Tonight's Entertainment

"I should cook something," Sophia said to the two men staring at her so expectantly. 

Ethan went to one of the couches and sat down. 

"Let's order in," he said, instigating as always. "I already have an order started. Just add something to mine." 

Mostly, he wanted to see what Luca's reaction would be to Sophia calling him out of desperation. It was so unlike how his friend normally was. Even when she was on the rocks with her ex, she never broke down and tried to reach out to him. She always held so strong to her rules. 

Sophia glanced at Luca who shrugged. He was aching internally and not particularly hungry but he could eat if that's what they wanted to do. He wanted to know more about the voicemail he heard. 

"Alright, fine," Sophia said with a sigh and took Ethan's blue phone from his hands. 

Ten minutes later, the trio had food on its way and they were awkwardly sitting on the couches, avoiding each other's gazes.