Epilogue 5 - Meanwhile, Shredica... (3)

I struggled to maintain my grip on consciousness, biting my lip until I tasted blood. My ears were filled with a constant, deafening ring, and my vision was a swirling mess of colors and shadows. It felt like a miracle I hadn't completely blacked out yet.

Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps cut through the haze.

"It seems you're in quite a predicament," a woman's voice said, smooth and calm. Through my blurry vision, I couldn't make out any details about her. All I knew was that she was a woman from the sound of her voice. "Do you want me to help you? Say yes if you do, or no if you don't."

I was at a loss for words, struggling to find my voice.

"You can't speak anymore, I see," the woman said, her tone both gentle and pragmatic. "Here's what you can do: if you want my help, just squeeze my hand. If you don't, then leave it."

She lowered herself to the ground beside me.