His eyes used to be an uninteresting dark brown, but now, unlike before, they are a light brown, so light that they can even be called yellow.

After looking at it for a while, he accepted that it was the effect of the cursed eyes, sat on the bed, and began to practice the technique of converting the spiritual power in the divergent fists into cursed energy.

2 hours later, it was already midnight, so he slept soundly until the morning.

He got up at 9 o'clock with his alarm ringing and went to the university.

Class started at 10 o'clock and he arrived at the last minute.

While the history teacher was busy explaining the non-existent history of America, hector thought of the ghost he discovered in class last time.

Focusing his spiritual power on his eyes, he glanced at the classroom again and saw a shapeless spirit floating at the top of the classroom, one of his fingers secretly pointed there and silently said Shō

The hair of the girl with short hair sitting in front of the girl with glasses was blown into the air due to the wind while using technique.

The girl's scream and the soul explosion happened at the same time. Of course, no one could see the soul explosion or the Shō technique, but everyone heard the scream of the girl in front and looked this way.

[ Congratulations, you earned 4 points by hunting low-level ghosts ]

The professor looked this way and asked what happened to the girl.

"The person behind me blew on my head for no reason, I got scared, I'm sorry for disrupting your lesson."

"Hey you kid in the back, what's your name?"

Hector stood up and called his name while cursing his own stupidity.

"Come to my room at the end of class, student hector"

" Yes sir"

Even though the lesson seemed to go smoothly, the female student was turning and looking in this direction from her new seat.

After the lecture was over, I stood up and left the classroom to go to the professor's office.

When I went to the professor's room, I saw that it was not just the professor in the room, the girl I had troubled was also there.

After the professor's scolding ended, he turned and asked the girl, "Are you complaining, girl?"

The girl raised her head and looked at me. We made eye contact for a moment. The girl was wearing a skirt that couldn't be called mini. She was a very nerdy girl with a shirt and big round glasses. After looking at her for a few seconds without realizing it, I noticed that the girl was also looking at me and blushing. The girl started talking in a trembling voice.

"No sir, I don't need to complain, I don't think he blew on me on purpose, sir, I'm sure I overreacted."

I was quite surprised by the girl's answer. After all, the amount of wind that came out while using Shō was not small at all.

When the professor heard the answer, a look of heavy tiredness appeared on his face and he first told the girl to leave.

When the girl came out, the man looked at me with hard eyes.

"Student hector, if I see you bullying this girl one more time, that will be the end of you, I'll have you expelled from school the next day."

"I wasn't really trying to bully that girl"

"I heard the blowing sound right from the wood. Are you going to say that this was by mistake?"

When hector sees the professor's protective attitude towards the girl, he comes up with an excuse, albeit a ridiculous one.

"Actually, my goal was to make you hear, I wasn't really trying to blow the girl."

" What do you mean "

"It's just that the lesson was very boring, so I was trying to do something to make the lesson interesting."

"And although it is quite brave of you to admit this to my face, I hope that you will prepare me a paper of at least 50 pages on the colonization period by the end of the semester, otherwise I will do whatever I can to raise the difficulty of graduation."

Hector had stayed put and he didn't even have to think about whether his excuse was working or not, it was clear that he had completely screwed up.

Hector initially planned to check the house after leaving the office, but he realized that it was open and walked towards the dining hall first.

Fortunately, the paid system was used in the cafeteria, otherwise it would not have been possible for him to be satisfied with just one plate of food. He sat down alone in an empty part of the cafeteria, with a tray piled up to the top with food in his hand, accompanied by the glare of the cafeteria cook, and started eating.

After 5 minutes, he was already half way through the meal. At this point, he noticed that someone was sitting across from him at the table and looked up.

In front of him was the girl whose name he didn't know, with whom he had an incident in class, and while he was looking at it, she started talking.

"Bon appetit, I'm Lara. First of all, I was a little scared about what happened in class and I think I overreacted."

As hector looked at the girl who was trying to explain herself with difficulty, he involuntarily thought she was cute.

"Well, that teacher is actually my uncle, so he went overboard, I'm afraid, what punishment did he give you?"

"It doesn't matter, hector told me to prepare a 50-page paper about the colonization period."

"2 days is enough"

" Why "

"Give me 2 days to complete my homework and bring it back"

Hector couldn't even tell whether the girl in front of him was serious or just kidding. After all, how could she be such a stupid girl in the world?

"The homework period is until the end of the semester, if you want to do it, give me your number so that you can send it to me later when you do the homework."

" Ok "

Hector got the girl's number and was still wondering if she was too stupid or too smart and because she liked me, she was trying to act stupid and activate my protective instinct.

After thinking for a while, he used the scanning function of the system and scanned Lara, who was eating in front of him.

[Name: Lara plaza

Age: 19

Power level: mortal ordinary

Special information: EQ level is 1/4 of IQ level]

The answer she received from the system was exactly what she was wondering about. This girl is an idiot. After that, she broke the silence and started a conversation. Lara became more comfortable speaking as time went by.

Lara has been raised in the village since birth, was sent to university by her family because of her high academic abilities, and is currently staying with her uncle and aunt. Last week, she found a part-time job in a cafe and is currently looking for a place to stay.

Finally, despite his cold personality, hector couldn't stand it and unleashed his protective instinct.

"Lara, I deserved the homework detention in the first place because I caused you to be afraid in class, so how about a deal like this, I will find you a house according to your budget, and in return, you will complete my homework until the end."

It was quite funny that Lara's facial expressions changed as I spoke. After a while, she started talking.

"For some reason, I felt like I had done you injustice."

"You don't need to feel like this, I was looking for a house for myself the other day, I found a place with a lot of empty flats, and it's 800 meters away from the school. I don't know if it fits your budget. They want 200 dollars for monthly rent."

The price I quoted is much lower than the market price. I hope he doesn't get suspicious, thought hector.

"Ehh, is it 200 dollars? Is there a cheaper place? Well, after my expenses, I have 180 dollars left."

When hector saw how unaware the idiot in front of him was about house prices, he tried to keep his involuntarily twitching muscles under control, forced a smile and spoke again.

"I'll talk to the landlord, he'll give me a discount, he gave it to me too, 150 dollars will probably be enough."

"Thank you hector, you were very helpful"

"It doesn't matter, I'll arrange it this evening, you can move into the house whenever you want."

Hector said goodbye to Lara and left the school.

First, he went to the hotel, picked up his suitcases and moved to his new house, planning to get his belongings ready for living by the evening.

When he entered the house, he noticed that the top floor was completely furnished with the best furniture and once again he was surprised at the price he bought. Then he left the house and went to a nearby dealer to buy a bicycle to ride to school and came back when he bought the bike.

While he was about to enter the house and start the elevator going to the top floor, he heard rattling sounds coming from the basement and used the radar feature of the system.

[4 ghouls detected 15 meters below]

Without realizing it, a few small drops of sweat appeared on hector's neck.