Remembering the Bad

Grant's expensive car. It was the first thing he purchased after getting his very first bonus from Falcone Investments and Holdings. 

To get into the car, one had to lower themselves almost uncomfortably to climb in. Grant thought it made the car look better but it had always bothered Sophia when she wore dresses. 

That was the first of so many things she had put up with for so long. Yet she was only realizing as she drove away with Grant that she had been putting up with things at all. 

She had an expectation of love that was unimpressive. To love another person meant to sacrifice yourself. That was all Grant ever showed her. 

At these realizations, the blame she had been building in her heart towards the Morellis and Luca was slowly starting to crumble. She realized she couldn't blame Luca. It was all his father and he was very much a separate entity from his name.