so cool! Like a badass side character that outshines the main character only to get killed off," Mina commented super specifically, to which I couldn't help but smirk. Soon I heard the faint sound of a buzzer so without further ado I crossed my fingers and created an orb with [Beelzbub]

"Hallow purple"

I muttered

"Your smoke is black Rimuru"

"I know...."

"Oh I thought because of--- the blindfold"

"Shut the f*ck Midoriya"
