
A strict internal clock can be a double-edged sword. It can save someone from being late to their usual places but also not allowing someone to rest if they feel sick, or, in Sophia's case, hungover. 

Even without any lights on, Sophia grabbed her head the moment she woke up. It was only ten minutes after her usual alarm would have gone off. She forgot to set it in her haze from the night before. 

Against her better judgment, she looked at the empty bed beside her. Was she still drunk enough to believe someone might be there? 

With a groan, she stood up. It was time to open the bakery regardless of how she was feeling physically or mentally. She was just happy that her cramps were light that day. As usual, they gave her a silent reminder to see a doctor but, because of her attack the year before, she was sometimes scared to see if there was something wrong with her.