Surprise <R18>

The water was hot and the bathroom foggy as Sophia stood under the hot water of Luca's large shower. She willed herself to wash her body but she was feeling a little bit worn out and deliriously happy at what she and Luca had just done together. 

She rested her hands against the wall and leaned into them with her back as she let out a contented sigh and shut her eyes as the water fell over the front of her body. 

Luca silently made his way into the bathroom and he stepped into the wonderful sight of Sophia enjoying herself under water hot enough to make her skin slightly red. He appreciated the sight of the marks he made on her body. It was just enough to satiate the alpha urge to bite her and make her his.

When he fully stepped in he reached out and put his hands on her waist, stepping underneath the spray himself.

"You like a hot shower," he uttered. 

"I'm so cold all the time, it feels good everywhere," she admitted.