Private Dinner

The moment they were off the elevator, Sophia didn't know what to expect. 

They were taken to a tower that seemed different than the rest of the building. Since it was nighttime, the city lights were beautiful but it felt eerie being in such darkness as they walked forward. 

She was expecting someone to wait on them or show them where to go, but Luca simply put his arm around her waist and guided her down the curved hallway, the music getting louder as they went. 

A few people passed by them and seemed to have faint recognition of Luca, though neither party acknowledged each other. 

Before they could dead end in the midst of the club and dancing where more people seemed to be headed, Luca took a sharp left into an open door, pulling Sophia with him. 

They were in a room they had to walk a couple of steps down to get to a large sectional couch with a low table that had the drinks and hors devours sitting on it.