Everyone Leaves

Sophia's scar was showing.

As she stared up at Luca, genuinely worried that there could be other women in his life, he saw the fresh scar she got from Grant and all he wanted to do was hug her. However, he was also feeling upset that he needed to further prove himself to her.

What he did with Sophia was entirely out of feeling. He was going with what felt right and there was nothing more to it than that.

For once in his life, he wasn't seeing their relationship for how it could benefit him.

Then she mentioned Miss Marcaida and the events of the day fell in to place all of a sudden.

Luca realized his mistake in simply expecting Sophia to go along with his plans. He expected her to be understanding when one of the richest women in the world comfortably sat on his desk and interrupted his day as if she had the entitlement to act so familiar with him.