Chapter 422: Special Meal~

Wuhan's feet staggered backward as if Xin Yan's cold eyes were staring directly at him, though she was actually looking at Shisan, who froze in fear. Even though this was Shisan's first time meeting Xin Yan in her new body, she found her oddly familiar.

Shisan narrowed her eyes and looked at the woman warily. She did not dare to look down on Xin Yan just because she couldn't sense her cultivation; after all, Xin Yan had just taken her full-powered punch head-on without a single scratch on her body.

'Did she just take that punch without even using her qi? Who could…' Just then, Xin Yan's previous image overlapped in her mind. But before she could even think about it, Noah opened his eyes and shot a ray of light at the back of her head.