Funeral II

With Luca waiting in the front of the funeral home, thanking a few people for attending the funeral, Sophia and Gus walked to the front of the room.

All the other seats inside were already full and, as Sophia made it to the pews set up in the large room, she crouched on one knee and kissed her hand before putting it towards the front where a cross stood. Her grandparents were religious and the process wasn't new to her. 

Gus did the same and they went to sit in the front. 

Soon after, a priest walked from a side door to the altar after paying his respects to the cross on the front. 

There was a prayer before the priest began his speech, holding a bible as he took a few words from inside to support the words he was already saying. 

He thanked everyone for being there and paying respects to the deceased before he told the church that it was time to receive the body before the burial.