Where She Was All Along

Rachel could smell dominant omega pheromones the moment they were ushered into the spacious apartment of the Morelli matriarch. It was mouth-watering for an alpha feeling touch deprived. 

However, she wasn't a monster who couldn't control herself. 

They were brought to a sitting area outside on a rooftop balcony where they were offered refreshments as they sat underneath a large white umbrella. 

Rachel sat next to Ethan so only his pheromones would affect her. Even though they weren't a couple, it felt far less unsettling to be affected by someone she was used to than someone she had just met. 

She could tell her rut was just around the corner by how she behaved so sensitively. 

On the other hand, Sophia found herself almost starstruck at the sight of Stella Morelli-Falcone in the flesh. In her shock, Gus could read the situation and, even though he was shocked, he still led Sophia forward with her hand on his arm.