Bethrothed? Betrayed.

I stayed in the Gods' realm longer than I hoped. I was convinced by everyone and especially my Father that I have to stay with my kind so that my ability to conceive will be blessed back to my womb. The ways of Gods were nothing new to me but I needed to be reminded of a couple of practices. The experience was truly fruitful. Two years later, my Father arranged for my return to my own realm –to Hiraya. Stragis must've been missing me all this time. I couldn't wait to spend time with him and once again feel complete in his embrace.

          The town is flourishing as I hoped it to be. Although a lot has changed, I knew immediately that they changed for the better. The laughter of the children welcomes me as I set foot into town as they run around. I can see the adults doing about their businesses with huge smiles on their faces. The sun was in its glory that day and I truly thought everything was as perfect as it can be. My anonymity truly helps as no one bats me an eye. After all, the Gods and their kin can live amongst man without being noticed.

          As I enjoy the tranquility that's being gifted to me by the town and its people, I head straight to where Stragis' shop is. I wonder how much he misses me. I can't wait to tell him I love him and to hear him say it back to me like he always does. I can only imagine how happy he'll react as soon as I tell him the news that I can finally bear him a child. Thank the Gods, indeed. The crowds' chatters and footsteps bring music to my ears. I miss how the town is filled with people who worship the Gods as much as I worship my love.

          "Good day, miss!" A cheerful middle-aged man greeted me. "What can I do for you in this fine day?"

          "Good day to you, too, good sir!" I don't know this man. I let my eyes wander. Instead of wood and stone carvings which are the works of my love and what he sells, I only see a myriad of fresh fruits and vegetables. "Isn't this where the shop of the foreigner merchant is?" I ask. The man's cheerful expression vanished almost in a blink of an eye. My own smile faded with it.

          "I don't know what you're talking about." He says monotonously. "If you're not here for some fruits or vegetables, you best be leaving now."

          I bought a bag of apples for the burden before leaving that shop. As I let myself back out of the town, the ambiance seems to have changed drastically. I see children fighting, the adults whispering suspiciously, and the sky is painted in gray. It's about to rain. But then, before I can take a step, an old woman approaches me. She slowly walks over me, crouched and her walk seems to be unstable that if she was slightly bumped by one of those kids, she'll fall straight to the ground. The cane she uses for support gives off ominous clanks as it touches the solid ground with every step she takes.

          "I-I remember you." She says with her airy voice once she finds herself standing right in front of me, pointing her veiny index finger at my face. "You're always with the moss-eyed foreigner, aren't you?" She's no doubt pertaining to Stragis.

          "Yes, I am. Do you know where he is?"

          "Well, I know where the witch is."

          "A witch?"

          "Don't make me repeat myself, lady. I know you heard me."

          "What does a witch have to do about my love?"

          "Your love?" I hear the old woman let out an odd noise which I think is a chuckle. "You make me laugh. Why not go to where the witch's abode in the western outskirts of the town. You will see then what's the witch's business with him."

          "Thank you, Madame." I say, extending an arm out to give her an apple. "Here. For your troubles."

          She reaches out with her free hand but instead of taking the apple, she grabs my wrist as tightly as she can. She hurls me closer to her until her face is right next to my ear. I watch the apple fall to the dirt-filled ground. "If you value your life, stay away from the witch." She whispers. Before I can even respond, she lets go of me and walks off, blending into the crowd.

          My hands start to shake involuntarily. Who is this witch she mentioned? I don't know any witch living on my island. Should I be bothered by that information? Should I be worried? To escape this predicament, I have to go where the old woman told me where the witch is. On the way towards the western outskirts of town, my heart weighs heavier with every step, I don't want to think negatively about the situation but my mind couldn't help it. I want to think positively about everything so far but every fiber of my being couldn't allow it.

          "Can I help you?" A woman asks, wearing a hooded black cloak and carrying a beautifully woven basket. "Are you lost?" She added since I didn't respond right away.

          Is this the witch that the old woman told me about? She probably is. I don't see anyone else here. However, she's nothing like how I picture her to be. Her pale skin looks so well and gives an interesting contrast with her long, silky black hair. On top of that, the amber color of her eyes stands out especially when the rays of the sun hit them. She's beautiful beyond words. I find myself stepping back when she walks closer to me. I didn't know why but I could feel my blood starting to boil and even boil more violently the longer I looked at her.

          "I think I am." I say kindly, smiling at her as bright as I can. "You see, I just got here in this island and I'm not so certain where I'm heading."

          "A visitor!" The tone of her voice sounds genuinely excited. She rushes towards me, placing her basket down then hugs me gently. "Come in. You had a long journey."

          "Are you sure?" I ask and she just nods. "Why, thank you."

          Her home is just like anybody else's. I just got a little bit impressed by the farm surrounding the place. Pigs, goats, chickens, and every other farm animal are present here. That's probably why she's living in this somewhat remote space in town. One thing that I found odd is the peculiar tools lying around. I know some gardening and farming tools and I'm sure the ones in her home aren't for those. She's the witch alright. If she is, she probably knows who and where Stragis is. I should get to the point so I can leave this place as soon as possible.

          "Here's some tea. It'll warm you up." She says, handing me a cup.

          "Thank you." I try to smell it first to see if I can tell what's in it but no familiar smell registers to my nose. She probably senses I'm wary of the drink so she took a sip from her cup to signal that it's safe.

          "I'm Integra, Integra Flambeaux." She introduces. "And you are?"

          "Uh, I am…" I start but I pause for a second or two. Telling her my identity isn't something we do so I had to use the name Stragis knows me from. "I'm Aelanora but you can call me Aela."

          "Such a beautiful name. It really suits you, Aela. A beautiful name for a beautiful maiden such as yourself." She commends.

          "You think so? I appreciate that. But yours is much prettier, you know." I respond, taking another sip of tea. "Integra. It's very… powerful." I sense her aura switch but it's very subtle.

          She looks at me straight into my eyes with I can only tell is intent but she reverts to her cheerful and calm self. "Tell me, Aela. Why are you really here?"

          I think the color of my skin pales. Does she know the real reason why I'm here? No, she doesn't. There's no way in the heavens she does. I don't know her so the same thing can be said to her. She doesn't know me. She doesn't know who I really am. I must come up with something. There's no denying she's expecting me to answer her question and for some reason, I'm getting the feeling that I should answer her correctly. What is even the correct answer to that? Should I continue this ruse or should I come clean? I should've known that she was already playing her cards the moment we met. I must play along with her.

          "My Swan, do we have a guest?" A familiar voice calls out from upstairs. The witch and I flick our gazes towards the man walking down the stairs.

          As soon as Stragis became visible, the witch stood up from the chair she was sitting on and hurried towards him. My body couldn't keep itself from feeling frozen and scorched at the same time. I stood up as well. The uneasy sensation breaking me from my skin to my bones intensifies as I watch them embrace. Stragis wraps her arms around the witch and she does the same to him. Her kisses to him are as tender as the ones I usually give him. The way they look at each other makes me feel like they're about to melt from where they're standing. That should be me. That should be us. He halts as soon as we lock eyes.

          "Hello." I say slowly, letting my voice weigh on him.

          "Hmm." He responds, looking everywhere else that's not my face.

          "Do you know each other?" The witch asks cheerfully.

          "Something like that." He answers reluctantly.

          "That's fantastic!" I don't know if the witch truly feels excited but that's how she lets it on. "Aela, stay. I would like to invite you to join us for dinner."

          "My Swan, she must be very busy." He grabs her by her hands. I remember how he does that to me before. "I don't think that's a good idea, isn't that right, Aela?"

          "That's too bad. Will you not be able to join us?" The witch seconded.

          "I think dinner would be great. I shall stay." I shoot a smile at him while the witch hugs me. He's not too thrilled with my decision like her Swan.

          Stragis grabs me by my left arm as soon as the witch leaves us to her kitchen. If I'm a mortal, it would've hurt but this disrespect sends blows to my already aching heart. He drags me surely but silently back outside. The light from the setting sun gives off an awful tint to everything that meets my eyes. Stragis rests his hands on his waist, looking very troubled, angry, and afflicted all at the same time. I'm sensing that the way he feels towards me right now is the total opposite of what I feel about him. I want what he and that witch have. That's what I deserve. That's what I and our soon-to-be child deserve.

          "What are you doing here, Aela?" There's hatred in his eyes that he's not bothering to conceal. "You better leave. Leave!" He's starting to scare me. "Leave like what you did before."

          "I will not!" The anger in my voice mirrors his. "I've come back for you, my love. I'm ready to fulfil your dream –our dream– to be with child."

          His anger has been tinted with disgust. I never saw him look at me as troubling as he does now. "You le–" He cut himself off as he realized the volume of his voice was too great for this conversation. "You left me here all alone to go only the Gods know where and now you're coming back just like that? What do you think of me? I'm not a tool that you can just set aside one day and use again when you feel like it."

          "But, I did it for us, my love. I did it for our dream."

          "No!" He shrieks almost in a whisper. I was taken aback, tears threatening to pour. "I didn't want you to go but you did it anyway. You didn't do it for me or for our God forsaken dream. You did it for yourself!"

          "You don't understand, my lo–"

          "There it goes again. I always don't understand anything with you. I don't understand this, I don't understand that. I'm done understanding you now, Aela. I. Am. Done."

          "You don't mean that." I try reaching for his hands but he brushes me away. "I-I love yo–" The lump in my throat magnifies, making it even harder to breathe and keep my balance.

          "Stop it, Aela. You don't love me. Not anymore. You stopped loving me the moment you left me here alone two years ago." I can see him holding his tears.

          "That's not true. I love you then and I love you more now. I am and will always be in love with you. I know in my heart that you still love me. Why can't you just acknowledge that? Just come back to me so we can finally realize our dream together."

          "I only feel… pity for you. I was hateful and full of rage towards what happened after you departed but I've gone past that thanks to My Swan. She healed me." His face brightens with the mention of that witch's name. My own hate threatens to make itself known. "And please, don't refer to me as your lover anymore. I am no longer that. Also, I'm already living my dream." A tear finally falls from his right eye. His smile is genuine. I know that smile. It was the very same smile the moment he realized I was pregnant. "I'll pray to the Gods that you'll find and fulfill your own dream."

          Before I could even completely fathom what he meant by that, the heavens started to weep for me. My skin feels like burning with every raindrop that touches it. Every tiny impact sends a colossal crack in my already grieving heart. The witch is with child. That moment made me look at the world differently. My world orbits to somebody else now but almost instantaneously, the unthinkable ache overwhelming my thoughts was unbearable but all I can do is accept it. There's nothing else I can do.