After a few lessons, I lost my enthusiasm for the new world, still the same boring nonsense.

Hector returned to his dorm room after classes. This time, there was no one in the room. He remembered the results of the scanning process he did in class. After using it in a class of 60 people, according to the information he received from the system, there was a ghost 5 meters in front of him.

No matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find anyone. Everyone was ordinary people. Maybe he couldn't see the ghost. He decided to think like this and forget about it. When he returned to his dorm room, he asked the system.

[Ghosts are divided among themselves according to their spiritual power levels, from low to high (ordinary ghost - vengeful spirit - spirit body - ghost king) ordinary ghosts cannot be seen by normal people and cannot harm ordinary people]

"So ordinary ghosts are harmless"

[Ordinary ghosts can reach upper levels if they roam freely for a long time]

"Then I will have to get rid of it. Now that I think about it, I had one draw right, I want to use my system draw right."

Everything in front of hector turned into black and white. When he looked outside in surprise, he saw a few people standing in front of the dormitory in a walking position. When he turned back again, he saw a huge slot machine in front of him, but unlike the normal ones, there was only one gap. At this time, the system explained to him.

[Just pull the handle of the slot machine]

Hector went to the slot machine, grabbed the handle and pulled it down, and the slot machine started working with strange sounds.

After a while, an asterisk appeared on the slot machine's screen.

The system explained its meaning before he even asked

[Congratulations host, you have successfully acquired a skill. You can check your profile to check your skill]


[Name: hector black

Age 18

Power: 10

Speed: 10

Durability: 10

Defense: 10

Spirit: 10

Intelligence: 10

Chance: 9

Charisma: 8


Shō* lvl1

(collect some spiritual power at the tip of your finger and throw it forward)

System capabilities;

Radar lvl1]

"Shō feels like I've seen this before in an anime"

[The abilities and items you obtain from the system's draw are produced from fantasy images in your memories]

"It's just images, that is, books and things I read are not included, right?"

[ No ]

"Anyway, it's still very cool, how do I use it?"

[It will be enough to read the magic mantra instilled in your memory]

After looking around for a while, hector found an empty soda can.

He placed the coke can on the small table in the middle of the room, walked up to the door, put his finger on the can and said shō.

Instantly, some invisible force flew in front of his finger and hit the can of cola. The resulting energy quickly threw the can of cola towards the glass, causing the glass to break and the can to fly out.

Hector was still pinned in shock.

Many emotions were mixed inside him; on the one hand, he was excited because of his power, and on the other hand, he was nervous because the glass was broken.

But right after that, he felt a pain in his head and it passed, he decided to ask the system what happened.

[The skill you used has consumed all your spiritual power. If you rest a little, you will be relieved]

After sitting for a while, the headache quickly went away, and then there was a knock on the door.

The person who came was the dormitory manager.

10 minutes later, in the principal's office, hector continued to be scolded by the principal, even though he said he would cover the damage again. Finally, he couldn't stand it and said he would leave the dormitory, leaving the principal behind in a daze, returning to his room and packing his belongings.

It had only been 3 weeks since the schools had opened, and he still had enough money in his pocket. He took a taxi and checked into a five-star hotel nearby. Then he started looking at houses on the internet.

After looking for a while, he decided to invest his family's money and set out to meet with a real estate company to buy a building he had his eye on.

The building he planned to buy was a newly built building with a total of 55 flats, very close to the university. There are 10 floors and the first 9 floors consist of 8 1+2 flats. The 10th floor is a single residence. He plans to live there himself. According to the prices on the internet, he will pay for 54 ordinary flats. The price is 75,000 dollars, which makes a total of 4.05 million dollars. No price has been specified for the top floor.

Hector called the real estate company and told them what he planned to do and was invited to the real estate company.

He took a taxi and headed towards the real estate company. It was already dark. While he was watching the side streets from the window, he saw a few young people in a side street and beating another young man.

While hector's previous life was quite calm, this time he had some difficulties because he was an orphan, at least encountering an event like this did not leave any impact on him.

When he reached the real estate company, he was greeted by a middle-aged, bald and fat man, his eyes were very sunken, when he saw hector. , his face brightened and he came to greet him with excitement.

After a while, hector and the man who he learned was the regional manager of the real estate company signed the agreement in the office.

Hector couldn't help but be a little skeptical when he left the company. He assumed that the man would ask him for at least 4.5 million. On the contrary, the man hurriedly sold the house for as cheap as possible, as if he wanted to get rid of the house.

After all, all the paperwork was completed, he had a bag of keys on his back and more than $500,000 in his bank account.

Even though hector was a little scared, he calmed down again when he thought about his abilities. After all, he was not an ordinary person, he was now a full-fledged demon hunter.

He decided to go to the hotel first and check the house tomorrow after school.

While we were waiting for the Uber call in front of the company, a light rain made us stop for a snack.

5 minutes later an Uber stopped in front of him and he got in the back as usual

Hector had been feeling a strange coldness that had been shaking him ever since he got into the vehicle. He got a little suspicious and activated the system radar, and the system warned him that there was a ghost within 2 meters of him.

When hector looked at the female driver through the mirror, he saw some details he had not noticed before.

The female driver's hair was falling from her head and her skin was very white.

Meanwhile, the system screen appears.

[Congratulations host you got your first mission]

[First hunt]

[You have now been marked as prey by a ghost. He plans to take you to a secluded place and hunt you. Show him who the real hunter is.

Mission difficulty: medium

Quest requirement: kill ghost

Quest reward: rare dagger + 10 points]

Hector's initial anxiety due to the warning he received from the radar began to give way to excitement.

Of course, he did not show any emotion to the outside, his face was still the same as in the first moment.

As time passed, the vehicle began to move towards the coastline. Finally, when it came to a dark corner of the beach, the woman sitting in the front turned her head 180 degrees back and looked at the car.

Meanwhile, hector shaped his hand into a gun and pointed his index finger at the woman's forehead.

After a one-second delay, the woman's mouth split into four pieces, revealing the inside of her mouth filled with sharp teeth, a long tongue, and a sticky substance.

At this moment, a spiritual whisper came from hector mouth.


With the explosion of spiritual power, the blood and flesh torn from the woman's head jumped towards the windshield of the car. After a few seconds, the woman's body parts turned into ash and slowly dispersed in the air.

Hector heart was beating fast. The disgusting view he had just seen was still fresh in his memory. He quickly got out of the car, threw himself on the beach and took deep breaths quickly. After 5 minutes, he was able to calm down.

He stood up and looked at the vehicle behind him. It no longer looked the same as when he first got in. There was a shattered vehicle with its front end completely caved in. At that moment, the voice of the system appeared in his head.