Mrs. Morelli

While the newcomers were settling into an apartment a couple of floors below, Stella had one of her workers go into a nearby city to retrieve more information on Sophia, Ethan, and Rachel. Because of her family's legacy, Stella still had connections in New Vista. 

With their files on the table, she pored over the information slowly.

First and foremost, she imagined she would keep them all in the same place because they would be most comfortable that way. Due to their connection with her son, she wanted to find them nicer places to live.

As far as she was concerned, their choice of house would be her first grandchild's home sometime in the future.

However, there was something Stella kept coming back to.

Sophia's last name was Prince. There were a few Princes that used to live in the area but they rejoined beta society and never turned back. It was all because they had a beta son, much like Gus.