[Congratulations host, you have completed your first mission. In honor of your first mission, the amount you can increase the reward by doing a month once has increased from 10% to 1000%. Would you like to complete the ritual?]

[Congratulations host, you have earned 158 points by hunting mid-level vengeful spirits]

"what is the ritual"

[The ritual is a ceremony where you can relieve the spirits of some special ghosts by learning the reason why they turned into ghosts]

"Okay, then we can't miss this opportunity. This is an opportunity to become stronger. This world is not as safe as before."

After a few seconds, hector discovered that he had new memories in his head.

Apparently this woman's name is Arya

One day, he called a taxi as usual to go home from work, and although he waited for a long time, the taxi did not arrive, so he decided to call an Uber.

She called for an Uber. When it arrived, she got in and told him the location of her house. There was a middle-aged, dark-skinned person in front as the Uber driver. The woman understood from his conversation that the other person was Eastern.

The driver was completely drunk, apparently Arya had an argument with the driver about this issue and during the conversation he talked back and forth about her nationality. The driver got angry due to drunkenness and took out the gun he was holding next to the seat and emptied the entire magazine on the woman.

Later, the man, who came to his senses with the effect of adrenaline, buried the car under the sand at dusk on the beach.

Because of the woman's grudge against the man, the woman's soul could not leave the world and turned into a vengeful spirit.

Hector then opened his eyes and took in all the memories before letting out a big breath.

[Congratulations host month has been completed successfully, your rewards are being distributed]

[Congratulations to the host for earning 1000 points]

While hector was waiting for the reward distribution, a dagger with a red blade and a pitch black handle fell in front of him.

When he took the dagger in his hand, a system screen reflecting the features of the dagger appeared in front of him.

[Name: Red prophet

Rarity: epic

Features: speed +50

Ability: sucks the blood from the user's body and releases a crescent-shaped mass of cutting blood

It was made from the tooth of a legendary vampire count who lived 500 years ago]

Since hector read the description, he could feel the speed +50 feature, his body was lighter than ever, it was like he couldn't hold it back anymore and decided to try it, he started running straight forward on the beach.

In just a few seconds, he was almost 50 meters away from the car. When he looked back, his heart was still beating fast.

"Show system profile"

[Name: hector black

Age 18

Points owned: 1158

Strength: 10+

Speed: 10+(+50)

Durability: 10+

Defense: 10+

Spirit: 10+

Intelligence: 10+

Chance: 9

Charisma: 8


Shō lvl1

System capabilities;

radar lvl1


Red prophet (dagger)]

"What is the plus symbol next to my system statistics?"

[Can use points to increase host stats or spin the slot machine]

"What does it cost?"

[Each point can be replaced with one statistic point until the statistics exceed 100. After exceeding 100, the upgrade cost will be doubled by 10]

"So 540 points is enough to make all my stats 100, why is there no plus sign in luck and charisma?"

[Luck and charisma cannot be increased through points]

"How many points are needed to spin the slot machine"

[Each spin is worth 100 points]

First I will increase my stats

After hector worked on his profile page for a while, his body felt as fresh as if he had been thrown into hot water from cold water.

After a while, he called the system to spin slots with his remaining points. Everything around him turned black and white. Even the waves in the sea stopped completely. It was a sight that cannot be seen not only in Chicago but in the whole world.

A slot machine appeared in front of him. When he looked at his remaining points, he had 618 points left, which gave him the right to make 6 draws. He spun the slot machine 6 times without hesitation, as a result.

Once star once gold star once dress once book 2 times round mark removed

[Congratulations, you have obtained the cursed eyes ability]

[Congratulations you have earned the system ability scan (congratulations on unlocking all the abilities of the first level system)]

[Congratulations, you have obtained a (rare) black t-shirt]

[Congratulations, you have achieved the divergent fist fighting technique]

[Congratulations, you have obtained two system points]

[You can check your new skills from the profile]

After the system finished speaking, a black t-shirt appeared in front of hector. Before it fell to the ground with gravity, hector had already reflexively grabbed the t-shirt. That's when hector noticed the changes in his body.

Although his body had not changed much, he could feel the huge increase in his strength. He couldn't hold back and started running back and forth on the beach, draining the energy in his body. He could hear the sound of the wind tearing when he punched the air.

After calming down a bit, he put the dagger into his backpack around his waist, walked away, walked to the main road, called a taxi and started waiting, while checking his profile.

[Name: hector black

Age 18

Points owned: 18

System points owned: 2

Power: 100+

Speed: 100+

Durability: 100+

Defense: 100+

Spirit: 100+

Intelligence: 100+

Chance: 9

Charisma: 8


Shō lvl1, cursed eyes lvl 1 * (focuses your spiritual power on your eyes, allowing you to see what cannot be seen)

System capabilities;

Radar lvl1, scan lvl1 * (allows you to see the characteristics of the person you choose, 1 per hour)


red prophet

Armors ;

Black t-shirt (when a dress, which has been a favorite for a century, is torn, it is renewed by consuming spiritual power)

Martial arts technique;

Divergent punch (wraps cursed energy around your fist and when you punch, you use the cursed energy to damage your opponent's body)]

Hector's mind was injected with details on how to use the divergent punch technique.

After a while, hector realized how difficult it was to use the technique. He had to convert the pure spiritual energy in his body into cursed energy when he punched.

After waiting for a while, the taxi approached where he was. As soon as hector got into the taxi, he first used his radar ability and after confirming that there was no problem, he went to the hotel where he was staying.

When he arrived at the hotel, he saw that it was still not dinner time, so he went down to the dining hall and ate 12 plates of food until he was full, under the astonished looks of the onlookers. Just when he decided to get up and leave, he saw a beautiful girl in her early 20s approaching his table. He thought just in case, and used the skill he had just acquired from the system on her.

[Name : Anna Jones

Age: 22

Power level: mortal (ordinary)

Special information: he last peed his pants when he was 8 years old]

Meanwhile, the woman came to the table

"Hey, hello, I'm Lila, are you staying in this hotel?"

"Hello, I'm Arthur, yes I'm staying here."

When hector saw that the other party was falsely introducing his name, he followed the situation.

"I'm a stranger here, but they say Chicago's nightlife is famous, can you guide me if you have free time?"

After what the girl said, hector realized that the other party was only hitting on him, after all, he was much more handsome than the average guy in both of his lives.

Hector politely rejected the girl and went to his bedroom. While he was changing before going to bed, he saw his reflection in the mirror. The color of his eyes was not dark brown as before.