Chapter 13

After the Paralysis effect wore off, the both of us got up as we just looked at each other. I didn't know what to do as I heard a Chime! sound, I looked in it as I saw the notification from Asuna. It was coordinates as I looked at Toru, she took a deep breath as I nodded at her. "I won't make the same mistake..." I promised her as she exhaled slightly, "I know you're used to killing players...Only do it if necessary...".

I was surprised as I nodded at her, keeping it as we both began heading towards the coordinates. Asuna had sent us the floor as it was on floor 59. We hurried to the nearest town with a telepad as we teleported to floor 59. Once we got to floor 59's main safe zone, we then scurried over towards where the coordinates led to. The coordinates led us to the entrance of a crystal cave, seeing swords on the ground, we rushed inside. The sound of swords clashing echoed as weapons stuck in the ground and some lying down on the floor.

Toru and I kept running as a Laughing coffin member jumped in our way as Toru pushed me back and punched the member down, shouting "Go ahead! I'll catch up!!" as she began weaving and slammed a punch across their face. "What are you waiting for?! GO!!" She shouted as I nodded, turning around to head over to where the main fight was.

Laughing Coffin...You're going to pay for what you did earlier today...

My mind was filled with vengeance, Pulling my dagger out and equipping a weaker sword called <>. I began running as I saw the entrance into the room, rushing in as I saw Kirito battling two at the same time. His health dropping as everyone was fighting someone else, including Asuna and Heathcliff. He wore an almost inverted coloration of his blackwyrm coat but it has red stripes. 

I jumped in as I slashed one of them with my beserkers blade, causing them to stagger. Kirito got some breathing air as he ducked and stabbed one in the abdomen and pulled it out. "Go heal! I got this!" I shouted as I spun around and slammed my dagger into one of the Laughing coffins chests and impaling the other.

Both of them shattered as their health dropped to zero I looked around for red eyes as I saw Asuna fighting Xaxa, locking onto him and rushing over, going through the crowd of KoB and Laughing Coffin members. Asuna was then pushed back as I rushed in from the side and swung my sword, hearing it clash against my Shinigami Sword.

"Well don't we have a party crasher."

"I will take my sword off your corpse Xaxa!"

I shouted angerly, swinging both my sword and my dagger at him, hearing Clang! Ting! Ping! as it bounced off the Shinigami Sword. He then swung my sword as I ducked and swung diagonally seeing him dodge it as I spun around and tossed my dagger at him. Xaxa weaved around it as the dagger hit and bounced off the crystal wall, falling into the abyss. I then rushed at him as we ran at each other.

I began swinging as we clashed swords multiple times as I was observing for an opening. The opening didn't open up as his style was tightly knit. I gritted my teeth as I kept swinging my sword harder and sharper. The rage was beginning to consume my rational thought process, all I wanted to do was kill Xaxa for what he did and planned with Laughing Coffin.

He then smirked as he dodged underneath my sword swing and stabbed through my abdomen. My health dropped considerably as it dropped to medium red immediately. I grabbed onto the sword as I felt my legs tremble from the fear of dying. "The Reapers Horseman, the thorn in Laughing Coffins side, dies to my hand!" He said with a wide smile as I had equipped another dagger secretly, holding it with my other hand.


I shouted as I thrusted my dagger into his collarbone. I gritted my teeth as every slight move chipped away at my health but I didn't care anymore. He laughed as he asked, "Is that all???" being smug about it. But then his body froze up as he was beginning to fall backwards, he landed on his back as his body was paralyzed. I slowly moved my hand to open my menu as I took out the one potion i named "regret" and equipped it.

I looked at it and the name, ironically having to swallow down my regret to grow as a person. I then opened it slowly and drank it. my health healing up to medium yellow as I pulled <> out of my abdomen. it dropped my health to high red as I looked over at Xaxa, equipping Shinigami's blade as another strap on my back appeared with the sheathe.

I sheathed both swords and walked up to his body, picking him up by his shirt. My rage induced reasoning dragged him over towards the edge of the crystal platform we stood on. I looked around at the others, seeing that the other Laughing Coffin members had given up. Kirito, Asuna and Heathcliff looked over as Toru was at the entrance, just entering into the fray.

"Do you want your reputation to be broken? or do you want to kill your worst enemy..." He smiled again as I looked at him, as I had him at the edge. He began laughing as I told him, "I may Kill...I may use dirty tactics...But the thing that separates you from how we treat and know others..." I let go of him as he laughed, falling down into the abyss.

I took a couple of deep breaths in and out as Kirito walked over to me, patting my back as he said, "You chose what you thought is right." I looked over and nodded as Toru came running over and hugged me. This caught me off guard as I didn't know whether to hug back or apologize. But it was now a nice change of pace, finally...things were starting to forgive my actions...I was finally starting to forgive myself.