Blame Me

Normally not one who sought out violence, Luca found his fist against Grant's skull to feel particularly exhilarating.

Not only for what had just transpired but for the years he spent with Sophia making her believe she didn't deserve better. There were times he could tell she still had invisible scars as she used her timidness and insecurity as a shield so she wouldn't be hurt anymore. 

He was also desperate to make the situation right. The desire to prove himself to Sophia had returned. 

Lowering his fist since Gus wasn't going to let up, Luca let go of Grant whose eyebrow was bleeding and the man fell to the ground with his back against the low car. 

"President Morelli, there are already reporters in the area," Gus reminded him. "This isn't the image you want the company to have to clean up." 

Luca's hand clenched in a fist before he relaxed it. His knuckles were bruised.