Don't be rude

The taking after day after Lei Zhao picked Yan Mei from work, they came to meet an unordinary man sitting tight for them at the entryway. She was incapable to dismiss that he was alluring. His blue hair hung in his eyes, unreservedly sketching out his confront. He put forward no endeavor to move the blasts but for all things being break even with, he looked at her from beneath them with his glinting dim eyes.

A single stud held tight one ear, nearby the ring that hung on his nose. A calfskin coat was hung around his carved edge. He had that appalling kid identity and he looked to some degree recognizable however Yan Mei couldn't recall where she had seen him.

Li Wei ventured forward when he saw them and took a gander at Yan Mei improperly. "You're Yan Mei? My cousin's way better half?" Li Wei said with a thick abhor in his voice.

"Li Wei!" Lei Zhao growled out of hatred. "This can be my critical other, do not be rude."

Yan Mei didn't have the foggiest thought what this' personality is by the by choosing from his tone, she can see he might have done without her. He appeared as in spite of the fact that a youth pitching fits in Yan Mei's eyes. She was as well listless to indeed consider overseeing a adolescent presently.

Seeing that Yan Mei was taking a gander at him detachedly, Li Wei felt to some degree unbalanced.

"You do not have any associate with me?" Li Wei took a gander at Yan Mei curiously, causing a commotion.

"Which planet have you been living on?" Li Wei is as of now the foremost popular image within the nation. His modern collection is the foremost spilled song this year.

As the energetic expert of the Li family, one of the most excellent three families within the nation, he was utilized to youthful women groveling over him or endeavoring all kind of stunts to unquestionably stand out, so he felt to some degree unbalanced when he saw Yan Mei's indifferent confront as in spite of the fact that he was incapable to undertake and get in her eyes!.

Yan Mei didn't have the foggiest thought where his animosity came from and she would have or maybe not known, she basically required to continue to rest. She has been turning out excitedly for her modern men's observe collection, and directly all she accepts that ought to do is rest.

Lei Zhao gave Li Wei an reprobation see earlier to sharing with Yan Mei, "Usually my cousin, Li Wei. He has been spoilt since he was a youth that why his propensities are loathsome, you do not push over him." Lei Zhao said carefully.

"Goodness, I see". Yan Mei signaled possibly.

"At that point, I will go interior to begin with. It shows up you have got a incredible bargain to share with one another."


Li Wei took a gander at his cousin whispering to Yan Mei and scowled. The moment Yan Mei cleared out, Li Wei took a gander at Lei Zhao really.

"Cousin, would you say you're really hitched to that woman? The way that she doesn't really have the foggiest thought who I'm, appears she isn't from the favored, so what do you indeed discover in her?" Li Wei squinted his eyes with a ton of hate.

"Li Wei!" Lei Zhao's voice was cold and he said truly.

"That's my way better half! I wouldn't hold on for you to attack her. I couldn't care less on the off chance that you're family be that as it may expecting you set out say another word insulting her do not blame me for being impolite." Lei Zhao's infection voice made Li Wei shivered.

How might he fall flat to keep in mind that in spite of the reality that Lei Zhao outwardly is delicate and humble he could be a really cold and confined person? However, Li Wei had come here with a reason and he would have or maybe not gone without fulfilling it!

"Cousin, what may be said around Tang Wei? She has been hanging tight for you since we were kids! You can't-"

"Li Wei, do you know the amount of youthful women who like me as long run successor to one of the most prominent oil organizations in this nation? Would it be prudent for me I marry each one of them?" Lei Zhao said unemotionally.

Li Wei realize that Lei Zhao was incensed at this point.

"However, Tang Wei is such a ton better than her, what do you attempt and discover in that woman that you just married her?"

Lei Zhao lazily checked Li Wei out. "I'm a man, ordinarily I like a woman who is beautiful."

Li Wei required to agree that Yan Mei was amazingly dazzling, in spite of the reality that her confront was uninterested it was tricky a delightful woman which a strong quality like her.

"However, Tang Wei-"

"Is Miss Tang more dazzling?" Lei Zhao inquired with a smile all over.

"In any case of whether she isn't very as exquisite as Yan Mei, she is more brilliant!"

Lei Zhao groaned, his understanding was running out.

"Li Wei, tune in cautiously. It is essentially incomprehensible that I will at any point go out with Tang Wei. Notwithstanding of whether I hadn't hitched Yan Mei I seem not have conceivably hitched her. I had a sweetheart some time recently recall? For what reason didn't I inquire Tang Wei out when she emptied me? " Li Wei scratched his head.

"Stopped giving her deceiving desire and prompt her to wake from anything that dream she is in. She won't ever be Mrs. Lei."

Lei Zhao cleared out consequent to saying this. He doesn't have the foggiest thought what elation soup that woman has given to Li Wei causing him to do her advertising. He shook his head hardly.

Li Wei snacked his lips and his despise for Yan Mei extended. He felt that woman has enchanted his cousin. His cousin has never rose his voice at him however nowadays in light of a woman he did! He will let her emolument.

Li Wei didn't realize that Yan Mei wasn't some person he seem bear to interfere with it. Appallingly, he found that the foremost troublesome way conceivable.