Epilogue 5 - Meanwhile, Shredica... (4)

"You've been out cold for three days straight," Miss Veronica said, her voice edged with concern as she studied me closely. "Is there something wrong with your body?"

"No," I replied, though I found it odd that my body felt unusually fine despite the prolonged rest. "Anyway, why did you save me, Miss Veronica?"

"There are a few reasons, but the main one is that you're an incredibly valuable asset. I can't let someone with your skills just be killed," she said, her voice steady and assertive. "I need someone with your abilities to carry out some crucial tasks for me."


Miss Veronica glanced over at Miss Laurel, her eyes flickering with an unreadable expression before she turned back to me. "Miss Shredica, would you be interested in joining the Magic Knights? Specifically, in the same unit as mine?"