attack on ghouls

[the lion is visible from where it lies]

[ you discovered that 4 ghouls have trespassed and hunted in your territory. A real lion does not keep jackals in his territory. Teach them who the real hunter is

Mission difficulty: survival

Quest requirement: Kill 4 ghouls

Quest reward: epic skill +300 points]

Hector remembered an animated series he watched in his previous life, and if they were the ghouls below, he wasn't sure he could complete this mission.

"What is a system ghoul"

[Ghouls are vampires who fail to suppress their bloodlust during evolution and cannot complete the evolution, they are also considered the lowest level of vampires]

When hector heard the explanation of the system, he couldn't help but feel a little more relieved.

Hector silently approached the stairs and started to go down to the lower floors. According to the system's description, the ghouls must be at least two floors below.

When he went down one floor, he saw a parking lot.

The ambiance created by a few flashing lamps in the parking lot was starting to scare hector , after all, he couldn't say that he had encountered such things in his previous life.

After looking around for a while with the help of the phone light, hector realized that the only thing going down was the elevator. This was definitely bad news for him. After all, the plan was to go down quietly, kill one of them secretly with Shō, and then fight the other three.

After thinking for a while, he decided to accept his fate. His statistics had increased up to 100 points. He decided that he could beat them by relying on this anyway. After all, they are just the lowest level, just a few ghouls who haven't even managed to evolve.

Hector went to the elevator and pressed the bottom floor. The elevator started working with a beep. As the elevator approached the lower floor, hector shaped his right hand into a gun shape and extended it towards the elevator door.

The heavy smell of blood and the sounds of wheezing coming from downstairs are already reaching hector's ears.


The elevator door slowly opened with the sound of a bell.

The first thing hector saw was four ghouls slowly gnawing on a dismembered corpse about 10 meters away.

Taking advantage of the ghouls not noticing the elevator, hector hid behind one of the columns in front of him.

Hector was about to vomit because of the chewing sounds coming from behind him and the strong smell of blood and pus that filled his nose.

After calming down for a few seconds and resisting his instincts, hector stuck his head out and looked at the ghouls again, taking advantage of the fact that they were still burying their heads in the body parts in front of them, he aimed one finger at the ghoul closest to him and used Shō.

Bang (crash sound effect)

The ghoul he hit with a loud noise was thrown backwards. After sliding a few meters, he staggered back to his feet and looked in hector's direction. The shot ghoul had a small wound on his chest, other than that, he seemed to be completely healthy.

While this was happening, the other three ghouls noticed the incident and roared loudly and attacked hector.

When hector realized that things were not as simple as he expected, he got worried and started running backwards. Meanwhile, 4 ghouls came after him, but they were not as fast as hector. This gave hector the idea to trust his statistics. He ran back and forth between the columns in the parking lot for a while, pushing the ghouls away from each other.

After he managed to separate the ghouls from each other, he quickly ran towards the one closest to him and hit the ghoul's chest with a hard fist.

The ghoul, who was thrown back a few steps, had a small dent in his chest. Although blood was flowing from his mouth and nose, he continued to attack hector as if he did not feel it at all.

When hector, who had no basis other than extreme adrenaline, saw the effect of the punch he threw, he felt most of the despair and anxiety inside him disappear.

Without stopping, hector punched him again, planning to take care of this before the other ghouls could catch up.

Before the ghoul could regain his balance, he was punched again and this time he hit the large column behind him. After hanging on the column for a few seconds, he slowly slid down to the ground and sat at the head of the column. On the column behind him was a picture of the blood overflowing from his body.

Despite this blow, the ghoul was still alive, but could not move due to his shattered bones.

When hector saw this situation, he looked at the other ghouls. They still had at least 5 seconds to catch up with him. He took advantage of this situation and activated his divergent punch skill, which he could not use properly.

A blue flame, almost black, appeared in hector's right hand, accompanied by a small spark, and covered his entire fist. It had already taken 2 seconds to complete the technique. He could not wait any longer. He quickly approached the ghoul and punched him in the face with all his strength.

When he was punched, the ghoul's face moved slightly towards the middle. At this moment, the energy in hector's fist followed his punch and was injected into the ghoul's head.

Boom (explosion sound effect)

The ghoul's skull was completely shattered by this punch, and a huge dent was even formed in the column behind it. The time between hector's fist hitting the ghoul and the cursed energy being injected was only a tenth of a second.

Hector's astonishment at the destruction he had wrought was interrupted by the approaching footsteps and roar of another ghoul. He turned his head and realized that the space between him and the ghoul's claws was much less than he thought, almost reaching his eye.

No matter how much he wanted to dodge this blow at that moment, he was a person with insufficient combat experience and it was too late for that.

Ssswwoossh (cutting sound effect)

The ghoul's claws had already made a cut several centimeters deep on his waist.

A deep pain sank into hector's mind, a feeling he had never felt before, and it was quite painful.

Hector's survival instincts woke him up. While holding his waist with his left hand, he punched the ghoul in front of him hard with his right hand. At this moment, he felt another pain from his back, similar to the one he felt before.

He noticed other ghouls surrounding him, despair and regret filling the depths of his eyes.

Just as the ghoul in front of hector was about to attack again, he heard 3 gunshots in his ears and noticed that the heads of the ghouls in front of him exploded at the same time. He knew that he was saved, but he had no idea who the person who saved him was.

Of course, this didn't stop him from holding on to his adrenaline and closing his eyes.

Of course, the last thing he heard as he lost consciousness was nothing but the notification sounds of the system.