Chapter 423: Checking Wu Ping's talent!

Wu Ping was stunned to see Noah. Until the moment Xin Yan walked towards him, she hadn't even sensed that there was someone else in the room. She was even more bewildered upon seeing his appearance.

Just like with Xin Yan, she found herself lost in his face. However, while Xin Yan made her feel protected under the warm sun, Noah gave her the impression of an enormous mountain—unwavering, strong, and reliable. Just looking at Noah, she felt he was someone you could rely on. Yet, she also sensed that this feeling was directed solely at Xin Yan. 'So this is madam's husband? Then I should call him master, right?'

"Where did you leave all of a sudden before?" Ruo'er asked curiously as she walked towards Xin Yan, not forgetting to cast a glance at Wuhan.

'What did I do to you?! Why can't you let this topic go!!!' Wuhan snapped the spider leg beside him in annoyance and glanced at Xin Yan, also curious about what she had said earlier.