When hector opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a ceiling painted a bright gray color. He couldn't remember ever seeing a ceiling that wasn't yellow or white.

After a while, the confusion in his mind disappeared and he remembered what happened in the basement.

Hector tried to sit up in bed in a hurry, but this effort reminded him of a pain he had forgotten.

"Please do not move, no matter how quickly your wounds heal, if you move, I will have to stitch you up again."

Hector was startled by the sudden voice and turned his head, and a little further away he saw a woman in her late thirties wearing a lab coat with a cigarette in her mouth while writing something on the folder in her hand.

" Are you a doctor "

" Sort of "

"What does it mean?"

"I also graduated from medical school"

"From which episode?"

The woman looked sternly into hector's eyes and frowned before speaking.

"You talk too much, you need to be a good girl and get used to being quieter from now on."

"Oh, what nonsense... Don't."

Hector quickly lifted the hospital cover over him and checked his lower parts. When he saw that everything was in place, he realized that the woman was making fun of him.

At this time, the woman was already laughing loudly and even dropped the cigarette in her mouth. While her laughter gradually calmed down, she walked towards the door of the room.

When hector just lifted the cover, he saw that he had no clothes on his body. Because he was careless when lifting the cover, he became naked in front of a woman he did not know.

He turned red with embarrassment at being seen and made fun of at the same time.

"Hahaha, don't worry, this wasn't the first time I saw you anyway, just be a good boy and stay in bed, the person who brought you here will come soon."

The woman left the room, leaving her last words behind and wiping the tears from her eyes.

Hector, who came to his senses after a while, took the opportunity to examine the room he was in. Strangely, apart from the abundance of high-tech devices, the only feature that differentiated this place from a normal hospital ward was that there were no windows.

Hector calmed down, remembering the gunshots he heard before he fainted. Whoever saved him was clearly no ordinary person.

[ Congratulations, you have completed the mission "Host"

After thinking for a while, he decided to get the rewards now. He didn't even know where he was right now. After all, one had to be cautious about an unknown place.

[ Congratulations, you have achieved 300 points ]

[ Congratulations epic talent (cutting lvl1)

You have achieved]

[ Congratulations on completing 2 secret achievements, you are now closer to becoming a predator at the top of the food chain ]

[ Marks of honor of a true hunter (you have created multiple wounds on your body) completed you get 1 system point as reward ]

[True Hunter's territory (you protected your territory from other hunters) completed, you get 2 system points as reward ]

[It has been detected that you have completed a secret achievement, the conditions have been met and the achievement system has been activated]

Hector had already forgotten the pain coming from his waist and back as he watched the notifications flowing rapidly in front of him.

He discovered a new tab called achievements on the system home screen, apart from the raffle and profile. Before clicking on the achievements tab, he carefully examined the room he was in to see if there were any cameras.

After deciding there was no camera, he clicked on the achievements tab. A tab with thousands of achievements opened in front of you, but there was only 1 completionable achievement, all other achievements were blurred and gave an insufficient system level warning.

The only achievement I had left was an achievement titled Gourmet Hunter and I had to hunt creatures of 2 different races within 10 minutes to complete it, but then I stopped thinking about it.

While looking at the locked achievements, a question came to he's mind that he forgot to ask before.

"How many system points do I need to increase the system level?"

[2 system points required to upgrade system lvl1 to lvl2]

"Raise it then"

[System upgrade started %1 .. %4 .. 10% ]

The system upgrade took just 10 seconds and was complete, now with a new display with a white-on-blue gradation instead of the old white-on-black gradation

"How many system points do I need to level the system to Level 3?"

[System lvl2-->lvl3 upgrade requires 4 system points]

After system upgrade, he only had 3 system points left.

He stopped worrying about this issue and looked at the new achievements, and the insufficient system level text on the two achievements was gone, but a new one appeared in its place.

[ Complete all achievements of the previous level to view ]

Hector's hands trembled slightly when he saw this article.

"Can you please explain to me what the system upgrade did?"

[ New features: adjustable system window colors * a new lucky draw * new achievements * new system features (locked) * ]

After hector heard the system's response, he immediately clicked on the draw feature. Like the previous times, everything became black and white again, but this time, there was not only a slot machine in front of him, but next to the slot machine, there was also a Wheel of Fortune with the word "lucky wheel" on it and all its contents with question marks.

When he approached the lucky wheel, he also saw a warning at the bottom saying that one spin was worth 1000 points.

"Oh, this system, why is it so expensive?"

[You may get content that is unlikely to appear in a slot machine]


Hector turned his lips and thought, Fair enough.

After a while, he decided to spin the slot machine once with the points he earned and increase his statistics with the rest.

He got a skill from the slot machine and distributed his points across his stats

[Name: hector black

Age 18

Points owned: 0

System points owned: 3

Power: 100

Speed: 200

Durability: 100

Defense: 100

Spirit: 100

Intelligence: 100

Chance: 9

Charisma: 8


Shō lvl1, cursed eyes lvl 1, Devil's Footprints* lvl1 (it is a pyrokinesis type ability that allows you to produce flames with your feet and control the flames), cut * lvl1 (pointing in a direction and throwing an invisible slash in that direction, the range is 5 meters)

System capabilities;

Radar lvl1 , scan lvl1 *


red prophet

Armors ;

Black T-shirt

Martial arts technique;

Divergent punch ]

He said with an arrogant grin on his face as he looked at the page the system showed.

"Balance is for the weak"

As he read the description of his new abilities, he was excited to try them out, but he was well aware that now was not the time.

As hector closed his eyes and concentrated, there was a new sensation in his feet and hands, his instincts screaming at him that he was getting stronger.

A few minutes later, a stern-looking middle-aged blonde man with a scratch from his eye to his chin entered the room.

The man's orange-blond hair fell on his forehead and he stood there examining it with a hard, hard look.

He did not hold back and used the system's scanning feature on the man.

As soon as he used the skill, a different screen appeared in front of him and he stated that his scanning ability reached lvl 2.

After a few seconds, a screen that only he could see appeared in front of him.

[Name: Roger darkgold

Age: 47

Power level: superhuman

Loyalty: PANIC (Paranormal activity national investigation commission)

Special information: He joined PANIC after his wife was killed by a vampire after getting married at a young age.]

After examining the man's features and envying his masculine appearance, hector decided to be the first to speak out.