Waiting For Him

Even though the omega educator at the hospital told Sophia that Luca could leave her side after two days, she still felt sick at him being away from her for so long when she was feeling so vulnerable.

Despite others living in the penthouse, she felt so alone.

Ethan had a couple of clients before shutting himself in his room. She also couldn't visit Rachel because she didn't know how her pheromones were doing since she and Luca mated. She hoped that they were finally enough that Rachel wouldn't be sick in her presence any longer, but she wasn't willing to test it.

The sun had long since set but Sophia remained awake. Even if she had to prop herself up against pillows while her eyes felt heavy, she wanted to see Luca return even if it meant she would miss out on sleep.

Considering Vince had practically overhauled the company and they couldn't go into the office, it wasn't as if Sophia had anything she needed to do.