Chapter 10 - The Battle At The Black Market, Part 1 (4)

Norman proved to be a formidable opponent, showcasing both strength and skill as a fighter. Even with all five of us attacking simultaneously, he managed to keep up, utilizing his skill, Portal Creation, to strike us with his sword even when we were seemingly out of range. Fortunately, I had figured out a way to counter his technique.

"If you sense a sudden shift in the space around you, dodge or block!"

Every time he activated his skill, the atmosphere quivered, and there was a swift but noticeable shift. It lasted only a fraction of a second, but it provided enough time for us to evade his attacks.

"You can dodge all you want, but it's futile!" Norman declared, his eyes wide with murderous intent, a menacing grin stretching across his face. It was the look of a seasoned killer. I had encountered many murderers in the past and dealt with them, but this was the first time witnessing such a chilling expression.