Chapter 29: Control

It had been two days since Elijah and Kai returned to the lawless city, carrying 10,000 Yon—the local currency. This would allow them to buy enough food for two weeks at most. Kai, however, had doubts and suggested they return to the forest the following week. Elijah nodded, pondering a question.

Somewhere on the Lawless city

A vast forest stretched out endlessly, its dense canopy of emerald green leaves rustling gently in the breeze.

Sunlight filtered through the gaps in the foliage, casting a dappled pattern of light and shadow on the forest floor. The air was filled with the earthy scent of pine and moss, mingling with the faint aroma of wildflowers that dotted the underbrush.

At the edge of the forest, a plain field opened up, a sea of tall grasses swaying rhythmically with the wind.

The field was a stark contrast to the dense woods, its openness revealing a clear, azure sky above. The golden hues of the grass seemed to shimmer under the sunlight, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere.

Standing in the middle of this plain was a young man, around eighteen years old. His black hair fluttered slightly in the breeze, and his dark eyes scanned the horizon with a mix of curiosity.

His body was lean but muscular, a testament to years of disciplined training. Each muscle was well-defined, his posture radiating strength and agility. He stood confidently, his presence harmonizing with the natural beauty around him, as if he were a part of the landscape itself.

"What can I improve?" he wondered. He had reached the level of his peers but wasn't satisfied; he needed something more to advance his martial arts. Remembering an old adage, he stared into the sky: "If you can't figure something out, go back to the basics." Elijah smiled.

Physical training alone wouldn't help; he knew he had hit a difficult plateau. "The first stage is to control the leaking of mana from your body," he said, closing his eyes. This process was happening automatically, but he needed to ensure it was fully under his control.

Elijah considered his two forms: Lotus Form and Lightning Form. The Lotus Form damaged his body as it rampaged inside him, increasing his strength as long as his body could withstand it.

The Lightning Form, utilizing his affinity for lightning, provided a significant power boost, but the large amount of Chi required was extremely taxing and damaging to his body.

"Using that form will harm me more. I need to learn to control my lightning element first," he thought. Unlike others who absorbed elements from the atmosphere, Elijah created his own, making the process more difficult and time-consuming.

"Okay, I need to find a way to achieve the same effect without damaging my body. I almost hurt my meridians. Miss Amy was right," he sighed, sitting down.

"The Sky Covering Fist, Sky Beam, Lightning Sky Beam, and Lightning Fist are too powerful because I can't control my Chi and Lightning Element properly," he reflected. Thinking about the first stage of controlling his energy, he closed his eyes, and a silver-like aura surrounded his body. A duplicate of himself appeared before him.

They looked identical, except for their hair—one had black hair, the other golden, along with different colored eyes. 

"So, you want to use me to help you control your lightning Chi properly?" the duplicate, Alter Elijah, asked.

"Yes," Elijah replied.

"How?" Alter Elijah inquired, confused.

"I thought you might have some ideas," Elijah admitted, making Alter Elijah shake his head. "Two heads are better than one," he commented.

"Is our lightning Chi leaking?" Alter Elijah asked.

"I tried sensing that, but I couldn't tell. I can only sense the core of my origin," Elijah answered, looking helpless.

Suddenly, he had an epiphany. "What if we're looking at this the wrong way?" they both said simultaneously.

They nodded and touched fists before closing their eyes. When using the Lightning Chi, they usually let it rampage inside their bodies to enhance their physical abilities. However, this was damaging, and they needed a better approach.

Instead of letting the Lightning Chi rampage, they decided to circulate it around their bodies, which proved difficult because their bodies weren't used to it. In his Lightning Form, Elijah used a small amount of lightning Chi, with his normal Chi being the primary energy source.

Using Alter Elijah's clone body, they focused entirely on Lightning Chi. It started circulating around Alter Elijah's body, but he soon lost focus and coughed up blood before disappearing. "A failure, huh," Elijah sighed.

Creating another clone, he asked, "What are your thoughts?"

"We need to start with a small amount of lightning Chi and gradually increase it. This way, we can strengthen ourselves without overtaxing our bodies every time we use our lightning form," Alter Elijah suggested.

"Do it to the main body, and the best way to gain control is..." 

"Fight each other," Elijah completed the thought.

"Yes, it will improve our basic skills and increase our experience fighting someone stronger than us."

"Let's start with the basics," Elijah said, standing up. "Training suit, level 2."

Suddenly, he felt his body become extremely heavy, his lungs and internal organs being tempered. "Like when I trained with Grandpa," he thought, closing his eyes.

"You don't remember me, but I helped you back then," Alter Elijah exclaimed.

"Huh, you helped me?" Elijah asked.

"Yes," Alter Elijah confirmed.