Again? <R18>

Luca's shower seemed to have never-ending hot water as the couple spent their time cleaning each other up. 

He faced away from her and leaned his head back upon her request so she could start washing his hair. 

Her fingers brushed through his thick, dark strands and she felt the scar on his head. It was unfortunate that such a beautiful head of hair had such a mark inside of it. It was what brought them together but she wished he didn't have to experience that for them to find one another. 

"Do you remember how it happened?" She asked, indicating his month-old scar as her finger gently traced over it and shampoo washed out of his hair. 

Luca didn't know how he could tell her his father sent men to take him out. She already despised him because of the drug situation. He didn't want her to worry too much about him.