Chapter 10 - The Battle At The Black Market, Part 1 (5)

Or so I thought, but when I slashed at his neck, a sudden surge of darkness abruptly arrested my blade mid-air.

"It's not going to bode well for me if one of my chess pieces falls, so if you would excuse me," a mysterious man stated nonchalantly, as an ominous force coiled around my blade, preventing it from reaching Norman's vulnerable neck.

My focus shifted to the enigmatic figure, and my eyes widened with disbelief. "You're the one who halted me...?" I was genuinely taken aback. The man sat in a wheelchair, his entire form concealed beneath layers of bandages. It wasn't an exaggeration – he was a mummy-like enigma, with only a single, piercing red eye peering out from the confines of the bandages.

"You're a remarkably powerful woman. And one with such an unmistakable and weighty bloodlust as well."