Destiny, the enigmatic force that weaves through the ages, orchestrating the intricate dance of fate. A sacred princess from Persia, the daughter of a barbarian warlord, the last heir of a forgotten Celtic lineage, a girl from the Nordic realms, and an aristocratic maiden from a prestigious Roman family—all joined Lucas in experiencing this epic adventure.
cover of the book made me wanna read to be honest.i can say it is Outstanding novel with good character development . story is interesting its my taste
The writing quality is good and the world background was well described. The characters need to be more fleshed out, especially Lucas. Overall it's a good read.
This is a good read, it has an interesting plot, and the perfect use of word choice.. keep it up dear Author
The writing is quite commendable, and the portrayal of the world background is vivid. Yet, there's room for more depth in character development, especially for Lucas. Nevertheless, the overall experience of the read is enjoyable. Highly recommend it!
Great writing and captivating storyline. even though I just started I can't help but want more! Keep up the good work author!
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