The Nymph's Passionate Revenge

I find myself back to where I truly belong. The Almighty God of Prudence, my Father, aches for me. Who would've thought a forest nymph was dumped by a mortal and, to top all of that, was replaced by a corrupted witch? However that witch presents herself, she will always be a pawn by the Devil. I've declared my intentions to keep my stand as the island's forest nymph but I will be staying in the Gods' realm for good so I won't cross paths with my former lover and that witch. I can have the company of my own kind and I have all the time in the world to move on. Focusing on myself is what I will do.

          "Preposterous, daughter!" My Father exclaims, the anger and disgust are palpable in his expression but I know it's not aimed toward me. "You are my kin and he's just a mere mortal. You're just letting it be like that? My heart grieves with you but I, for one, won't stand for this!"

          "Father, please." I plead, kneeling steady in front of his throne. "I understand his sentiments. I was gone for so long and my leave wasn't consensual. I put it all on myself."

          "Daughter, I know you didn't forget that you didn't stay here for your leisure. You did it not just for you but for him as well. A lot of hardships came your way as an individual and as partners and you will just let go like that?" His voice trembles in anger.

          "I won't deny that my heart still calls for him but his doesn't call back anymore. All I can do now is accepting that our story ends right here and now despite how devastating it is for me."

          "You're too kind for your own good, daughter." His tone comforts me like it always does but I feel like there's something hidden behind it. "That's why you're always the one who's compromising." This remark launched at me like a harpoon impaling my heart.

          "What do you mean, Father?" I stand up, sounding all confused but I have a vague idea what he's talking about.

          "All I'm saying is that you think highly of everyone else's thoughts and dispositions. What about your own?" He asks, his eyes glisten with concern. "You're always the one who's going out of your way to please others. You are my daughter. You shouldn't be the one putting everyone else first before you."

          "That's not true, Father. I believe that I can be a proper ruler if I can listen to the opinions of my subjects and other colleagues. I'm looking out for myself contrary to what you believe."

          "Really? Then, tell me this. Why did you settle for that miniature island when you had the chance to take some other vast land to the north? Isn't it because you let other nymphs and dryads take them for themselves? Also, you had the chance to ascend to become a proud deity but you sat out on that one because you don't want to leave the townspeople in your island. In this most recent predicament, yes, you chose love over anyone else despite him being a mortal which I truly commend you but when he bails, you just let it be."

          I didn't realize it until now. Father was right. I am the one who is always compromising to make everything easier for others when I shouldn't when I should make it easier for myself. My thinking was I could avoid conflict if everyone is happy and content with what they have but the 'everyone' I'm referring to all and not including me. I should think of myself more and I'd better be off thinking only of myself now. I'm done going out of my way to please everyone else. I'm done belittling my desire to uplift others. I. Am. Done.

          "Thank you for enlightening me, Father." I say, standing up proudly. "And now, I have a favor to ask you."

          "Of course, daughter. What is it?"

          "Make them suffer." This remark of mine sends a faint discomfort to my Father. I saw his dignified stance tremble for a second but a look of pride beams from his face.

* * *

A curse was born. Even Father couldn't believe my decision on how I'll exact my revenge on the mortals who've gone against me. I know he thinks I'm one of the kinder ones amongst his children but that version of me has long been passed. That version of me who is always willing to compromise, to provide, and to accommodate is now buried deep in its own grave. This time, I won't hesitate to retaliate if someone even dared to think ill of me. Nothing is too far as long as I've avenged what could've been my perfect life.

          "Daughter, is it true that you've asked the assistance of the God of Strife for your revenge?" Father asks as he sits comfortably on his throne. "Don't you understand the risks that come with toying with the powers you're not supposed to?"

          Kneeling, I respond, "Indeed. His proficiency with curses is deemed to be useful for my cause. Don't worry. I've set my entire being to be prepared of whatever is to come, Father. "

          "I spoke to him regarding this cause you're speaking of. It's over half a decade now, daughter. Don't you think it's time to move on?" His tone is full of worry. "I've seen your progress over the years and I'm proud to say that you've grown. You're holding your own amongst your other siblings and even the deities and some Gods."

          "That's not enough, Father." I say defiantly. "I will never truly grow if I let even a single act against me pass. I will not stand for it. Never."

          "Think about the unknown sacrifices that comes with it. Even the God of Strife doesn't how know potent his curses are. We're not just talking about great deaths of your followers here, daughter. I want you to think that there are other risks at stake. You may even lose part of yourself."

          "I've already been a hollow husk the day my unborn child died along with that tree. And I will only be whole ones I made them suffer." I am always raging since and I will not stop now especially when I'm at the precipice of my vengeance.

          "I just want you to understand that the God of Strife is an exemplary figure –even as exemplary as I am– but he's not kind. The dangers of his curses are greater than what you think and what you will ever know."

          "What I don't understand is why are you talking me out of this? One day you told me to learn to stand for myself and now that I am, you're asking me to stand down. For what, Father? For what?" I raise my head and then look at him straight to his eyes. "I've been into this deeper than you can comprehend. There's no turning back. Whatever it is that will happen, I'll deal with it alone. Don't worry yourself."

* * *

I've found him. It's been years since I've been in the mortal realm and I will not argue that it is nice to be back. The island and the town have grown so much all this time and I can feel the people's unwavering faith in me fills the morning air. But that's not why I've come back. I returned to my land for only one purpose and it's to make my former lover and that witch suffer. Luckily for me, I immediately found him hunting alone deep inside the forest. He doesn't seem to change that much. He's still the Stragis I know. Or so it seems.

          I intend to follow him discreetly throughout the woods to examine him further. With a doe locked in his sights, I know for sure that it has become his prey. Seeing him in such concentration reminds me of how we were together all those years ago. He hasn't changed. He seemed to become stronger and wiser if I was truly honest with myself. But suddenly, he halts in the middle of his hunt, letting the wind brush through his hair, the sun illuminates the emerald hue in his eyes, and the sound of the forest echoes.

          "Who's there? Reveal yourself?" He asks in the soulless patch of land. His eyes wander in my direction but I know he doesn't see me with all these bushes obstructing his view. "This is my hunting turf. Whoever you are, you better leave."

          He makes me laugh as he is not a hunter. He's a sculptor. I decide to reveal myself. "It's been a while, Stragis." I say, walking slowly to the clearing where he is at. I can see his eyes widen in disbelief, his stance full of openings.

          "Ae-Aela." He chokes, stepping a few paces back. "Why are you here? I thought you sailed elsewhere or de–"

          "Dead?" I interrupt, laughing. "After all these years, you still don't fail to amuse me." I walk even closer to him.

          "Stay where you are, Aela." His tone deepens as if to threaten me. "I've been living happily with my wife and my son. Please, I don't want any conflicts."

          I thought I was going to be stabbed in the heart with the revelation of them having a son but it didn't. Yet, I couldn't help myself smiling coyly at that notion. "A son you say? Interesting."

          "How so?"

          "Are you kidding me? I'm happy for you, Stragis. You're finally living your life."

          "Thank you."

          "I've finally left everything in the past now and I'm just back to finish some personal business that I need to attend to. Truly though, I'm happy that the Gods are now smiling at your favor." 

          With the tension finally lifting off, I approach him to lean in for a hug which he doesn't contend against. But before our flesh meets, I've cut a small lit on my palms, letting my divine blood steadily pour out. As the God of Strife instructed, once my blood makes contact with the intended target of my curse, that target will immediately change form. The form in question is akin to the beast that is kept alive by the tales of the townspeople. The beast is said to feast on the young and rain terrors as old as time. Dalakethnon. A myth will live.

          "Not for long." I whisper into his ear, letting my blood shower from his shoulders down to his back and further down.

          "What do you mean?" He pushes me away, muscles trembling, mouth-watering, and strength weakening. "What have you done?"

          "I've done what you deserve. Now, I will do the same to your wife and son." I announce. For some reason, I'm letting him see me crying. Why am I even weeping for him?

          "Please, spare them. They've done nothing wrong. You mu…" He's coughing up blood. The pain is seething through every fiber of his mortal being. "You must let them live, Aela. L-let my boy live."

          There's nothing else left to say to him. I couldn't wait to witness him transform into that hideous creature the God of Strife told me about. My next targets are somewhere in town and I must tend to them. I look away and find my path toward the town not hearing the peaceful calm of the forest which I'm used to but all I can hear are the agony I caused Stragis. Bloodcurdling screams reverberate everywhere, hints of bones cracking go with them, and eventually, the sound of deep growling can be heard. Dalakethnon has been born.

          I wipe off the tears I shed before I can step foot in Hiraya. It welcomes me again with its cheerful people. Children's laughter, people's banters, and even the animals' wails make me feel like I'm home. But, there's a great business that I need to attend to. I must face the witch once and for all and make her suffer like how Stragis is suffering now. As for the boy, I'll think of something I'll do with him. As adamant as I am exacting my revenge on his parents, I don't think it is right and just for him to feel my wrath. At least, for now.