Chapter 12

Saiko pointed over at the castle yet again as I sighed, getting off her and beginning to head over towards the castle. Ambush...Ambush...Ambush... I walked to the broken doors as I kicked it open, the doors flying out and crashing onto the interior. I walked in as I saw how spacious with little bits of light from the roof. The interior of the building had pillars perfectly aligned with the other side as the bottom floor had a checkerboard tile effect.

A Kings room...

I looked around trying spotting easy hiding spots, corners, behind pillars, and in dark corners. Their too smart...If I was a Laughing- I then heard a chime as I opened my menu, seeing nothing. but as soon as I opened my menu I saw something come flying at me. Instinctively moving out of the way and catching a graze across my face. Simultaneously an arrow soared through as I was hit straight on the shoulder, taking considerable amount of damage. I gritted my teeth as I dodged the second arrow.

Shit I fell for it!

I hid behind the outside wall as multiple thumps were heard, hearing rushing footsteps as I looked up and began climbing up the exterior wall. About three feet off the ground I looked down as I saw five Laughing Coffin Members search around. I dropped down as I stabbed down onto the archer. They all looked back as I used Horizontal Square, all of them jumping back as I pulled the dagger out and picking up the archer.

I put the dagger up to their neck as I looked at the laughing coffin members. "C'mon! What are you waiting for!" I shouted, trying to provoke them as they just look between each other. "Go ahead, she's disposable..." One of them said as I noticed the trembling feeling of the archer. Wait...Are they...trembling...? I looked as I took off the hood of the archer. The archer was in tears, giving me a memory flash of Toru crying.

I then heard quick footsteps rushing at me as I snapped out of it, swinging my entire body around as I took a slash straight to the back. My health dropped considerably as I felt a paralysis effect kick in, falling to the floor and dragging the archer down with me. Shit... I was unable to turn my head as I felt the archer squirm out from my grasp as they began running.

"Someone get that archer here, their job isn't done yet."

One of them said as another figure walked out from the castle as well, only able to see their feet walking towards me. It knelt down as they moved my head up for them to forcefully make me look. I looked at them as my eyes widened, seeing that the person behind it was Red Eyes Xaxa. "Well...Time to see the thorn in our side perish." Xaxa chuckled, but for the first time I felt helpless as I felt a sword jab into my back. I cried out internally in pain as I gritted my teeth, seeing the paralysis effect go from 4 minutes to 8 minutes.

"You should have snooped away and let us run rampant."


"Oh? well if that isn't going to make you talk, then this will."

Xaxa whistled as one of the members nodded, walking over as they grabbed something out from behind Xaxa, throwing them onto the floor as he turned my head to look. My eyes widened as I saw it was Toru, her hands tied as she was also paralyzed. "It's good to have undercover members..." he said with a smirk as her health was at low green.

"Toru?! Hey Toru!"

"Kirin! They nabbed me during your fight!"

He then dropped my head as I felt my blood boiling, the rage was building up as I shouted, "LET HER GO! SHE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE XAXA!!". "Well, actually she IS supposed to be here, see...she's a bargaining chip." He explained as a Chime! sound pinged, Xaxa checked his menu as he saw a notification from KoB.

"Speak of the devil."

Xaxa Laughed as he looked down at me, kneeling down as he says, "The bargain worked." I felt my heart sink as knowing the Laughing Coffin guild, they can get their hands on anything with the right choices. Xaxa then takes my sword out of its sheathe, adding it to his inventory. After taking it Xaxa and Laughing Coffin began walking off without stabbing us again, having our paralysis to stay another 11 minutes.

Once they left, it was just us laying on the floor as none of us could move. The both of us were silent as it was a tad bit awkward between the both of us. "So...This is what you do all the time...?" Toru asked as I sighed, replying, "yeah...Yeah this is...what I do..." I never felt so helpless, right in-front of Toru.

I felt....disappointed, not at her but at myself. I couldn't pinpoint it as I let out a heavy sigh. "Kirin-Kun." I heard Toru say, looking at her as she says "You're...You're crying again.". I didn't realize it as I was crying, having 8 minutes still on the paralysis. I felt myself crashing down as I took a big inhale and exhale. "I'm...I'm so sorry Toru..." I said to her, my lips trembling a bit as I was having a breakdown again.

"I'm so sorry I brought you into my mess..."

I apologized, Toru was astonished since she hasn't seen him cry since Rina's death. Toru had known me for so long to the point where crying was something I've never shown. For the first time in a year, I showed weakness, not fearlessness or put up a strong front, I was vulnerable. The weight on my shoulders were that of a burden, coming crashing down after holding it up for so long.


"H-Huh...?" I sobbed a bit.

"Look...I...I never thought we'd be in this situation..."

"I...I never wanted you to get entangled in my mess Toru...I..."

"Kirin-Kun...I will always be by your side..."

I didn't know how to respond to her, It was a first for me to see her cry and be vulnerable from her usual courageous and strong head demeanor.