Wang Lu


"Closed your eyes and allow me your right hand, Meimei." Wang Lu mumbled into her ear, remaining behind her. Feng Mei smiled gently and closed her eyes and released up her hand.

She felt him carefully manipulating her wrist. She felt a infection protest on her wrist and reached it.

"Wake up." She woke up and checked out at the thing on her wrist. Her eyes ended up clammy when she saw the delightful arm band on her wrist. It was a stunning adjusted hand woven rope wristband with gold nameplate with the words "Together ceaselessly LM". Mix of their title Lu And Mei. She went to solidly check out at him and collapsed her hands over his neck and grasped him.

"Merry commemoration Meimei. I adore you." He kissed the beat off her head and she smiled unassumingly at him. Wang Lu snickered when he saw her constrained see. They had been hitched for a year at this point, be that as it may his noteworthy other was as however brief of him.

Feng Mei scowled at him when she saw him chuckling at her. She neglected him and reached the arm band, in spite of the truth that it was a clear wristband she genuinely inclines toward it!

"It's delightful." Feng Mei said cheerfully. Wang Lu tucked a hair behind her ear.

"Without a doubt ravishing." Feng Mei didn't know whether he was examining the arm band or her. Wang Lu slanted down and caught her lips in a kiss. Feng Mei collapsed her hands over his neck and kissed him back eagerly. she moaned to some degree when she felt his hand on her bosom, he separated her areola gently and it sent shudders all around her body. She pulled absent with a become flushed all over and rested her head up against his.

"I'm on my period, Hunny. We can't." Wang Lu may listen the smile in her voice.

He groaned in unsettling influence. How might she get her period on their fucking commemoration?

"I cherish you, Hunny."

Wang Lu swallowed his cruel grievance and replied carefully.

"I adore you, Meimei."


Wang Lu mumbled and secured his head into his hands. The memories of his ex have been tormenting him all through later a long time. He required to fall flat to keep in mind her however he demonstrated incapable.

For what reason mightn't he at any point ignore her? For what reason is it so troublesome to grant up?

She had deceived him, she had broken his heart into pieces. God he venerated her, no he really does. He felt his intellect spinning. He loose his tie and mumbled. He opened his cabinet and dispose of the wristband. He really recalls her tears that evening and the ultimate words she told him.

"I hate you." She mumbled. She looked at him with disappointment composed all around her face.

"Once you get it your mix-up it'll be past the point of no return!" she said as she hurled the wristband at him.

Wang Lu felt his eyes getting to be reflexive and kept down his tears generally very well.

He should not be recalling the past. It's been five years presently and he has at no point ever seen her within the future.

He required to disdain her for how she treated him however as is commonly said, it is never really basic to move past your most important cherish in any occasion, once you influenced yourself you've proceeded on.

Wang Lu felt his heart choking with torment. He snapped his eyes closed and rested up against his situate.

Memories of her devoured his considerations and he felt a tear got absent from his eyes.

"For what reason did you harmed me, Meimei. Was my worship satisfactorily not?" Wang Lu mumbled within the quiet room with no one to reply him.


Yan Mei and Lei Zhao settled together on the relax chair whereas gazing at the TV. His hand laid on her shoulders whereas his finger faultlessly played with her hair. They appeared to be an ancient couple hanging out this minute.

Yan Mei went to require a gander at him and he crushed a kiss on her forehead carefully. That fundamental movement made her shiver along her spine. She returned her eyes to the screen.

"Wifey, are you arranged to meet my people tomorrow?" Yan Mei solidified when she listened him.

"Unquestionably." She realize that inevitably she will meet his people so there was compelling reason have to be delaying it."

Lei Zhao pulverized her hands softly. "Unwind, they will like you."

Yan Mei motioned.

"Goodness, that individual is so hot," Yan Mei communicated implying to Yang there were observing Love 020.

A glared harmed on Lei Zhao's forehead. "More sweltering than me?"

Yan Mei pretended compounding at him. "Attempt not to attack my male god okay? How might you attempt and differentiate yourself with him? See his smile. So extraordinary" Yan Mei measured her cheeks in her get a handle on as she said with a fragile smile.

"Wifey, how might you say that? What makes him more bursting than me?"

Yan Mei chuckled, he appeared like a whining youth, and she cherished nudging him.

"Take a gander at his provocative backside, it looks so yummy that I need to snack it." Lei Zhao extended his eyes and put his hand on her forehead. He will not totally acknowledge that the person who as of late said that was his wifey.

"Wifey, is it you? Or on the other hand you've got a fever?" Yan Mei heaved a groan when she listened him. The way that she was a oppressive President doesn't cruel she doesn't see the esteem in exquisite men. She was a no-nonsense fangirl earlier to turning into a Chief!

"I have told you, there's a awesome bargain of things you've got near to zero recognition with me." Yan Mei said taking after his chest with her finger. She delighted in reaching him like this.

"Wifey, I will sit tight for you to deliver me get to." Lei Zhao said as he kissed her forehead. Yan Mei smiled and stopped taking after her finger on his chest. She kissed him excitedly and he replied heightening. Yan Mei ran her finger through his hair and pulled absent.

"Much much appreciated to you." She knows Lei Zhao was interested around her past and her terrible dreams however he never compelled her to tell him. Those scars from the past are a parcel for her to bear. She would or maybe not talk about it however, and genuinely, she is uncertain. Anxious that he will take off her once he knows her past. May he at any point recognize a isolated from woman? That's Yan Mei's most prominent anxiety.

She realized she was being contract disapproved, however for the vital in very a whereas, she was truly cheerful. Substance with a individual, she doesn't keep up that a debased past ought to pulverize this moment for her.

Lei Zhao smiled gently.

"I'm dependably here, when you're arranged to conversation." Yan Mei signaled and sold out the screen, to conceal the sentiments in her eyes.