Can I chase you?

At that point once more, Lei Xiao Tong took a gander at her young lady in-regulation who has scarcely talked and couldn't stand up to the opportunity to differentiate her with her most seasoned child. How might she as uninterested as her most seasoned child? She groaned. That's what she caught on in spite of the truth that she was uninterested she tuned in mindfully to all that she says.

At the point when she was instructing her approximately the benchmarks of the family, she will deliberately posture her an request to check whether she was tuning in be that as it may her small young lady in-regulation will go over absolutely correct thing she said without lost a word. Lei Xiao Tong was shocked, her young lady in-regulation was really a virtuoso.

Since her child is moreover a virtuoso and her young lady in-regulation in addition a virtuoso. This infers her grandkid will moreover be a virtuoso afterward on. Considering her grandkid, Lei Xiao Tong couldn't stand up to the opportunity to induce strengthened. She realizes her child was by and by endeavoring to form her young lady in-regulation involvement energetic sentiments for him so she can not weight her with a youth presently.

Considering her child, Lei Xiao Tong chose to say one or two of words for him. Tragically, she never found the opportunity. Since Lei Xiao's reverence match appeared up.


"Grandma!" A youngster's fortified voice sounded. Yan Mei turned and saw a adolescent around three a long time of age running towards them.

Lei Xiao Tong smiled amazingly when she saw her sister's grandson running towards her.

"Niu!" Lei Xiao Tong said as she grasped the youthful man and put him on her lap

Yan Mei took a gander at the charming adolescent, a smile unwittingly molded all the seethe. She has until the end of time be joined to kids. She out of no place mulled over her possess kid and an throb of feel sorry for overwhelmed her. Since Lei Xiao Tong was centered around the kid she didn't have any thought.

Niu turned his head when he felt a see on him and saw a dazzling sister smiling at him. Be that as it may, be that as it may, he saw the sharpness in her smile. He got down from Lei Xiao Tong's lap and run towards Yan Mei.

"Are you my close relative?" Yan Mei didn't have the foggiest thought who the kid was so she didn't have the foggiest thought how to reply him.

"Usually my most seasoned sister's grandson, Liang Shao, in any case his moniker is Niu meaning a charming, strong, and vivacious youth. He is remaining with me for the conclusion of the week".

Lei Xiao Tong saw her frailty and told her who the adolescent is.

"Niu, how may you realize she is your close relative?" Lei Xiao Tong asked.

"Grandma, you let me know Uncle Zhao got hitched and I have never seen this delightful sister so I figured it ought to be her!" Niu said with a small mope all over.

Yan Mei grasped Niu and put him on his lap. "Are you called Niu?" Yan Mei inquired joyfully.

"Without a doubt, each one of my companions consider me Niu, superb sister what's your title?"

"Yan Mei." Niu smiled blissfully. He considers Yan Mei is uncommonly dazzling. More dazzling than his mother!.

"Delightful sister, you're so exquisite seem I at any point call you Blunder?" Yan Mei raised an eyebrow.

"Bungle? Why?"

Niu smiled and took a gander at the floor humbly.

"Since I think it matches my title, Niu, Bungle. wouldn't you say so?" Yan Mei burst out laughing when she listened his juvenile words.

Niu looked at Yan Mei who was chuckling and his whole confront got to be ruddy. This sister is so flawless. He was looking for a delightful sweetheart and he accept he has seen as one.

"Okay, you'll call me that." Niu's confront lit up.

"Delightful sister, might I at any point seek after you?"

Lei Zhao who fair risen from his dad's review listened this. He went to require a gander at his nephew and required to punish that stinky adolescent!

"You stinky youth, that's my superior half!" Lei Xiao Tong burst out snickering when she saw his child getting covetous of a youngster.

"Bungle, my uncle is now ancient. You do not have to be take after him. Within the occasion merely ended up my sweetheart I will grant you my take cash. on the off chance that it's inadequately I will offer my toys as well!" Niu said with his smooth voice.

Yan Mei snickered when she turned and saw Lei Zhao's dull confront. This clumsy individual would he say he is really perturbed due to a youth? Since Yan Mei adored nudging him, she didn't give up this open entryway.

"Niu, your uncle has already stamped the marriage confirmation. Ask as to whether he will agree." Yan Mei hurled the request to Lei Zhao.

"Uncle Zhao, you track down another life partner! Blooper is mine. I will allow you my lastest toy vehicle." Niu said shockingly.

"You, do not you've got a ton of beautiful youthful women at school? For what reason would you like to require my noteworthy other?"

Lei Zhao out of no place had a feeling of crisis. He hasn't indeed won his noteworthy other's reverence and by and by there are presently siphons checking his superior half out.

Taking a gander at Yan Mei, his critical other is amazingly beautiful. She might break even with Miaran Rivarea, his encounter developing up genius pulverize.

"The youthful women at school disdain Blunder. They are so puerile as well." Niu sulked.

"Mistake, you like me right?!" Yan Mei took a gander at the Niu and pulverized his rich cheeks. This youngster's mouth was so sweet.

"I'm your uncle's noteworthy other, I can't be your sweetheart. Be that because it may, ready to be ancient buddies, okay?"

NIu, thought for some time with his head down, earlier to raising his head. "Okay, we are able be companions to begin with. Be that because it may, I won't yield!"

Lei Zhao smiled and shook his head defenselessly. "Directly call her Close relative, not Bungle." Lei Zhao said brutally.

Niu shook his head, grasped his hands over his chest and scowled.

"No, she is my Bungle. I won't call her close relative!"

Lei Zho ran a confused hand through his hair.

"Hahaha," Lei Xiao Tong cleared the evacuates from the edge of her eyes. This adolescent will kill her child.

Mr. Lei who was remaining nearby Lei Zhao tapped his child's bear. "Child, it shows up there are a extraordinary bargain of seekers looking at your noteworthy other. You wish to truly buckle down."

Lei Zhao listened the excitement in his dad's voice and groaned. He really ought to rebuff this adolescent. He considers almost getting his way better half with him.

"Uncle Zhao, I will fight sensibly with you!" Niu said pulverizing his small clench hand and appeared it to Lei Zhao.

"You haven't picked up anything around presence and you're considering taking somebody's noteworthy other. How around we conversation after you develop up."

Lei Xiao Tong snickered when she seen how naive her child sound.