Retrieving What's His

The meeting Luca was to attend that day had nothing to do with his father so he felt he could attend knowing that Sophia had Gus with her in case anything happened. 

As usual, he worried for her constantly. When she didn't text him all day, he was starting to feel antsy. 

It wasn't until he received an alarming call from Ethan that he realized something had happened. 

Already on his way back to central New Vista, he answered the phone quickly. 

"What is it?" he barely got out before Ethan started talking in a rushed, panicked tone. 

"I'm headed towards Sophia and our townhouse right now," Ethan explained. "A neighbor called to tell me that it was on fire. They already called the fire department. Sophia's on her way there and I'm rushing as quickly as I can. I'm across town. Shit– Watch where you're going!" 

It was clear that Ethan was driving when Luca heard honking and then his shouting.