The Club in the Crystal Tower

After helping Sophia into the tall vehicle, Gus pulled it around to the back of the hotel. 

Right away Sophia realized they were going to get Luca from a different entrance. A measure to ensure that no one would know he was leaving with her. As much as she appreciated the lengths he went to protect her from the ridicule of others, it also felt a little bad that women didn't see him as taken and would do what they could to cozy up to his size. 

It was another test of their trust even though there was nothing to test. It was simply Sophia's omega instincts going into overdrive thinking that someone was after the alpha she wanted. 

As she leaned into the comfortable leather seat, Sophia put a hand over her forehead and let out a light sigh. 

"Maybe I had too much to drink tonight," she muttered. 

Gus turned in his seat, looking at her with slight alarm. 

"Are you feeling alright?" he asked her.