
Diririt, diririt, diririt

 Hector slowly opened his eyes at the shrill sound coming from the alarm clock.

 When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a white ceiling that was completely foreign to him.

After a little surprise, he started to examine his surroundings.

 This was his double room in the dormitory of the university he attended, but there were some differences. Unlike his own room, this room was much simpler. The items he had bought to decorate his room were not there.

 It looked more like the room of a highly disciplined soldier.

 Moreover, the bed next to it was completely empty.

 "Where is this place? My head hurts terribly."

 He stood up, looked out the window at his bedside, watched the front garden of the dormitory, and looked at the students coming and going for a while.

 At that moment, a translucent screen appeared in front of him.

 [Required conditions for system activation have been met]

[Starting activation ... %1 ... %2 ...

Hector began to feel intense pain, as if someone was touching his soul directly.

 Then his eyes slowly darkened and he fell back.

 Hector then saw a violent light stinging his eyes.

 "Pabtinsyt now life nnei** "

 Hector started hearing strange noises and slowly regained consciousness.

 All he could see was a huge light

"I wonder if I died strangely, but why did I die? Was it because I had cancer or something like that?"

 Then the voices in his head started to become clearer.

 "The patient regained consciousness"

 "Hey hector can you hear me?"

 The world before hector became clear as the slow light faded.

 He is quite sure that he is in a hospital room right now, there are two doctors in white coats and they are looking at him. When he heard what they were saying, he tried to ignore the burning feeling in his throat and answer.


 The doctor in his 40s turned to the young doctor next to him and spoke.

 "The beautiful patient has finally come to his senses. In the first place, it was quite strange that such a healthy person suddenly fainted for 3 days. Anyway, do your final checks, if there is nothing strange, discharge him quickly and send this child home."

 Hector , who was listening to the conversation, was quite surprised. Frankly, as far as he knew, wouldn't the doctors be eager for him to stay in the hospital for a few more days to get extra fees?

As hector was being discharged by the young doctor, he focused on things that had happened before, and that's when he realized he had some memories in his head that he was sure he didn't have before.

 When he was discharged a few minutes later and left alone in the room to change his clothes, he had a look of complete surprise on his face.

"So now I've taken over the body of another me in a parallel world and all the relatives of the me in this world are already dead? It's a bit strange."

 "I grew up in a state orphanage in this world and was adopted by a well-income family when I was 12 years old, and then, 1 month after I was adopted, my adoptive parents died in a traffic accident. After the state confiscated all my remaining assets, I was given everything. month started making payments worth $5000"

 " So, until today, I managed to stand on my own feet, and 4 months ago, on my 18th birthday, the state gave me back the property it had been holding... Wow "

Hector got into a taxi waiting at the bus stop in front of the hospital and gave the driver the address of the university. Then he took out his phone and looked at the mobile banking application.

 He felt a little joy when he saw {total balance $4,456,879} in his account.

 The screen he saw right before he fainted came to hector's mind. As soon as he remembered it, a screen floating in the air appeared in front of him. He looked at the taxi driver again for a while.

 Although the taxi driver checked him in the mirror several times, he did not make any strange expressions, so hector made sure that only he could see the screen in front of him.

 [Welcome to the devil hunter system]

When he focused on the screen, he saw these texts on a black background

 After reading the text, the text in front of it disappeared and was replaced with new ones.

 [To view your profile, just click profile]

 In order not to attract the attention of the driver in front of him, hector held his phone up and called out "profile" as if he were making a voice call.

 [Name: hector black

 Age 18

 Power:10 (max for ordinary people)

 Speed: 10 (max for ordinary people)

 Durability: 10 (ordinary people max)

 Defense: 10 (max for ordinary people)

 Spirit: 10 (max for ordinary people)

 Intelligence: 10 (max for ordinary people)

 Chance: 9

 Charisma : 8 ]

 [Just think of the commands to communicate with the system]

Hector looked at the screen in front of him, he was a little surprised. According to his memories, although he was a healthy, tall and handsome person, he was far from calling himself the pinnacle of humanity.

 When he lifted his shirt and looked under it, he saw his perfectly lined muscles. Just as he was about to look further, he saw the driver's muscles twitching in the mirror and realized that he was seen doing this.

 He quickly put down his t-shirt and started looking out the window. The slight redness on his face was quite noticeable.

 He called out to the system and asked what was going on and why he fainted.

 [Once you obtained the system, you received 3 starting rewards that will help you become the greatest demon slayer in the future, the first of which was the bodybuilding comprehensive package that will take your body to the top of people]

 "What about the others?"

[1-time raffle right]

 [ System function : radar ]

 " what is radar "

 [Radar is a function that you can activate once every hour and it scans the spiritual energy within 50 meters of you. The current level of the radar is 1, you can use system points to upgrade it]

 "So what are demons?"

 [Insufficient system level]

 "What kind of an answer is this? I think I need to raise the level of the system. Anyway, how do I raise the level of the system?"

 [With system points]

 "How do I earn system points"

 [Insufficient system level]

 "You were very helpful, thank you"

Hector started to search the internet for some things he had suspected before, although his memories contained some information about these things, they were pretty useless.

 After surfing the internet for a while, some things began to become clear in his mind, and meanwhile a voice rang in his ears, distracting him from his thoughts.

 "Sir, we have reached the place you mentioned, will you make the payment in cash or QR?"

 Hector returned to his dorm room after paying with QR

 "I have seen many people talking about supernatural events on the Internet, I think this world is quite fantastic compared to my previous world, but I have not seen such events mentioned on any news site, maybe the government is putting pressure on people to hide them."

 Hector decided to return home first.

When he entered the dorm room, he saw another young man looking at the laptop and when he saw him, hector started introducing himself.

 "Hello, my name is hector, you must be my new roommate, isn't it Joseph? You were the one who took me to the hospital, thank you for that."

 "It doesn't matter at all. When I just came into the room, I couldn't wake you up, even though you were lying on the floor and you looked like you were okay. Also, your name is Yusuf, although it's quite similar, it's a little different."

 "I heard the name Yusuf for the first time, I guess you are not from America"

 "No, I came from Turkey and I'm studying abroad."

 After a brief introduction, Yusuf continued to mind his own business, while hector looked at the class schedule and realized that he had to attend a lecture in half an hour.

 After a quick shower and change of clothes, he used the radar once before going to class and when he saw that there was no abnormality around him, he went to class.