Somewhere Between a Dream and a Nightmare

The moment was nerve-wracking. 

Sophia stood in her bathroom, staring at the pregnancy test for a long time before gaining the courage to take it out of the box. 

Her hands were shaking because her nerves were all over the place. She didn't know if she wanted a negative or a positive. She felt out of control of her life, much less someone else's life. 

However, she knew it was beautiful that their love could have resulted in something as amazing as a life. Ever since she found out she was an omega, people were concerned about her fertility. 

Even though she was born a beta, she knew it was important to pass along her genes so her lines wouldn't die out. It was significant for Luca who had a legacy to pass along. 

She gasped. 


The whole time she thought about herself but then she started thinking about him. She couldn't be mad at him for not being there because he would beat himself up when he found out.