Chapter 28: Lightning Form

"HHHHHHHHHHHHH!" A burst of chi surrounded Elijah, channeling the energy within him. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The intensity grew as his blood surged through his veins, the sheer force of his power causing the air around him to vibrate.

A small rock began to float, drawn upward by the energy, as Elijah's black hair defied gravity. His eyes blazed. "A," he shouted, his body now glowing with brilliant, lightning.

"Thank you for pushing me. I knew I couldn't achieve this alone. Goodbye, see you when you see me," he thought as the lightning began to fade from his body. "I have a minute in this form, so let's not waste it."

The beast watched, its eyes widening in shock at Elijah's sudden surge of power. Lightning crackled around Elijah, his hair and eyes becoming lightning, and a smirk spread across his face. Without hesitation, he rushed to confront his foe.

In a blink, Elijah appeared in front of the beast, leaving a trail of lightning in his wake. His hand touched the beast's tough scales, catching it off guard. Elijah was shocked by his own strength but knew he had no time to adjust. The beast was thrown back, crashing through a tree before regaining its balance.

The forest around them trembled from the impact. Trees swayed violently, and birds scattered into the sky. The ground beneath Elijah's feet crackled with residual energy, tiny bolts of lightning dancing across the soil. Leaves and debris were scorched and scattered by the energy blasts.

"It seemed to have done no damage," Elijah thought, seeing the beast stand up and roar.

"ROOOOOOOOOAAAAAR!" The beast charged, and Elijah met it head-on. They exchanged a flurry of blows, each blocking and landing attacks with such force that the ground beneath them cracked and fissured.

The surrounding trees splintered and fell from the shockwaves of their battle. Elijah realized this beast was more intelligent and rational than the other creatures in the forest.

The beast landed a hit, pushing Elijah back. As he tried to recover, it kicked at his exposed side. But to the beast's surprise, a lightning armor formed, and Elijah didn't budge. "I can better control my lightning in this form," he murmured, feeling the energy course through his veins like a second skin.

Elijah jumped back, watching the beast's next move. It uprooted trees and hurled them at him. Dodging the trees, Elijah noticed the beast using them to increase its speed, jumping from tree to tree.

He took a deep breath, his chest heaving. He focused on his surroundings, drawing more energy from the air and earth. His hands glowed brighter as he prepared a new technique. "Lightning Burst Wave," he whispered.

As the beast launched another tree at him, Elijah thrust his hands forward. A wave of condensed lightning erupted from his palms, disintegrating the tree mid-air and creating a shockwave that shook the ground. The beast was momentarily stunned, giving Elijah a brief window of opportunity.


With incredible speed, the beast tackled Elijah, crashing him to the ground. It threw him into the air, beating him like a punching bag before kicking him away. Each hit echoed like thunder, and the ground cratered where Elijah landed. "I should have gotten used to this form beforehand," Elijah thought, wincing from the pain.

Elijah's strength matched the beast's, but its scales provided a defense he couldn't break. "I can track your movements, but you're not giving me a chance to fight back, just like that old man," Elijah said, eyes focused.

The beast leaped from a tree, striking with its claws, but Elijah dodged effortlessly. His hand glowed with pure lightning as he launched his attack. "Full burst: One punch, 100 punches."

Elijah's current speed was doubled, reaching 30 meters per second. Now imagine how fast his punches will be moving. His single punch created a barrage of fist marks, each hitting the beast.





The beast's scales cracked as it was thrown back. "I'm getting the hang of this," Elijah thought, adjusting to his increased power. He didn't waste time.

Flash step.

Elijah vanished, his speed reaching new heights as he used the same method as the beast. Jumping from tree to tree, he rushed the beast, whose scales showed signs of cracking. Taking a deep breath, he spoke, "Lightning fist," knowing another full burst might damage his hand.


Their hands clashed, and both were sent flying. Elijah regained his balance, wiping blood from his mouth. "20 seconds left," he told himself. The beast roared, shooting lightning spears, bolts, and a beam at Elijah.

Dodging the attacks, Elijah saw the beast preparing the beam. He dashed forward, and the beast released the beam.


It moved at amazing speeds reaching Elijah in a mere moment as he raised his hand. His hand was deflecting the lightning to his sides. The beast, in shock, couldn't react as Elijah closed in using Flash Step.

Appearing beside the beast, Elijah's hand glowed with power. "Lightning sky beam," he said, moving his hand close. The beast grabbed his arm, but the beam shot out, piercing its defenses and heart. The beam resembled a massive sword forged from consecrated lightning.

He thought of this when he saw the red rays of the person who was impressing his girl. Blue blood splattered on Elijah's face.

"Garaaaaa," the beast cried, the beam piercing its chest.

"Now rest for all eternity," Elijah said as the beast's roar softened and it died. The beast fell lifelessly, and Elijah returned to his normal state. Exhausted, his lightning hair turned black again, and he kneeled on the ground.

"What is Kai doing?" Elijah muttered before collapsing. Kai appeared and caught him.

"I'm alright, and good job," Kai said with a smile, carrying Elijah away.